Chapter 18- What goes, comes around.

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"We both agreed 'I do' but we haven't agreed on a single thing since then"


Chapter 18- What goes comes around

Rose pulled her coat closer to herself as she walked aimlessly. Her eyes were wet with tears. The emotions became too much to bear and she broke down on the road.

Her chest shook violently as she choked out her sobs. It was too much for her to bear. She thought for a second about calling either Alec or Jace to help her but she rejected the idea as soon as she thought about it. There was no point worrying other people also about her problems.

She sat down on the footpath and pulled her knees towards her body. She trembled as she looked up at the dark sky.

She should never have let her feelings come into play. Between all the fights and shouts and threats, she had let him weasel his way into her heart. She should have known, he had never felt about her that way. He never showed her anything but anger and hatred and the occasional disgust.

She wiped the tears from her face. But he had shown worry. That wasn't fake, she was hundred percent sure. There was something wrong with the whole picture.

She got up and continued walking. She wasn't going anywhere near that house anytime soon. She willed herself to forget about forget about him but she knew it was pointless.

It was starting to become colder and she hugged herself. She was not familiar about the ways since she had only gone till now to school and to the market.

If she got too lost, she would call one of the boys to pick her up. Mostly Jace since he never asked too many questions.

Her heart felt very heavy and for some reason, she felt that it was not only about what she witnessed earlier in the house. Something bad was going to happen, she felt it as she got goose bumps.

She continued walking until she saw a narrow passage. She felt shivers down her spine. The alleyway gave her the creeps. She had half a mind to walk away but then she made up her mind.

She wasn't going to run away like a coward. Besides, what was the worst that could happen, nothing bad happened has ever around here.

At least, of what she knew.

She continued walking through the passage and shivered when she saw a spider. She had a terrible fear of spiders.

She stopped in her path when she heard whimpers. Though her brain told her to run in the opposite direction, she ran towards the sound.

She stopped abruptly when she caught sight of a cloaked person holding a woman against the wall by her throat. She gasped loudly and that caught both their attention.

Screwed, she thought to herself.


"Ok, dude, get out," Daemon said as soon as he heard the front door shut.

"Dude? Seriously, dude?" the girl asked annoyed.

"Fine, Sabrina, get out. I'm done. I'll send Aiden to tell you if we find anything," Daemon said as he got up and switched off the television. He grimaced when he saw the sight of a couple making out on the screen before it went blank.

"It's Selena! Not Sabrina or dude or whatever rubbish that both of you call me," the girl said annoyed and she got up impatiently. He didn't even spare her a glance as she walked out.

She wasn't his problem. Though he sincerely hoped that his problem would be back.

He sighed and fell back in his couch. That girl had to be the most annoying creature that he had possibly ever met.

Even more annoying than Rosalyn.

He smiled to himself. He worried about her, huh? According to her, she cared about him and was not afraid to admit, huh?

Well, now she would have learnt her lesson.

He took his phone from his pocket again and checked. He hadn't got Aiden's call yet. Aiden always called him at least thrice a day to make sure he was alive and that no one with a vengeance for him had killed him.

But he hadn't even received one call and it was freaking him out, not that he would ever admit it to anyone else.

Great, now he was acting like Rosalyn. Maybe Aiden must have gone to visit his elder brother or something.

He ignored the feel of dread in his chest. Aiden never vanished like that without informing him.

He got up again and switched on the television and stretched back on the couch. He casually switched the channels and then looked up at the clock. It was 12:15 and Rosalyn was nowhere to be seen. He saw that a channel was playing one of his favorite movies of all times- "Identity"

He smiled and lay back comfortably on the couch as he watched the movie. After about half an hour of watching, he got fed up. He quickly realized that watching a movie over again could be fun. But that didn't apply to mystery and criminal movies as the mystery is already known.

He yawned again and looked at the time. It was nearing 1:00 am. He stiffened and got up. It was about an hour since she left and still hadn't come back.

"You really must warn your wife not to go around walking in the night like that. Who knows what might happen to her, right?"

