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I stood there watching her. She looked as if she was having an internal battle with herself. Skylar.

Such a beautiful, sweet girl. I've been watching her for weeks. Watching the way her eyes lit up when she laughed, how kind she was to those around her, the mischievous glint her eyes held when she pulled a prank. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve what was about to happen to her she deserved to be happy and safe. I sighed.

I really didn't want to do this, I didn't want to hurt her but he had my family and this is the only way to save them.

'But what if I'm right.' I hear her ask out loud. Its now or never. He'll be furious if I let her escape and that's a chance I can't take.

' Right about what?' I ask stepping forward. 'Maybe I can help.' The smile falls from my face as I see her flinch.

Watching as she turned around slowly to face me I see fear, panic, want? Flash through her eyes. Scared of me? Hahaha! That's funny I'm the most harmless wolf you'll ever meet.

'Who are you?' she asked her voice not showing her fear. Good she's a strong wolf maybe, hopefully she'll survive.

'Me? What do I want' I say ignoring her question.

'Yes' she said.

'Well that's easy.' I smile ' Im Michael and I want you.' I watch as her eyes widen.

'M-me why?' She squeaks. So much for the strong wolf.

'Well because I want to destroy this pack.' I say walking closer. Not really I just want to get my family and leave. ' And in order to do that I need to weaken the alpha.' I say grabbing her. She tries to wiggle out of my grip but I'm stronger. ' And what better way to do that then to take his mate?' I whisper in her ear making her shudder in fear or disgust. I don't know.

'HELP!' She screams struggling against me. ' I'm not his mate let me go.' she yelled.
I hesitated for a brief second.

She's not his mate! Fuck why would he tell me to take her if there not mates.

' No one can hear you sweetie.' I whisper in her ear as I reach in my pocket for the needle full of wolvesbane.

'Hush pup.' I said as I jabbed the needle into her leg.

'W-what are y...'She whimpered.

'Shh go to sleep.' I try to soothe her.

'W-what was that...'she asks. I can see her fighting to stay awake.

'Just some night time medicine.' I chuckle sadly.

I watched as her eyes fluttered closed.

'I'm sorry. Its orders. I need to protect my family.' I whisper I can tell by her even breathing she's asleep.

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