Hikaru in Love?!

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It was another and ordinary day at Shingakuen Academy. After the school festival, all of the students were forced to go back to their studying. The spring semester was nearing its end, so they had to make sure that they were passing all of their classes.

"IMA-CHAN!" Came a familiar voice to Imani as she was exchanging textbooks from her locker.

Hikaru came running up to Imani and embraced her tightly, while trying to kiss her. However, Imani held her physics book up to block her kiss.

"Hey, Hikaru". She simply greeted her new friend, pushing her off. She was used to Hikaru's antics. Everyday Hikaru would always run up to her and hug her and try to kiss her.

Imani didn't mind it, since it just the way that Hikaru was, though she didn't know why it was only Imani that she tried to kiss.

"You know kisses are off limits now". She remind her friend.

Hikaru pouted at her new friend, but then sighed and stood up straight.

"I know. You're no fun". She told Imani.

Imani chuckled. "Get used to it. Besides, why is it that I am the only one that you try to kiss?" She asked curiously.

"I told you already. I like kissing you". Hikaru winked at her.

Imani eyed her curiously. "Could it be that you're in love with me?" She asked teasing and joking as she nudged her shoulder.

Hikaru stared at her and smirked, recognizing that teasing tone in Imani's voice. "Yes I am. I am in love with you Imani-chan. It happened the first night I saw you with Kaito. I have been hooked ever since". She said, holding her chest.

Imani stared at her, a bit shocked. She was only joking. "Seriously?" She asked, starting to feel bad for her friend.

Hikaru smirked more at Imani and grabbed both cheeks, starting to pull at them. "No, I am not in love with you. I was only kidding". She reassured her.

Imani pouted at her friend, blushing with embarrassment. "You asshole". She whispered to Hikaru.

"You're so cute, Imani-chan. You don't have to worry. I will not take you away from your precious Haru-kun". She told her.

Imani smacked Hikaru's hands away gently. "Good". She told her smiling.

"However, I do need your help". Hikaru said, getting serious.

Imani looked at her with the same serious expression. "What is it?" She asked curiously.

"I am interested in someone, but I do not how to approach her". She said, averting her eyes to the floor, blushing.

Imani looked at Hikaru shocked. "I never pictured you as the shy type". She said, poking her face, before patting her head, smiling warmly at her. "But I will do what I can to help you".

Hikaru smiled back at Imani. "Thank you".

"So who is this lucky girl that has get you bent out of shape?" Imani asked.

Hikaru looked around, until she found her. "Her". She said, pointing towards her.

Imani followed Hikaru's finger and stared at the person, eyes wide, mouth dropping to the floor.

"Ayumi?!" She exclaimed in shock. "Seriously?!"

Hikaru looked at Imani oddly. "You know her?" She asked, curiously.

"You can say that". Imani answered nervously.

"Can you help me?" She asked with a pleasing look in her eyes.

"S-sure". Imani said.

Hikaru hugged her tightly. "Thank you so much!"

Imani smiled nervously and hugged her back.

During physics class, instead of jotting down notes, Imani decided to try to write a love letter to Ayumi pretending that it's from Hikaru. She had no idea what to do for Hikaru other than this. She doesn't even know if Ayumi swung that way. However, it wouldn't hurt to try. Hikaru practically begged for her help. Imani couldn't disappoint her. She seemed to really liked Ayumi. She wanted her to be happy.

"Yes, you can make this work". She whispered to herself, getting pumped up.

After physics class, Imani searched for Ayumi's locker and slipped in the note that she wrote.

"There, now that's all I can do. The rest is up to you, Hikaru". She said, smiling to herself, before heading to her next class.

When it was lunch time, Imani met up with Hikaru and told her about the note she wrote and that at the end it told her to meet her after school at the fountain in front of the school.

Hikaru nodded. "Thanks Imani-chan". She said, preparing herself by inhaling and exhaling slowly.

Imani patted her shoulder. "Everything will be alright". She tried to reassure her.

Hikaru smiled nervously at her and nodded.

After school, Hikaru saw Ayumi standing in front of the school fountain. She stared in awe at how beautiful she was. The sun was setting behind her, illuminating her whole figure. Hikaru's heart pounded in her chest. Her face flushed and turned red. She was more and more nervous just thinking about approaching her.

"Okay, Hikaru, you can do this. Imani helped you out a lot. Don't let it go to the waste." Hikaru said, trying force herself to be brave.

Imani was watching the scene from behind some bushes.

Hikaru slowly walked up to Ayumi and nervously greeted her with a "hey". Ayumi turned around and looked at Hikaru. Staring at her, checking her out from her head to her toes.

"You are the one that wrote me this note?" She asked, flipping her hair behind her ear.

Hikaru gulped down the knot in her throat and nodded her head.

"But you're a girl?" She said, confused.

"Yeah, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Perhaps, I should just leave". Hikaru said about to walk away.

"Wait!" Ayumi reached out to her, grabbing her shoulder.

Hikaru turned around and looked at her.

"You're not a disappointment. This is....just new to me". She said. "You're very attractive, so I guess I can give you a try". She told her.

Hikaru looked at her happily. "Really?!"

Ayumi simply nodded her head.

Hikaru hugged Ayumi tightly, making her laugh and pat her on the head.

Imani smiled from behind the bushes. "Good luck you two". She whispered.

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