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Draco had gone out to find Jaiden her clothes and luckily, he got a chance to take his money out from his vault before the Death Eaters could control it. He bought Jaiden enough clothes for her from Diagon Alley and went back home without getting himself caught. 

Weeks passed and Jaiden would be lying if she say that she didn't miss her family. She heard every day how Remus talked to her, pleading for her to reply, but she just couldn't. She tried her best to not reply back because she knew, if she reply, there was no way Remus would let her go again.

In those weeks, Jaiden and Draco will change for lookout every night unless it was a full moon for Jaiden. They will make a round from their cottage to their surrounding to see if somebody have found them. Sometimes, they will go out and seek for information about what happened so they won't leave behind.

Their weeks weren't going so good. Sometimes, Draco's mark will burn when Voldemort called for the Death Eaters meeting. Jaiden will help him by bringing him a wet napkin and wrapped it around his mark to make him felt better. The other times, when they saw Death Eaters was flying outside of their house, they have to hide because they knew they were looking for them too.

Luckily none of them stopped to check in that cottage.

Every time one of them came back from look out, that morning, they will share it with each other. It was like a meeting or something.

One morning among 6:15, Jaiden was awaken by Draco who was banging on her door room. She went to open it and saw Draco who was out of breath.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Let's talk about it in the kitchen." He said and walked away. Jaiden nodded and went back into her room to get ready.

When she walked into the kitchen, she saw Draco already set a cup of tea on the table for her. She sat down, thanked him and took a sip.

"The Orders will remove Harry from his Uncle's house this weekend. I've heard some of the Death Eaters talked about it in the Knockturn Alley." Draco informed her. She nodded.

"We have to help them." Jaiden said while staring at the table in front of her. Draco looked up at her in disbelief.

"Are you out of your mind?! They could see us! And, tell me Jay, what'd you reckon we can do to help them? Think about it, they won't apparated him because he still have his trace on him. And, I'm very sure that they will fly on a broom to get to wherever they want to move him. Tell me, Jay, where are we going to get a broom? Death Eaters are everywhere right now."

Jaiden saw his point. She said without thinking first. How come they can get a broomstick when it was too risky for them to go out? She sighed and leaned her back to the chair.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think about that. What's your thought?" She asked and saw him sighed.

"I've thinking about it on my way to come back. And, I think we could do this. When they move Harry, I'm very sure that Voldy is going to send most of his followers to catch him. As they're doing that, we're going to fetch Blaise with us." He said. A smile plastered on her face.

"That is the best idea I have heard from you." She said and Draco chuckled a bit. "So, we just have to get ready for weekend then." Draco nodded.

"And, Jay." He called when she started to not pay attention. She hummed in respond and looked at him. "I have another news. This will be so good for you." He said with a smile.

"What is it?" She said and looked at him weirdly.

"Last night when I was at the Knockturn Alley, I wasn't just heard about Death Eaters talking about Harry being move out from his house, I also heard this," Then, he silence while looking down with this stupid smile on his face. Jaiden rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Merlin, Draco. Just straight to the point." She said impatiently that made Draco laughed.

"Your father and Uncle Sirius, they are married." He said and looked up at her, still with a smile on his face. Jaiden's eyes widened in shock with her jaw dropped.

"They're.. they're.." She trailed on her words after a few seconds of silent between them two. She couldn't believe her ears. They really did it. Draco nodded while chuckling at her reaction.

"Married, yes." He helped her to finish her sentence. Her shock face slowly turned into a smile.

"Woah. Wait, you're not joking, right?" Draco laughed while shaking his head. That soon, being followed by Jaiden's laugh.

"But, wait. If Sirius is my Uncle, and he married your father, doesn't it make me and you are cousin?" Draco said and they burst out laughing after a few seconds of staring at each other. They couldn't believe this. They were cousin. "Okay, this is starting to get really really weird." Draco said again between his laugh which Jaiden agreed by nodding her head.

"Merlin, this is too fast." Jaiden said once she had composed herself.

"I totally agree with you. People will always say from strangers, to friends and to lovers. But, we're completely different. We're from strangers, to friends and to cousin." Again, they two burst out laughing.

