The long walk home

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P.O.V "Tim"
"Jeff is targeting that girl and plans to kill her, it's that girl you said was somewhat special?" I was back at the mansion after escorting that girl known as (Y/N) to the shops. Shes a weird girl, she kept talking about this thing called "(fav band)" or something like that. I just blocked her out most the walk and just agreed with things she said. What's special about her? She seems pretty normal, I wanted to kill her so bad, she just kept talking.

I wasn't very interested in her, but I wanted to see what Jeff wanted from her, surely there must be a reason why he didn't kill her, or wouldnt? Maybe he's just not as good as he says.

"It seems that child has found himself a new plaything and it just so happens to be her. but non the less we need to keep him from killing her. Make sure to keep and eye on him and her, we don't want any unnecessary casualties, she just needs to be kept alive"

I nodded my head in response

P.O.V (Y/N)

"Here is your change ma'am" the check out lady gave me my 10 cents change and i thanked her before grabbing the bag of groceries and heading out the store doors.

I looked around for my brother, he must be out here somewhere.

"Hey sis! Over here!" I snapped my head around and saw my brother standing there with his hands in his jumper pockets. He's hiding something I know it. I'll figure it out later, I know how to coax it out of him.

"Alright, we'll do you remember the way home?" I questioned, I'll get into the interrogation later.

"I thought you knew!" Oo feisty. Well I suppose it can't hurt to just walk around and get to know the place we're living in while we try to find the way back.

"Ok, doesn't matter we will find our way back, don't fret. Worse case scenario is dad will call the police to go on a search, you know how protective he is." I tried to calm my brother down because he looked like he was going to have a mini heart attack if I didn't. And I'm sure it's fine, dad will look for us if we are out too late.

I know my bro isn't worried about the fact that we will get lost, but he's more scared of not having his wifi or Internet. And he would if he could play on his phone but he keeps saying he doesn't need it, or that he won't get lost so he never takes it anywhere. Lucky for him i brought my phone.

"Hey I just remembered I brang my phone, let's just call dad and ask him to pick us up?" Good thinking 99 (get smart reference anyone???)

"Well hurry up, I can't stand this heat" you're wearing a freakin jumper! Of course you can't stand it!

I sighed and grabbed out my phone from my jean pocket. I dialed my dads number and it rang 3 times. He picked up! Yay, we are saved after all.


"Hey dad it's me (Y/-" *beep* *beep* *beep* shit! It ran out.

Whoops. Next time I should probably make sure my phone is charged.. That was bad planning on my part, and to think im always lecturing my bro for doing it. He's gonna be pissed.

"Please don't tell me that was the sound of your phone not being charged?!" He asked frantically, he's always worrying wow, he needs to chill.

"No it wasn't" i replied as a matter of fact-ly.

"Whew!" My brother let out a sigh of relief before I started speaking again.

"It was the sound of my phone dieing" i said with a grin on my face and I wish my phone was charged so I could capture the look on his face. Yep, he's going to hate me for a while.

"Oh well, let's look around then, I'm sure dad will come looking soon" i replied as calmly as possible trying to keep him calm in the process. He just glared at me and start walking towards a little park near the shops. I followed after him because it's probably best if we don't get separated at the moment.

Woah, this park is creeeeepppyyy with a capital K.

When I caught up to him i tapped his shoulder "slow down!" he turned around to me and just growled, but then after he seemed like his attention was, redirected? He was just standing there and staring? His face started to drain in color until he was almost pale white, his mouth uttering small squeaks and odd sounds.

I tried to hold back my laugh as he did this, first time he's been quiet. I wonder what he's looking at? I turn my head around, nothing. He is one weird kid. "Helloooo?? Earth to Jake? What are you staring at bro?" He just stood there his mouth gaped wide open looking behind me.

"T-there was a p-person" oh wow, scary a person! "Oh my, you're kidding! People! No way, we need to get out of here! Call the police, oh wait we can't. Haha calm down, you're just so obsessed with being inside your not used to the real world" i remarked sarcastically while looking at him in amusement. I got to admit, he's quite funny sometimes.

"IM SERIOUS! They had weird and wet looking black hair! And black around their eyes, there eyes were huge! A-and their mouth was, I don't know! U-Uh CUT or something. It was a freak!" I froze as soon as he said they had a cut mouth, That reminds me of that scary dream I had last night...

"That's rude, I'm not a freak." A silhouetted figure stood still behind my brother with a sharp object in their grasp. "And I'm not an IT either you stupid kid, I'm Jeff the killer" the figure started to walk closer before they appeared from behind the shadows, dragging their weapon against the cold metal of the swing set in the playground.

