26~Hope of Bangtan

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[Your POV]

I hugged myself tightly, gazing out across the small lake before me.

The stinging sensation was still bothering me on my abdomen, but I had other problems as I kept twisting strands of my hair around my finger. To clarify, the strands of hair that had somehow turned into an almost bright purple.

What was going on??

The sun was almost at the midpoint in the sky. It had to be noon about which meant I'd been gone for perhaps a solid three hours.

The sound of footsteps broke through my thoughts and I leapt up, poised to run when a voice called, "Y/N? You out here?"

I paused as someone crested the hill, the sun shining through his orange hair.

I relaxed slightly as Hoseok spied me from behind his sunglasses and waved at me before sliding down the hill to where I was.

"Finally found you," he exhaled a little, adjusting his shades.

I had to admit, sunglasses looked hella good on Hoseok. The dark hoodie and jeans he wore with a matching black bandana pushing back his wavy orange hair just added to the effect.

"I was getting concerned you might have been captured by another demon or worse," the relief on his face was genuine.

I bit my lip a little, unsure of what to say as the Bangtan boy stretched a little. Nervously, I pulled back my hair in hopes to obscure the unexplainable purple streak.

"You okay?" Hoseok glanced over to me. "You were pretty pissed when you left."

I just nodded.

"I know Jimin can sometimes be an absolute pain in the- hold up. Is your hair purple?" Hoseok took a double take.

"N-no," I squeaked, backpedalling as Hoseok began to approach. "You're just drunk!"

Hoseok stopped and stared at me. "Did anyone tell you you're a terrible liar, Y/N?"

I groaned a little. "Alright, I have no clue what's going on!" I exclaimed, giving up on trying to hide my hair.

"May I?" Hoseok reached over to take the strands of purple hair into his hands.

"Do you know what's happening?" Panic edged my voice as I once again caught sight of the violet.

Hoseok let the strands of hair fall back to my shoulders. "I have no clue," he admitted. "I'm a Healer and have seen all sorts of illnesses before. But I've never seen anything like this."

"Maybe it was because I was in the midst of the demon battle a few days ago and some magic might have effected me?" I asked uncertainly.

Hoseok shrugged. "Maybe? We should head back, then we can talk to Namjoon. I'm sure he'll know something or somehow to fix this."

I pursed my lips. "So you came to fetch me back to your guys' place, huh?"

"Actually, Jimin was the one who sent me," Hoseok ruffled his hair uncomfortably, laughing a little.

I narrowed my eyes. "He should've come himself then instead of being a coward. He's my babysitter after all. Or at least was."

"Listen Y/N, there's a lot of things you don't know about Jimin or any of us really," Hoseok said, tone gentle but firm.

"Let me guess," I rolled my eyes. "There's some big secret to excuse Jimin for his words to me?"

"No, there was no excuse," Hoseok replied, undeterred by my sharp words. "But there is a reason."

I clenched my jaw, refusing to give up my pride yet.

Hoseok sighed. "You shouldn't judge someone just by your first impression or things they may say if you don't know very much about their background. There's a danger to a single story."

"Single story?" I frowned.

"In our lives, in our cultures, everything is composed up of overlapping stories," Hoseok said as if explaining to a child. "If we only hear a single story or maybe even half of a story about something or someone, we risk a very critical misunderstanding."

I nodded slowly.

"Like for instance, we already told you briefly about all our stories and how we came together, right?"


"But you weren't told about the part of the story where there was an eighth member."

My head snapped up and I stared at Hoseok.

The orange-haired demon nodded solemnly. "When Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin escaped, they managed to free another young demon. Actually, it was a female."

"But there are only four-"

"Right," Hoseok nodded again. "There are only four female demons. And she was one of the four. She joined us and we all viewed her as like a little sister. We all quickly grew attached to her and all promised to protect her."

The fact that there was no sign or mention of a girl when I had come to the group told me that something went awry.