Soon, it was weekend. That night, they get ready themselves before stepped out from their house. Before they went to apparated, Jaiden turned back to their house and made it looked like no one lives there. 

Jaiden took Draco's hand and they both apparated to Blaise's house. When they reappeared, they were standing at the edge of the forest where they could clearly see a big house stood proudly in front of the forest.

"Wait here. Since Blaise's parents is a Death Eater too, they can tell Voldy anytime about us." Draco said. Jaiden tried to insist but Draco immediately beat her at it. She nodded her head and let Draco walked to the house.

He made his way slowly towards the house with his wand held up in front of him, careful with his surrounding. He made a turn around the house where he knew Blaise's window be. When he arrived at the front of his window, he looked around before stuffed back his wand into his pocket.

He tried to find a small rock around him and eventually found it. He controlled his strength before threw the rock at his window. It wasn't late enough for Blaise to go to sleep. At least, that was what Draco thought. He picked up another small rock when he got no response and prepared himself to throw it.

Before it hit the window, the window being opened and Blaise's head peered out. So the results was, the rock hit Blaise straight in his face. Draco's eyes widened slightly in shocked before he had to hold back his laugh.

All he could hear was Blaise groaning in pain which made him had to hold his laugh even more. Blaise peered back out his head and looked down at where Draco was.

"What?!" He whispered yelled. "What are you doing here?!"

"We have to go!" Draco whispered yelled too. Blaise couldn't hear him. He signed to him to wait and went in back into his room. Draco waited outside of his window in confusion. But then, a long rope flew out from his opened window. Blaise emerged back.

"Climb!" Even though Draco couldn't hear him, he got his sign. He held the rope and slowly climbed it until he made it into Blaise's room. "What are you doing here? And how you're here?" Blaise asked again.

"I came to take you. Me and Jaiden need you." Draco said calmly.

"Draco, are you mental? Do you know that every Death Eaters are out there looking for you and Jaiden?" Blaise said, starting to get frustrated.

"I'm aware. But, if you can shut your mouth and start packing up, we can leave as soon as possible without getting caught by any Death Eaters. Jaiden is alone in the woods and we need you to hurry. Please don't tell me you want to stay here and that is why you're so mad." Draco said.

"I'm not mad because I want to stay, I want to leave. I'm mad because you risk your life and Jaiden's to come here. Do you know how lost I am when I got a news that you went with the Death Eaters and they took Jaiden with them? I was hoping that, at least one of you will still be by my side. But, none of you were there for me." As he said, he was at the edge of crying. He turned away from him.

"The Dark Lord told my parents to bring me with them tomorrow to mark me. When you guys just disappeared from your house, the Dark Lord was really mad. He told my parents that, to bring me with them tomorrow so that he can mark me. He wants me to take your place." Blaise said again with his back still facing Draco.

Draco walked towards him and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Then, come with us. You don't want to know how hurt it is to having the Dark Mark, mate." He turned him around. "Pack your stuff, and let's run away with us. You don't have to feel what I felt being under Voldy's control all the time. You could stop all these by coming with us."

Blaise nodded. Draco smiled and hugged him. When they broke the hug, Blaise quickly searched for his backpack and started packing. While packing, he stopped and looked at Draco.

"Where'd you say Jaiden is waiting again?" He asked.

"In the woods in front of your house." He said simply. Blaise nodded and started to pack back as fast as he could. They climbed out off the window and made it to the ground safely without waking Blaise's parents up.

They walked back to the forest and saw Jaiden was sitting at the edge of the forest while playing with the grass in front of her. But, something above her caught their eyes.

"Jaiden." Draco called. She looked up at them and smiled when she saw Blaise but their eyes weren't on her. They were looking above her with a smile. "Look up." Draco said again. Jaiden stood up and looked up. Her eyes widened in shock.

'I've found you.' Jake's voice came into her mind.

"Jake." Jaiden called in disbelief. He flew to her and landed on her shoulder.

'I've found you! I've found you!' Jake said happily.

