An Aberrant Method of Teaching

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Imani stared down at Haru's toilet. She squeezed her legs tight. She felt the urge to urinate, but she doesn't know how to in a boy's body.

"What am supposed to do now? They literally have to train you to use this thing properly". She said, crying in frustration. "Can't just whip it out and pee. I have to think strategically". She said.

Imani lifted the toilet seat, pulled down her pants, and grabbed the piece of flesh dangling from between her legs. Her hands were cold, so she yelled when it came into contact with it. She held it with both of her hands over the toilet and carefully relieved herself. She smiled widely when all of the pee made it inside the toilet.

"Yes! I did it! And on my first try!" She yelled excitedly.

Flushing the toilet and washing her hands, Imani immediately took a shower afterwards.

Haru stared at the mirror in Imani's bathroom. He was nervous. His face was flushed red. His heart was beating fast. Hands sweaty and shaky.

He wanted to take off her clothes and use the toilet and take a shower, but all of a sudden he grew nervous. Why though? He has seen her naked once before, but he still grew bashful and shy every time he does see her naked. Like it's the first time he has.

"Come on, Haru. You have to wash her body. You can't have your girlfriend go to school with BO".

Haru closed his tightly as he began stripping down. "I'm sorry Imani". He apologized.

Haru then opened his eyes and stared at his naked girlfriend's form. His eyes glanced over every part of her body. It was so beautiful. He couldn't take his eyes off of it. He grabbed her mounts of flesh on her chest, but it was too rough, so he ended up letting out a moan from his lips. He quickly covered his mouth with both of his hands.

"Okay, obviously those are very sensitive". He said nervously as he looked into the mirror.

Haru then traced her body with his index finger going down. Her skin was so soft. Blood trickled out of his right nostril as he stared at Imani's womanhood, but he quickly focused his attention on her ass as he grabbed it and squeezed it.

"I always thought Imani was beautiful, but she really is even down to her perfectly sculpted body".

Haru shook his head and turned his attention else where like using the bathroom and taking a shower.

When Imani came out the shower, she ended up staring at Haru's naked body. Ogling it.

"It was like it was perfectly sculpted by God himself". She said, staring at his mirror as she felt Haru's well toned body. "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it Haru. I always found you sexy, but I didn't know how much".

Imani shook her head. "Don't get distracted". She told herself as she forced herself to leave the bathroom.

Going back to his room, a maid was present, which made Imani nervous. She was wet and naked and in Haru's body. The maid bowed her head. "I have washed, dried and ironed your school uniform sir". She said.

Imani had no idea what Haru usually did, so she just bowed her head. "Thank you".

The maid was flustered. "Y-you're welcome sir". She said, quickly walking out of the room.

"I guess I didn't do that right". Imani sighed. "I sure hope I get my body back. I'm just glad it's Haru and not someone else". She said as she began dressing.

When she was finished, she grabbed his school stuff and ran down the stairs, where a nice breakfast was waiting on the table.

"Wow", she said, staring at the feast before her, "thank you".

Imani sat at the table and chowed down on all of the food, leaving none there. The maids and butlers looked at Imani weirdly, since Haru didn't normally eat that much and that way.

"Sorry", she said, before standing up and bowing her head, before walking out of the door, where a limousine was waiting for her.

"Shall we pick up Imani, before dropping you to school?" Asked the chauffeur.

Imani nodded her head. "Yes, of course". She said, entering the limo and sitting down. "Yes, M'lord". Said the chauffeur, before closing the door and getting into the driver's seat, starting the ignition and driving off.

Haru was so used to having everything done for him. He searched for Imani's school clothes, before putting them on confused. He found it very difficult to dress into. He then searched for Imani's school stuff. For a person who is normally organized at school, she was sure messy at home. Books and stuff were all over the floor.

"Geez, Imani", Haru groaned as he picked up all of her textbooks and stuffed them inside the bag.

He ran down the stairs, awkwardly. The skirt kept flying up, flashing his panties. Yumi had made Imani breakfast, before leaving for work, so that meant Haru was home alone. He was used to having all his butlers and maids stand by him, while he ate all of his meals. He felt kind of lonely, but he couldn't complain. Yumi and Shiro were both very hard workers. They weren't poor, lived in a decent household, but it still took a lot to make ends meet and take care of two babies and foreign teenager, while still looking after their daughter in America. It must have been hard for them, unlike Haru who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Haru finished up the breakfast, making sure to leave her note telling her how great it was, before leaving the house. He was surprised to see something familiar pull up, his ride to school. A smile graced his lips as he was relieved to see something familiar.

"Need a ride to school babe?" Asked Imani as she opened the limo door.

Haru grinned at Imani, enjoying her calling him babe.

"Perhaps", he told her, sliding in.

The chauffeur looked at the two of them, noticing something was off with them, but he couldn't figure out what it was. He just shrugged his shoulders and drove off.

"Had any problems this morning?" Imani asked Haru, faint blush appearing on her cheeks.

Haru blushed as well and shook his head. "N-no, not at all. You?" He asked her.

Imani shook her head. "N-no".

Haru smacked his cheeks, trying to get rid of the blush. He leaned into Imani and whispered, "So, what are we going to do at school and after school?" He asked her.

Imani was better at coming up with ideas than he was.

Imani leaned into him and whispered back, "Just keep trying our best at acting like each other. You won't have any worries at school, since I have no tests or anything. Just avoid getting called on and take the best notes you possibly can".

Haru nodded his head. "I do have a test in all of my classes though".

"No worries. I'll make sure you ace all of them. I don't care if it's like you or not". She winked at him.

Haru blushed slightly and smiled at her. He leaned in and kissed her on the lips. "Thanks". Being in a woman's body heightened his emotions. He felt more flustered than he normally did.  More shy and timid and nervous. Just by Imani winking at him, his heart skipped a beat. Is this how Imani feels about him all the time?

Imani smiled. "After school, we have to visit your grandma and see how to get our bodies back to normal. Do you know where she lives?"

Haru nodded his head. "Yeah, I visited her a couple of time. She lives out in the forest in a cabin".

"Okay, that's our plan. I'm sure your granny meant well. I don't know if she meant for this to happen or not, but I feel positive that she will gladly help in getting our bodies back".

"No, she knew this would happen". Haru told her.

"But why?"

"My grandma has a weird way of teaching me life lessons. She can't do it normally. She has to do it in her own weird way, which is why I love her".

Imani smiled. "Well do you know what she is trying to teach you now?" She asked him, curiously.

Haru shook his head. "Not yet. I'm sorry she had to involve you in this".

It was Imani's turn to shake her head. "It's no big deal. I'm just glad it was with you and no one else. I was shocked and frustrated at first, but this is kind of fun". She admitted.

Haru chuckled at her. "I'm glad".

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