He gulped loudly and tensed. He maybe shouldn't have let her out. It wasn't safe. But she had played with his emotions- claiming that she cared for him.

Yeah right, women can't be trusted.

Besides; he consoled himself; the killer thought that Rosalyn was leverage for him. He wouldn't kill her off that quickly, then he would have nothing to threaten Daemon with.

It would be fine and when she was done exploring the place, she would come back. Where else would she go?

He tried to ignore the piercing feeling of worry in his chest.

She would be fine. Even if he didn't like admitting it, she could defend herself very well. She was like a little spit fire.

He smiled at that thought but quickly wiped out that smile when he realized what he was doing. He was thinking again about her.

He changed the channel till he reached the news channel.

"...this has been a very tragic accident and the police are still trying to find...."

He watched the news and then his eyes widened.

"...the police on duty Sherriff Alex Ferraro says that the murder must have been well planned and must have been a part of the previous serial killings that has been taking place across the country..."

His eyes widened. He immediately stood up and took his phone.

Again no news. This was getting out of hand, was Aiden trying to play hide and seek?

Daemon sighed, it wasn't time to act nonchalant. He needed to get hold of Aiden now.

"AIDEN! I really have no fucking clue where on Earth you are but I need you to come over right now. One more killing has happened and it is in the city, you loser. Where the hell are you? When you get hold of the voice mail, please call me back. And you know I never say 'please' so this is pretty important."

He turned his attention back to the television.

The Ferraro guy was still talking.

"...this case is definitely not in our hands as it is led by the detective Daemon Spencer though he is clearly not in interested in the new revealing about his so called case..."

Daemon rolled his eyes.

Seriously, was Ferraro going to bring their rivalry into the media also?

Immature fool.

Honestly, he had nothing against his father Stefan Ferraro. In fact, he had chosen this career because he admired his mother's ex best friend.

Or was it, ex-mother's best friend.

He winced a little at his own insensitivity.

But like the rivalry between Derek Spencer and Stefan Ferraro, the rivalry had been carried out into the next generation also in the form of Alex Ferraro and Daemon Spencer.

But, according to him, Ferraro was the one starting more than half of the fights and acting like an immature prat.

"...well, this has been a very alarming event but one of the positive thing about this murder is that at last, the police have a witness..."

A witness, he thought. A grin grew on his face. At fucking last.

Another thought struck him so hard that it left him almost breathless. The grin disappeared immediately.


"Shit..." he muttered under his breath.

His thoughts were confirmed when the tv focused on an ebony haired woman who was hugging her knees close to her chest.

He had seen enough of that glare to recognize who it was.

He gasped with joy and fright.

She was alive...

He unconsciously touched his right cheek, feeling it wet. He wiped his face and immediately took his mobile. He went to his contacts and called the number that he would never had caught dead calling.

But this was about Rosalyn.

The person picked after the first ring itself, like he was expecting him to call.

"Well...well...well...Spencer. To what do I owe you this pleasure?" a smug voice spoke.

"Where is the scene of crime, Ferraro?" Daemon asked angrily.

"Why should I tell you? Besides this is the time for me to shine...and put you down...get back at you for all you did..."

"YOU STUPID BUFFOON!" Daemon yelled, completely losing his temper.

He always got angry, but he rarely completely lost his temper.


"Woah dude, calm down" Ferraro said a little softly, "it's just a case, is there anything wrong?"

"Anything wrong? ANYTHING WRONG? Tell me exactly where it is!" Daemon yelled.

"It is on the 2nd passage of Trevino streets. You know, the creepy passage right opposite the graveyard?"

"Ok, I will be there at once," Daemon said and cut the line before Ferraro could say another word. He immediately took his coat and ran outside the house, not bothering to switch off the television.

The camera focused closer on Rosalyn's tear stained face as she looked like she had just seen a ghost.



Hey... so I know I'm uploading before time but I had finished writing two three chaps in a row, and I thought why not.

Besides, I thought I would give my best friend a surprise.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed and those who started hating Daemon... well I hope this justifies his actions in some way. I'll be elaborating about his feelings and emotions later on.

So, till next time...



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