"Greetings again bitch! I told you I always come back to finish my kill--" "actually, no. If my memory serves correctly you said, and I quote, I will be back to kill you, I never miss a kill" i smirked at my reply half scared and half proud of myself for not pissing my pants right now.

"Wha--? DO YOU EVEN REALIZE HOW SERIOUS THIS SITUATION IS (Y/N)!! We need to get out of here!" My brother exclaimed right into my ear. He grabbed my arm and tugged really hard, almost sending me falling backwards. I lost my footing slightly and went tumbling forward, unlatching my hand from my brothers in the process.

"Crap!" I yelled before i faceplanted into a pile of leaves and dirt. "Pft, phoo. (Random spitty noises :P) That's nasty" I got up and placed one knee on the ground and one bent to steady me as I tried to stand up. I put my hand on my knee to help myself up, but instantly realized what situation i was in when it was kicked off. I was pushed to the ground within a flash.

"OW! That was my hand you dickhea--mff MHFF!" My mouth was covered by a leathery texture, jeffs pale white hand was stopping me from my ability to talk, or breath for that matter! I tried clawing at his hand, trying to pry off his fingers, but to no avail, his hand wouldn't budge.

"Aw, you poor thing" he giggled maniacally as he slowly slid the cool metal of his knife against my face, luckily the blunt side "y'know darling, you look better on your back" the giggling turned into laughter causing a shiver to go down my spine.

"It seems like your brother has abandoned you, he'd rather save himself than to risk his life helping family, his own flesh and blood. Does it hurt you to know you're not loved by your own family? Does it hurt to know that your life being lost, to them it means nothing?" Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I refused to give him the satisfaction. How dare he make accusations on his own, my brother would never leave, he probably just went to go get help.

"WELL?! Answer me bitch!" His hand slightly loosened from around my mouth. I pried it from my face and started coughing and hacking uncontrollably while simultaneously standing up and grabbing my neck. I ALMOST DIED!

"HOW COULD I *cough* ANSWER IF YOU HAD YOUR HAND OVER MY *cough cough* MOUTH DUMB*SS?!" I cussed at him still slightly coughing from before. Jegus, for a killer he isn't very smart or cunning for that matter. "You dare call me a dumb*ss. Me?! You stupid PEICE OF SHIT I'll kill you!" a shining object made its way into my field of vision, but before I could retaliate there was a blur and he was gone.

Suddenly I felt a cool air near my neck that caused me to shake violently. The feeling of cold metal made its way to my right cheek (on your face, don't be getting and dirty ideas xP). A sharp pain found its way to my face that went from the start of my ear to the corner of my mouth. "AHH SHIT!" I screamed and jolted causing the pain to increase.

An arm found its way to my waist and gripped me tightly before i collapsed slightly, loosing my footing for a second before regaining it again. C'mon (Y/N) don't let this creep get what he wants! I mentally yelled at myself. I gained all my strength that was left and flipped myself around bringing my hand to collide with this so called 'Jeff the killers' face. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't strong enough to bring my fist to his face, and he ended up catching my hand before I could make any contact.

"You naughty girl, you just don't know when to GO.TO.SLEEP" his smile widened (if possible) as his grip on my waist only tightened, bringing his body closer to mine whilst he raised his arm holding the weapon that inflicted the wound on my face that was now oozing with my blood, I felt it as it as the blood ran down my jaw line dripping off my chin. The feeling was disgusting and I just wanted to vomit, which i did, aaaalllll over my potential killer, Jeff.

"Y-what did... YOU, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" He yelled as my once chewed up sausage roll from the road trip and hamburgers from last night had ended up all over his red presumably blood stained white hoodie. He immediately let go of me and proceeded to 'try' and wipe the vomit from his hoodie, emphasis on the try.

I took this as my chance and tried to run my ass out of there, or slowly jog-ish my ass out of there. As he was preoccupied with my vomit currently seeping into his clothes I managed to make a small distance before he realized what I was doing. "HEY YOU BITCH, YOUR GONNA BE PAYING FOR THIS, AND I WONT BE SATISFIED TILL I SEE YOUR BODY DEAD AND LIFELESS ON THE GROUND POOLING WITH BLOOD!" he screamed at me.

The crunching of dried up leaves could be heard. I stood there frozen. I turned my body around to face Jeff to see how close he was to killing me, but he was doing just what I was, standing, dumbfounded and looking to the side of me. I slowly brought my attention to what he was looking at, and I can tell you now, be wasn't the only one standing there dumbfounded.


What happens next? Find out in chapter 6 I Smell A Rival Brewing :3

IMPORTANT! Hey guys yeah so I changed the story a bit from the chapter prior to this one, instead of you knowing about creepy pastas i changed it to now you don't. Mwahahaha im evil. But yeah anyways just had to tell you ~(A/N)







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