No One?

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Kieran looked at himself in his car's rear-view mirror and saw a shell of who he used to be. Kieran used to be carefree, going out every weekend and social. Now he was withdrawn, paranoid and hated anyone who wasn't his friends or immediate family. He sipped on the bottle of water he had brought from home and waited for Ciara. He didn't want to go into the press by himself as he knew they would berate him and there would be a Sun article on him the next day. He saw Ciara in his wing mirror and smiled that she didn't get cold feet and didn't show up. Kieran exited the car, bottle of water in hand and walked over to the young detective. "Are you ready for this?", she asked, pushing her hair out of her eyes and looking nervous. "No", Kieran admitted, "But it has to be done, unfortunately". They watched more press cars roll in and Ciara sighed. "I just need to catch the stupid bastard", Kieran said, squeezing his water bottle, "Just one small mistake and I'll catch him. That's all I need, please God". Ciara put her hand on Kieran's shoulder and gave a comforting smile. He sighed, "I guess we should head and give them the beats", he said, "God please just help me out in this. I'll start going to church again I promise". And with that, they headed into the station. 

When the two detectives entered the media room, the crowd of 30 reporters went silent and all that could be heard was the clicks of cameras. Kieran gave a small nod and sat in his seat, pulling his microphone closer. "Good morning everyone", he said, "My name is Kieran O'Connors and I am the current detective in charge of this list". Ciara cleared her throat before she spoke, "And my name is Ciara O'Reilly and I also investigating this case". The room went silent as Kieran tried to think how he phrased the next sentence. "As I am sure all of you are aware, there has been a series of murders over the last few months and this has been going on for years. I am sorry to all of the affected families and you have my word I am doing my hardest to catch this depraved killer". Kieran felt his throat catch and he took a sip of water before continuing. "As the murders are ongoing, I advise anyone who is walking alone not to. Try to walk in pairs or groups if possible. I cannot enforce a curfew but when it starts to get dark, please head home. And last but not least, if you see anyone doing anything suspicious, please report it as soon as possible. Thank you, we will now take questions". Surprisingly, no hands shot up. Ciara looked at Kieran and Kieran looked at Ciara; they were both confused. "I guess that concludes the conference", Ciara said, "Thank you for listening". The two of them left the table and walked out of the room. That was very strange. 

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