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Athena's pov

I walk over to my brothers and heard them talking about me.

" Hey" I said with no emotion on my face.

"Hello, I am your oldest brother Domenico and this is your second oldest brother Andrew." Domenico said.

They were both wearing a suit and had their emotionless faces on. So did I.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"We are gonna go to your house and get your stuff then we will go to the airport so we can go to Italy." Andrew said.

"Ok then. You guys can follow me home." Then we towards our cars. They looked shocked after seeing my car.

Her car ^ ( you can imagine a different car if you want :)) (Future me: I decide to change the car because I didn't like it anymore so this is the new one ☝️)

I go in my car and drove off with my brothers right behind me. I pulled up to my house the one I bought, not the one where I used to live with Dave. I am not taking them there.

I get out of the car and make my way inside with my brothers on my tail.

They looked very shocked when they saw the house. I smirk. My choice is really good I know. I thought.

"You guys can chill in the living room while I go pack my stuff." I said and walked upstairs not waiting for a response.

I packed some of my clothes and shoes in one bag, and I packed my fighting and racing gear in another. I definitely packed my guns and knives in the third bag.

After I am done I make my way down stairs to see my brothers watching TV on the couch.

" I am done packing. We can go now." I said getting my brothers attention.

"Ok then let's get going. Also we can have your car shipped to Italy for you." Domenico said.

"Sure, thanks." Then we walked to their car and made our way to the airport. It was a 15 minute drive to the airport so we didn't really talk.

I get out of the car to see a private jet. A freaking private jet!!! I mean they looked rich but I didn't think that rich!

A man came up to me to get the bags from me. I gave him the bags obviously except the one with the weapons.

"I am keeping this with me. It has important stuff I need." I said to him and he just nodded and walked to the jet.

The jet ^ ( not my pics, all my pics are from Pinterest )

I wait for them to sit down then I take a seat further away from them by the window.

A few minutes later the pilot announced that we will take off in 10 mins and that the flight from Boston to Italy will take 10 hours.

I make myself comfortable and get my laptop to do some work. Suddenly i remembered that I totally forgot to tell them that I am moving to Italy. If I don't tell them they will have the whole army looking for me.

Crazy peeps πŸ€ͺ

A- hey guys! So update I am currently on a plane to Italy.

C-what!!! Bitch why didn't tell me earlier!!??

L- you are leaving us??!!!??!😭

Am- what! Gurlll when we're u gonna tell us??!

A- guys chill out and I am telling you now. Anyways I need you guys to get a warehouse in Italy and a house. And don't forget to ship all my cars to Italy and keep them in the house but leave the red one there cuz my brother said he will ship it for me.

Am, L, C- ok will do πŸ‘ also don't forget to call us when you get there.

A- I will gotta go bye ✌🏼

L,C,Am- ok bye πŸ‘‹

I put my phone down and get back to my work. After 3 hours of working I got tired and decided to take a nap since there was still a lot of time left.

β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”a couple hours laterβ€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

I woke up to hearing my brothers talk about some thing in Italian.

"Dovremmo sistemare le spedizioni e voglio guardie extra in giro per casa in ogni momento. Non voglio che nessuno lo scopra ancora." Domenico said. ( We should get the shipments sorted out and I want extra guards around the house at all times. I don't want anyone finding out about her yet.)

"Sì, non lo voglio nemmeno io e ho detto ai ragazzi di incontrarci a casa quando arriviamo." Andrew said. ( Yeah I don't want that either and I told the boys to meet us at the house when we get there.)

"Va bene" Domenico said. ( alright )

They stopped talking when they noticed that I was awake. I told them I am gonna go to the bathroom and walked out.

What shipments are they talking about? And guards? Why do they need protection? For now I am gonna pretend that I don't speak Italian so they don't know and keep talking.

I walk back like nothing happened and I don't understand anything they said and take my seat.


I know it's a short chap but let me know your thoughts so far.

Also if the translations are wrong then sorry I am using google translate for it so plss don't come at me.

And if there is any grammar mistakes then feel free to point it out.

Have a good day peeps! I will try to update as soon as I can. 😊

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