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Jaiden just stayed in her bed for the rest of the night. She didn't go to sleep. She can't even closed her eyes. When it hit 6 in the morning, Jaiden got up from her bed and went to start her day.

She changed into another clean robe, brushed her teeth and washed her face then she walked out. She was very grateful that there wasn't a bag under her eyes. She didn't wait for her friends because she knew they will start to ask about her detention last night.

She walked out from Gryffindor common room and went down to the Great Hall. She decided that she didn't want to stay long at the Great Hall. She just walked to one of the house elves and asked them for an apple.

After she got what she wanted, she made her way to the Black Lake. She sat down under the tree and simply eating her apple while reading a bit. After a few minutes, her attention went to her left hand.

"Does she will make all her detention like this?" She asked herself. She sighed and shook her head a bit. Then, she looked at her schedule. She have Potions that morning.

She nodded and got up. She took her bag with her and went back inside the castle. She immediately made her way down to the dungeon to the Potions classroom. There was no one yet so she just waited outside of the class.

While waiting, she just looked at her hand blankly until she heard a footsteps at the end of the corridor. She shoved her hand in her pocket to prevent anyone from seeing it. She looked up and saw Snape was making his way towards her.

"You're early today." Snape asked once they were close enough. Jaiden just shrugged. Snape walked to the classroom door and opened it. He went to the front of the classroom while Jaiden sat down at the back.

This made Snape looked at her weirdly. She never sit at the back unless the classroom already packed or she have a problem. Snape sighed quietly.

"How's your detention last night?" Snape asked. This question made her froze. Her body tensed which didn't go unnoticed by Snape.

"It went well." She replied quietly. Snape nodded but still unconvinced.

"Why are you sitting at the back?" He asked again and he saw Jaiden shrugged without looking at him. He looked at the clock and saw they have another 30 minutes before the class start and there wasn't anyone else in that room.

He made his way to Jaiden's table and sat down across from her. When Jaiden saw he was walking towards her, she put her left hand under the table.

"Tell me the truth. What happened? Even I can't enter your mind, Jaiden, I still can know if you have a problem." He said while eyeing her for any wound but he found nothing.

"I'm fine. Nothing happened."

"Jaiden, you know I made a promise with your father that I will look after you at school, right? Why don't you tolerate with me?" Snape asked starting to get frustrated.

"Can we just talk about this later, Professor? We have class."

"I can easily cancel our class this morning and talk to you. And something definitely happened with you last night."

"What?" Her eyes widened slightly.

"You never call me 'Professor' when we're alone. It's always Sevy. Once you call me Professor, either we are in front of the other students or you have a problem." Jaiden mentally cursed herself for her stupidity.

She just stayed silent and looked down at her Potion's book. Snape then got up from his chair and walked around the table to her side. On his way, he saw Jaiden was trying her best to hide her hand.

"Give me your hand." She gave him her right hand. "Your left hand." Jaiden hesitated at first. She knew she were doomed. Snape will know. Before she can do that, the classroom door swung opened and the students walked in.

Snape turned to the group of students that walked in. He looked back at Jaiden which he saw her body stopped tensed. That was when he was very sure something happened on her hand.

"Our class this morning have been cancel." Snape called out at the students. They all, including Jaiden looked at Snape in disbelief. "What are you waiting for?" He asked when no one move. "Get out!" He bellowed which sent everyone running out from his classroom. The door being shut by the last person who scurried away.

"Did you just cancel your own class?" She asked in disbelief. Snape turned to her and smirked.

"I told you. I can easily cancel our class." His smirk vanished. "Back to the topic, give me your hand."

"I couldn't run anymore, could I?" She asked sighing.

"No." He said and shook his head.

Jaiden held out her left hand and Snape gently took it. Then he saw the words that Umbridge made her do.

"What exactly happened?" Snape asked while still had his eyes on her hand.

"She just made me write a line. You can see it by yourself. Not long after I started to write, I felt something uncomfortable on my hand but I just ignored it. Then something pricked in my hand. When I looked at it, the words started to carve on it." He just hummed in respond while still looked at her hand.

"She gave me this quill, you see." When Jaiden said this, she got Snape's attention.

"What quill?" He asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know. It's red color."

"Blood quill." Snape whispered underneath his breath. "How long did you wrote those lines?" Snape asked.

"Err.. I started at 8:30.." She trailed on her words.

"Jaiden." Snape said sternly.

"She let me go at 12:40." She said loud enough for Snape to hear.

"What?!" She flinched. He couldn't believe it. It lasted for 4 hours. Snape put down her hand and went to his Potion's shelter. He took 2 blood Replenishing Potion and went back to where Jaiden was.

"Why didn't you come to me?" He said while handing her the potions. Jaiden immediately took it and drunk the Potion.

"It was very late. I doubt you're still awake." Snape sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"Next time after you get detention with that women, no matter what time it is, come straight to me. Understand?" Snape said and she nodded.

"You get to your common room safely, right?" Jaiden hesitated at first.

"Y-yeah. Sure." Snape raised his eyebrow and gave a knowing look at her which made her groaned. "I might have passed out on my way." Snape sighed and sat next to her.

"Anything happen?" Jaiden opened her mouth to reply but Snape stopped her by raised his hand in front of her. "Don't lie." Jaiden sighed quietly and nodded.

"I got this dream, but it felt so real. I remember that before I passed out, I fell on my knees and I just rest my back against the wall. I closed my eyes and then I heard someone's voice came from the end of the corridor. I think that's where my dream started. I called out for help but the person that came was Voldemort."

"What did he do?" Snape asked became worried.

"He took my left arm and pointed his wand at it. I tried to resist but I was too weak. Then, he said that it will sting. At last, he cast this spells. I don't know what kind of spells he used on me though. Then, I woke up from that dream and I was still in that dark corridor. I took my bag and left." Jaiden finished her story.

"W-what kind of spells?"

She shrugged. "I think it's, Morsmordre." Snape became paled and his eyes widened slightly. He took her arm and rolled her sleeve. He then, took out his wand and started to take off the concealing charm, if there was one but there wasn't. Snape sighed in relief and looked at Jaiden. Realization was plastered on Jaiden's face.

"He tried to mark me." Jaiden whispered but Snape still heard her. He nodded.

"But don't worry, Jaiden. It was just a dream. It's not real. You're not part of them." Snape said. Jaiden just nodded. "Did you friends know about your detention yet?" Snape asked and Jaiden shook her head.

"I've been avoiding them since morning. I know the first thing they will ask me is about my detention." Snape nodded.

"Is that why you were early today and I don't see you at breakfast?" Snape asked and Jaiden nodded. "You can't avoid them forever, Jaiden."

"I know that." Jaiden said and rest her head on the table. Snape patted her head and stood up to make his way to the front.

"What's your next class?" Snape asked on his way.

"Let me think, Transfiguration. God, I need to face Minnie after this." Snape chuckled at her.

"Have a plan?" Snape asked.

"I don't know. It's class period but yet, you canceled our class." Snape nodded.

"You can stay if you want." Snape offered and went to prepare for the next classes he had.

"Sure." Jaiden said and pulled out a book for her to read. At the end, Jaiden just stayed there with Snape until it was time for her Transfiguration class.

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