"We were attacked while we were running away. We fought the soldiers off, but somehow they broke through before retreating and they took our little sister," Hoseok said quietly.

"Did they kill her?" I asked softly.

"We believe so," Hoseok nodded, melancholy coloring his voice. "The 'Insurance lady' that you hear about all the time..."

"Is that her?" My eyes widened.

Hoseok quickly shook his head. "No. We thought that once ourselves. But she doesn't remember us at all. However, her age and everything about her... we think it's our little sister's spawn."

I gulped. That had to be difficult. To see someone that was most likely closely related to someone you once treasured who had no memory or feeling of connection to you.

Hoseok let out a rusty chuckle. "The Insurance lady's name is Sakura. And she absolutely hates Namjoon's guts out."

A reluctant smile tugged at my grin.

"It reminds us of our little sister," Hoseok looked up briefly at the sky. "She and Namjoon would always quarrel. But at the end of the day, they would often fall asleep together in exhaustion over their arguing."

I was an only child for my parents, so I had no real idea what it was like to have a sibling to argue and steal underwear from.

"Jungkook and Taehyung and her got along well and would pull pranks on us all time," Hoseok shook his head a little. "But she was closest to Jimin because he was the one who rescued her in the first place."

I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Her being ripped away hit us all hard," Hoseok inhaled shakily. "I think it hit Jimin the hardest though, he felt most responsible for her. Months after she was taken we hunted for her to no avail. Jimin especially searched hard."

The orange-haired demon adjusted his sunglasses again, and I caught a tremor in his hand. "In all honesty, I thought it was a little cruel that everyone made Jimin be your 'babysitter'. He lost one little sister, and now we're putting a whole new person on his hands."

My heart twisted a little as flashback to when I had been hiding in the pantry and Jimin had flung open the door after the Crimson Immortal ambassadors had left. The surprising amount of relief on his face and how he'd almost reached up to touch my face.

Had part of that been due to his fear of perhaps loosing another person under his watch?

"It probably hit Yoongi the second most worst," Hoseok continued. "As you see, Yoongi is easily grouchy and crabby. But in all honesty, he's just very overprotective and rarely relishes in simple pleasures or fun. He doesn't see the sensibility in it."

Hoseok cocked his head to the side, thinking. "Sometimes I wonder if part of him is still in the war. He's a warrior by heart, and he would protect any one of us at moment's notice.

Now a memory of when the indigo bear had just appeared and Jimin as screaming 'hyung.'

Yoongi knew immediately which 'hyung' Jimin had been calling for. He'd appeared almost out of nowhere like a god of war in lion onesie, ready to attack and defend without hesitation.

"Do you see a little better where we're coming from, Y/N?" Hoseok asked softly.

I took a deep breath. "I see."

"Are you ready to head back now?"

I nodded once.

As we turned to go, the stinging sensation in my abdomen flared up more painful than ever and I gave a small gasp, almost doubling over with equal surprise and pain.

Hoseok was beside me in a flash. "Hey, you okay? Y/N!"

I waved him off. "I'm fine... really," my voice sounded slightly breathless.

"You're bleeding!"

I looked down and stared as indeed blood slowly stained my shirt around my abdomen.

"Did you get hurt?" Hoseok demanded, kneeling down. "Can you lift your shirt up so I can make sure it's nothing serious."

"N-no I don't think I got injured," I breathed as I obediently lifted my shirt up just enough to expose the injury below.

It wasn't an injury though.

It was my scar, my moon-shaped scar that was bleeding.

"That's never happened before," I whispered just as Hoseok gave a sharp intake of breath.

"Y/N, this scar, where did you get it?"

"Huh?" I blinked. "I got it in an accident when I was very young. Why, what's wrong?"

Hoseok looked up at me, eyes round pools of soft orange-brown. "That scar... Yoongi has the exact same scar on his stomach."

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