The meeting

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Athena's pov

I woke up at 8:30 since the meeting is at 10. I have to prepare for this because it will be a tricky meeting.

I am having my assistant go in the meeting as the mafia leader while I go in with Dom as his sister. I already told my assistant what to do and what will happen so we should be fine.

I get up and do my usual morning routine and walk in the closet to pick my outfit. I put on a burgundy suit with matching pants and a black corset top.

Her outfit ^

I tie my hair in in a low bun then put on some jewelry and spray some perfume on. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and make a cup of coffee. Dom walks in wearing a suit and so does Andrew.

"You look nice sorella" Drew said.

"Thank you grande fratello " I smile. (Big brother)

"You speak Italian!" He asked

"Yup and I know about all the conversations you guys had in front of me in Italian so that I wouldn't know."

"Ohh ok." He said and started eating his scrambled eggs.

After we were done eating we got in Drew's keep and headed to my office that I have here. I had already informed all of my workers to not come up to and address me as the boss. So they know to pretend that Luca, my assistant, is the boss for the meeting.

We get out of the car and walk in the building. We asked the receptionist which floor his office was on even though I knew which floor it was on. They don't know that I know so...

We walked in and we shocked our hands and sat down. I gave him a reassuring nod.

"Mr Sorrento it's nice meeting you." Dom spoke.

"Please call me Luca."

"We are here to make an alliance with you. We know that the Russians have been after your mafia for a while now. We think that we could help and you could help us as well. Together we can prevent the Russians from stealing your weapons shipments and you could provide us with some of your weapons and resources. " Dom said.

I gave Luca a nod to let him know that he can agree to that.

"Alright then we could use your help and you could ours so I accept this deal." He says.

We all stand up and shake hands again.

"We will send you the paperwork by tomorrow." Drew said.

"Sure" Luca said and we walked out of the office. We were in the care on the way back home now and I am really craving some ice cream.

"Can we get ice cream?" I ask.

"Sure princess whatever you want." Drew said and I smiled.

We stopped at an ice cream shop and got ice creams. I got two scoops of chocolate and on scoop of mint chocolate chip. Dom got butterscotch and Drew got rocky road.

We finished our and went home. As soon as I got home I changed into some sweats and a hoodie. I walked in the living room and crashed on Ace who was on the couch watching tv.

"Tired?" He asked.

"Yup." I said and snuggled up to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I put my head on his shoulder. He was playing with my hair and after a while I fell asleep.

Time skip...

"Athena wake up it's time for dinner."

"Five more mins." I groaned.

"No get up it's 8 pm already."

Damm I slept through the whole afternoon. It was nice though.

I get up and walk in the dining room then sit down. We start eating our pasta and talk about our days. Then after dinner I walk upstairs to my room and do some planning for the ball.

After I was done I brushed my teeth and went to bed letting the darkness consume me.


This was a short chap but I hope you like it.

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