"Jake, how'd you find me?" She asked with a smile as Draco and Blaise stood besides her.

'Your father let me free and told me to meet him back at the Weasleys as they go to pick Harry. But then, I remembered that Blaise must be alone so I came to check on him before I leave. Then, I saw someone sitting here so I decided to wait here. I'm surprised that you didn't hear me.'

Blaise and Draco stared at Jaiden who was staring at Jake. They didn't know what they both were talking but they certainly want to know too. Blaise cleared his throat but he still didn't get her attention.

"Um, whatever you two talking about, we want to know too but we have to go now." Blaise said. That was when Jaiden noticed them both.

"Sorry, let's go. Jake, meet me at my mother's house. I'm currently staying there."

'Okay, but I have to go to your father first.' Jaiden nodded.

"Tell me how he's holding up." Jaiden said before Jake flew away. "Okay, let's go." They both nodded. Blaise grabbed Draco's hand and they all apparated together to the cottage. When they arrived, they quickly ran into the house and Jaiden locked the door.

"So tell me, how'd you get out from the manor?" Blaise asked once they had made their way towards the couch. Blaise was looking at Jaiden but she looked back at Draco.

"You have to ask Draco about that. He was the one who took me out." Jaiden said while smiling slightly at him.

"I changed my mind. I knew, once Voldy meet her, he would mark her instantly and I didn't want that to happen. So, I creeped down to the cellar where they kept her and took her out. And, I didn't want to stay there anymore." Draco explained and Blaise nodded.

"We were lucky though." Jaiden piped in. "We came across with Voldy on our way out from the manor."

"Blimey, that must be so scary." Blaise said. "But, wait. I still don't understand with this Voldy's thing. I know who you mean, but why Voldy?" He asked and looked between Jaiden and Draco which he just shrugged and nodded at Jaiden.

"I don't know either." She said shrugging. "It just came into my mind." They all laughed.

"Tell me more." Blaise said eagerly.

"Well, for the start, turns out me and Jaiden is cousin now." Draco said and Jaiden laughed.

"What? How?" Blaise asked in disbelief.

"My father and Sirius, which is Draco's uncle, are married." Jaiden said simply.

"Professor Lupin is gay?!" Blaise asked in disbelief with wide eyes. Jaiden and Draco laughed before she waved her hand. 

"No. He's more like, bisexual." Jaiden said while laughing slightly.

"Woah. Damn, our ex-Professor is bisexual, Dray." Blaise said and they all burst out laughing again. That night, Blaise and Draco decided to share the same room. Jaiden was laying in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She didn't realize how long she had staring until she looked at the watch Draco gave her. It was 1 in the morning. Jake still hadn't come to her so she thought he will come the next morning. She turned to her side, shutting her eyes to get ready to sleep until a familiar voice came into her mind.

'Cub, how are you doing?' Remus's voice. She opened back her eyes and just staring. 'I still don't know if you can hear this but, me and Sirius are married. Funny, right?' Jaiden shut her eyes and turned to the other side.

'Your mother came into my dream few weeks ago, you see. It was the night after you get kidnapped. That was the first time I ever talked to your mother since I left you. You sneaky little thing, Cub. How dare you told her about you caught me and Sirius.' Jaiden chuckled as tears streaming down her face.

'I'll never get to lie to you two. Your mother knew from the start I proposed to her that I still love Sirius. Hell, she told me to marry Sirius, Jaiden. She told me to try to find you but, I have no idea in the slightest where you are. I lost, Cub. I lost without you.' 

This is the first time Remus have ever talked to her like this. Before this, he asked if she could hear him, pleading for her to reply. But, that night was different. Remus let out his feeling even though he wasn't sure if she could hear him. 

At this rate, Jaiden already in sitting position with tears kept coming out from her eyes. She cried silently as Remus kept talking to her about what happened to the Order. He told her that Moody was dead alongside with Hedwig. He even told her that Mundungus Fletcher told Voldemort their plan about moving Harry out. 

