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The next day, they all gathered around at the middle of the Great Hall. They talked among them while waiting for Lockhart. The Great Hall door opened and Snape walked in. All the girls looked shocked and started to whispering.

"Where's Lockhart?"

"Why Snape is here?"

"Please don't let Snape teach us."

"Yes, Snape gonna teach us." Said one Slytherin.

Snape went and waited at the back of the Great Hall. Everyone looked at him which Snape returned it with a glared.

'Sevy?' Snape looked at the crowd until he spotted Jaiden. He raised his eyebrow.

'Kick his ass for all of us.' Snape smirked.

'Don't worry, little one. I'm not gonna break my promise.' Jaiden smiled at him and he returned it with a small smile.

'Where's Dad?' Jaiden saw Snape shrugged. She nodded and went to talk back with her friends.

The Great Hall door opened again and Lockhart walked in. All the girls sighed in relief and looked at him with loving eyes. Hermione immediately ran to another girls and started to talk with them. Harry, Ron and Jaiden looked at each other and gave each other disgusting looked.

"Gather around, gather around. Can everybody see me? Can everybody hear me? Perfect. Since we have a dark event lately, Professor Dumbledore asked me to teach you all how to defend yourself. Now, let me introduce you my assistant. Professor Snape." He pointed at where Snape started to climb to the platform.

"Now, I don't want any of you youngsters to worry. You'll still have your Potions Master when I'm through with him, never fear!"

Lockhart and Snape turned to face each other and bowed. Then they raise their wand in front of them.

"As you see, we are holding our wand in the accepted combative position." Lockhart told everyone. "On the count of three, we'll cast our first spells. Neither of us will be aiming to kill, of course."

"One, two, three." Lockhart count.

Both of them swung their wands up and over their shoulders. Snape yelled, "Expelliarmus!" There was a dazzling flash of scarlet light and Lockhart was blasted off his feet.

All the boys, including Jaiden laughed. All the girls went to make sure Lockhart was fine. All the Slytherins cheered.

"You think he's alright?" Hermione asked.

"Who cares?" Harry, Ron and Jaiden said at the same time.

'Nice one, Sevy.' Jaiden thought to Snape.

'Thank you.' 

Lockhart went back to his feet and smiled awkwardly. He and Snape changed a few words which made Lockhart seems stupid.

"Well, let's have a volunteer to fight against us. How about-" Lockhart didn't got a chance to finish his sentence. Snape cut him off.

"Miss Lupin." Snape said and shrugged. He looked at Jaiden who eyes widened. "Come here." Jaiden went and climbed up to the platform. She went and stood next to Snape.

"Great, Sevy. No alarmed at all." She whispered.

"Yeah. That's what you got when you didn't stop calling me Sevy." He whispered back. "I helped you, you know. This is the right time for you to practice your wandless magic and to kick his ass." Jaiden looked up at Snape.

"I don't think I'll know from where you know I can use wandless magic, am I right?" She said raised his eyebrow.

He shook his head, "Never." He gently pushed Jaiden forward. Jaiden did the same as what Snape and Lockhart did. They walked away from each other and raised their wand. Before Jaiden can do anything Lockhart yelled.

"Expelliarmus!" Jaiden's wand flew off her hand and all the girls cheered for Lockhart who looked smug. 'Please, use Sevy spells? Pathetic.' She thought. All the boys looked disappointed. Jaiden looked back at Snape and he nodded.

With a snapped of her fingers, Lockhart's wand flew to Jaiden's hand. All the girls stopped cheering. Everyone looked shocked. Snape smirked and clapped for Jaiden. All the boys and some of Slytherin girls joined in and cheered for Jaiden.

Jaiden walked to Lockhart and passed him his wand. "Your wand, Professor." She smiled. Lockhart took his wand and mumbled thank you still in shocked. She went and stood beside Snape. Snape went and picked up Jaiden's wand from the ground.

"Nice." He said while handing her wand. Jaiden took it.

"Thank you." She replied and Snape ruffled her hair. Everyone looked shocked at how Snape treated Jaiden but just shut their mouths.

"Well, let's have another pair of volunteers. Potter, Weasley come here." Lockhart said.

"Let's put it this way, Professor. Since Weasley's have a broken wand, he's not gonna make it. How about, Potter and Malfoy?" Draco climbed up to the platform and stood next to Jaiden and Snape.

Draco and Jaiden looked at each other, Draco gave Jaiden a small smile which Jaiden returned it. They didn't have trouble with each other, but Draco can went too far about the trio which Jaiden didn't like it.

"Don't be so harsh with him. I know you hate him." Jaiden said while turned around  to follow Snape. Draco looked at her.

"Not promising anything." He said. Jaiden rolled her eyes and went to stand next to Snape.

They bowed to each other. Before Harry can do anything, Draco cast a spell on him which made him knocked of his foot. Harry quickly stood back and cast a spell to Draco which Draco flew backwards. He got up and yelled a spell.


Suddenly, a snake came out from the tip of Draco's wand. It started to slither forward.

"Don't move, Potter. I'll get rid of it." Snape said while walking forward.

"Allow me, Professor." Lockhart said. But all he did was made the snake flew up to the air and when it landed, it became angrier. It turned to Justin. Harry came forward and started to hissing to the snake.

It hit Jaiden. Harry was speaking in Parseltounge. Snake's language. It's hard to think either Harry was telling the snake to go away or to attack Justin.

Jaiden who already came and stood next to Snape pushed him. "Go." Snape went and get rid of the snake. Everyone looked at Harry.

"What are you playing at!" Justin yelled and walked out from the Great Hall. Ron and Hermione immediately took Harry and out from the Great Hall.

"Alright, that's all for today. You're dismissed!" Lockhart said.

The next day, it went well for Jaiden but not for Harry. Everyone looked scared. Now, the whole school thought that Harry was the heir. Ron, Hermione and Jaiden will support Harry.

"Ignored them, Harry?" Hermione said. But Harry can't help it. Everyone will keep looking at Harry. Jaiden got annoyed.

"Come on, Harry. Let's get out from here." Jaiden said and grabbed her things. "We'll see you guys at the common room." Ron and Hermione nodded.

Even when Harry was walking out from the classroom, everyone looked at him. Jaiden glared at everyone which made them stopped.

They both walked back to their common room in silent. No one said anything. Just silent between them. When they turned into a corner, they saw Justin was laying on the floor and Nearly Headless Nick was floating three feet from the ground. No sign of moving from both of them.

They walked closer to them. Harry went to Justin and kneeled.

"Harry?" Jaiden called and pointed at something. Harry walked to where Jaiden was. He saw a group of spiders was leaving the castle.

"Why this is always happening?" Harry asked.

"This is weird. I always found a group of spiders leaving the castle lately." Jaiden said.

"Caught in the act." A voice came from the end of the corridor. They turned to that voice and saw Filch. Before they can say anything, Filch walked off.

"Oh no. We're doomed." Just in time, Filch came back with Mcgonagall. She looked shocked at the sight of Justin and Nick. She looked at both Jaiden and Harry.

"Professor, we swear we didn't." Harry said. McGonagall shook her head.

"This is out of my hand, you two."

Jaiden and Harry changed nervous looked. McGonagall brought them to the entrance of Dumbledore's office.

"Professor Dumbledore is waiting for you two." She said and gave the gargoyle the password and the stairs appeared. Jaiden climbed it and Harry followed behind her.

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