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A few weeks later, it was the day Harry will practice the Patronus Charm. Jaiden and Harry was walking towards Remus's office. Jaiden can felt that Harry was nervous.

"Dad, we're here." Jaiden said while knocking on the door.

"Come in." Came his voice from the other side of the room. They walked in. Remus then started to tell Harry what he was supposed to do. After that, Remus when to the trunk where the Boggart Dementor was in. He opened the trunk and the Boggart came out. Harry pointed his wand at the Boggart and started to say the incantation.

"Expecto Patronum." Nothing happened. "Expecto Patronum. Expecto..Expecto.." Harry fainted. Remus immediately went to Harry's front and get rid of the Boggart. Jaiden went to Harry side and helped him.

A few seconds later, Harry stirred. Remus pulled out a bar of chocolate. He snapped it into a small pieces and gave it to Harry.

"Here. I didn't expect for you to done it in a first try." Harry took it and started to eating it. Remus went to lit up back all the candles that has been extinguished when the Boggart came out.

"That is a horrible Dementor." Harry said.

"No, Harry. That was a Boggart." Remus said while lit up back all the candles that has been extinguished when the Boggart came out. "The real Dementor is more worst. Much much worst." Remus continued. Harry nodded in understanding. He got up from the floor and walked to one of the candles.

"Jaiden?" Harry called. Jaiden looked up at him.


"What memory you choose everytime you cast this spells?" Jaiden smiled.

"About how I spend my time with my father. Most of it about me and my father. I think that's the strongest happy memory I've ever had." Jaiden said. Remus who heard what Jaiden said, smiled. The memory she chose to cast Patronus Charm was about him.

"What memory you chose, Harry?" Remus asked.

"The first time I rode a broom." Harry replied.

"That's not enough, Harry. Try to think about other memory." Remus said.

"There's this one. But it's not a real memory." Harry said.

"Is it strong?" He asked and Harry nodded. Remus went back to the trunk.

"Are you ready?" Remus asked.

"Just do it." Harry said. Remus nodded and waved his hand. The Boggart came out and Harry pointed his wand at it.

"Expecto Patronum. Expecto Patronum!" The tip of Harry's wand let out a bright light. He did it. Harry slowly put back the Dementor into the trunk and Remus shut it.

"Well done, Harry. Well done." Harry stumbled back and rest his back against the wall.

"Here, eat this. It'll always help." Remus passed him another chocolate and sat down next to him. Jaiden, too went to sit with them.

"You did it." Jaiden said. She patted his back and smiled at him which he returned her smiled.

"What memory you choose?" Jaiden asked.

"About my parents. We didn't do nothing. Just talk among us."

"So, how'd it go?" Hermione asked once Jaiden and Harry arrived at the common room.

"Harry did it." Jaiden said and elbowed Harry and he blushed. Hermione gasped.

"Well done, mate." Ron said and Harry thanked him.

"Jaiden, I didn't get a chance to ask you this before. How many times you take to cast this spells for the first time?" Harry asked.

"My first try." Jaiden said proudly. They talked for the rest of the evening until supper.

The next morning was a weekend and was the day Buckbeak serve his death sentence. Their day went well, except when Hermione and Ron bickering about their pets because Scabbers was gone. Ron was furious with Hermione. Jaiden, obviously didn't tell them anything about Crookshanks and Scabbers.

That evening, they all decided to go down to Hagrid. Even when they were in their way to go down, Hermione and Ron still bickering. Jaiden and Harry just kept their mouths close and followed behind the two. In their way they came across with Draco and his goons.

They all heard that Draco and his friends were laughing at Buckbeak's fate. Hermione stormed to where Draco was.

"Ah..Come to see the show." Draco said.

" foul loathed evil little cockroach." Hermione said while pointing her wand at Draco's throat. He whimpered like a coward.

"Hermione, no." Ron said. "He's not worth it." Hermione took a deep breath and lower her wand. Draco started to laughing back but before he can speak anything, Hermione sent a punch straight to his face.

Draco and his friends ran away from the four. They started to laugh and went down to Hagrid's Hut. They knocked on the door and Hagrid let them in. After Hagrid served them with a cup of tea, he said,

"Oh, and Ron. You need to keep a closer eyes on your pet. I found him a few days ago down here. Not sure what he looking for." He said while pulling out something from a can. He handed it to Ron and that was went Jaiden saw Scabbers. She clenched her jaw at the sight of him.

"Scabbers." He breathed out. "You're alive."

"I think you owe someone apologize." Hermione said from behind him.

"Right. Next time I saw Crookshanks, I'll let him know." Ron said.

"I meant me." Hermione said and Jaiden can sensed that Hermione trued to keep her temper. Before anyone can say anything, one of Hagrid's vase broke. Hermione went to take the thing that hit the vase. The next thing they heard, Harry groaning in pain. They turned to Harry and saw he was rubbing the back of his head.

"Fudge is here." Harry said.

"Backdoor. All of you. You need to leave now. If anyone see you out here at this time, you'll be in trouble. Especially you, Harry." There was a knocked on his door. "Coming." Hagrid said.

Before Harry walked out, he turned back to Hagrid. "Hagrid, it's going to be fine." Hagrid nodded and shooed his out. The four of them hid behind the giant pumpkin Hagrid had at his front hut. Hermione then heard something from behind them and looked back.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"I thought I just saw..Nevermind." Hermione said.

"Let's go." Ron said. They all climbed back up to the castle. They turned around just to see Buckbeak being beheaded. Suddenly, Scabbers bit Ron's finger that made him loose his grip around him and he ran away.

"He bit me. Scabbers never bit me." He turned around and chase after his rat. Harry, Hermione and Jaiden had no other choices than to ran after him. They followed him until they arrived at the front of Whomping Willow.

"Guys, you realize what tree is that, right?" Hermione said.

"Ron, run!" Harry called for him who was still on the ground while tightened his grip around Scabbers. Ron looked up at them but his eyes widened when he looked passed the three of them.

"Harry, Hermione, Jaiden run!" He shouted while pointing behind them. They turned around and saw a big black dog. Jaiden eyes widened in shocked when she saw her Uncle Siri. Sirius ran passed the three of them and went to Ron. He bit one of Ron's leg and dragged him down to the hole under Whomping Willow. Jaiden instantly knew that Sirius bought him into the Shrieking Shack.

"Come on." Jaiden said but Harry held her back.

"How we supposed to pass the branches?" He asked. Jaiden pointed her index finger to the tree.

"Immobillus!" She shouted. The all branches stopped moving and they all went under the tree. "This way. Follow me." Jaiden led the way. Jaiden was really grateful that none of them ask her about how she knew this tunnel. When they arrived in the Shrieking Shack, Jaiden went to climb up the stairs to the room where Sirius always stayed but this time Hermione held her back.

"We're in the Shrieking Shack, right?" She nodded. "How'd you know-?" She didn't get a chance to finish her sentence because they heard Ron's voice from upstairs. They all wasted no time to run up the stairs and bursted into the room. There they saw Ron was sitting on the torn sofa. Jaiden looked around the room for his uncle, completely ignoring what Ron was saying.

Then they heard a door creaked. They turned to the door and saw Sirius standing there.

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