'Oh, yeah. There will be a wedding in two weeks, you see. Bill and Fleur.' Then, it just silence. There was no voice coming again. 'I want to see you again, Cub. I miss you dearly and it's killing me inside. I want to hug you, I want to hold you closer to me, I want to tell you how much I love you and I will never let you go. I'm so sorry, Cub. I broke my promise to you. I couldn't protect you.' 

'Jake is here with me. I think he miss you too. He didn't touch the food that I gave him, he didn't come out from his cage often and sometimes, when I asked him to deliver something for me, he would come back late. Just like before when I set him free and told him to meet me at the Weasleys, he came back late.' Jaiden chuckled. She certainly knew why he late. 

'I think that's all for now, Cub. I have nothing else to say other than just hoping you would come back, or at least reply so that I know you're safe. Goodnight. I love you, My Cub.' She wiped her tears and took a shaky deep breath.

"I love you too, Dad." She laid back down on her bed and shut her eyes.

The next morning, Jaiden woke up rather late then usual. She quickly got out of her bed and started to get ready. After that, she rushed down the stairs to the kitchen. She saw Blaise and Draco was making breakfast for them three.

"I have a news." Jaiden said while taking her seat.

"Wait, Jaiden. We're nearly finish." Blaise said and Jaiden nodded. She waited for them about 15 more minutes until they set her plate. She thanked them and gestured for them to take a seat quickly.

"Okay," Draco said, settled down himself. "What's the news?" He asked and started to eat.

"There will be a wedding at Weasleys in two weeks. Bill and Fleur." She said. The boys nodded.

"How'd you know?" Blaise asked.

"My father talked to me again last night. He informed me about this." Jaiden said and again, the boys nodded their head.

"Okay, now we know that. We have to find another information as in what Voldy's move would be next." Draco said and Blaise and Jaiden agreed.

"There's another thing my father told me." Jaiden said quietly after a few minutes of silence between them three. It made the two boys looked up from their food.

"What is it?" Blaise asked.

"Moody died along with Harry's bird. Mundungus Fletcher told Death Eaters about Harry being move." She explained.

"Err, guys?" Blaise called for them when he walked out from the kitchen. Draco and Jaiden were sitting on the couch after they had finished with eating their breakfast, discussing about what their next plan would be. They looked at Blaise who just emerged in the living room.

"If you don't mind me asking," He said, taking a seat next to Jaiden. "Why don't you just go out to Jaiden's family? I mean, what's your motive of running away when you doesn't even know what you guys gonna do for next?" Draco and Jaiden looked at each other before sighed.

"We don't know, Blaise. At first, I was asking myself the same question too as to why Jaiden didn't want to go to her father but then, I understand. We don't know if the Order would believe me. They would think that, Voldy just send us back to get the information from them. It could be anything else." Draco explained and Jaiden just nodded her head to confirm it.

"Well, I was thinking about this while I'm doing the dishes. How about, if you don't have other plans of course, we try to catch everyone that gives Voldy information? As what Jaiden said, Mundungus gave Death Eaters the information about the Order were going to take Harry somewhere else. My point is, we destroy every one of them so that, Voldy won't easily get any information about the Order." Blaise explained.

As he was explaining, Draco and Jaiden smiled satisfied with his idea. They never thought about that and it was a very good idea. They both agreed with that and thanking Blaise with his brilliant idea.

"One more thing, Jaiden. How about your Horcrux's thing?" Blaise asked while looking at her ring but, something else caught his eyes. It was a bracelet that he gave her.

"I made it and this ring," She said while holding up her hand for them to see her ring. "Is now a Horcrux. But, I don't know if it works. It could go wrong so I won't hoping on it much."

"Don't worry, Jay. How many times do we have to tell you? You're gonna be fine. I'm sure it will work." Draco reassured her.

As Draco and Jaiden kept talking with each other, Blaise couldn't take his eyes off of the bracelet that she was wearing around her left wrist. She wear it. He looked up at her face and smiled when he saw she was laughing with Draco.

He knew he have feelings for her. It started when they both, along with Draco, kept spending their time together at the top of the Astronomy Tower in their fifth year. The feelings grown even more when he and her spent half of their night in the restricted section at Hogwarts. He love her.

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