Away From This

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Leo Torres's pov:

I was in my office facing the window with a glass of alcohol in my hand as I took a sip on it, enjoying the view from the window.

Knock knock

"Come in."
I turned and put my glass on the table as my eyes shifted towards the person who had just entered my office, Diego.

"Sir, we found her."

"Where is she."
I spoke with a blank face.

"In Italy, the Rossini Residence."
He handed me a paper of the pictures of her entering what I supposed is the Rossini Residence, her house. My lips formed a grin as I spoke.

"Book us two tickets to Italy. It would be rude of us not to pay her a visit."
I grabbed my glass of the liquid from the table and drank the alcohol in one gulp. Get ready, kitten.

Audelia's pov:


I stretched my arms and legs as I got out from the bed. I'd hate to admit but yesterday was kind of fun. I smiled to myself remembering that day. Time for breakfast now. I skipped my way down the stairs, nearly slipping a couple of times as I saw the whole family sitting there. Andre, Luca, mom and dad. They were waiting for me. I laughed nervously as I rubbed my hands together, nervous.

"Took you long enough. Now come sit down. We're hungry."
Luca said as I nodded and quickly took me seat next to Andre.

"This is delicious, mom."
I took a bite of mom's spaghetti.

"I know right. You have a chef for a mom."
Mom said proudly with her chin up as we all bursted out in laughter.

"And I have a beautiful and caring woman as my wife."
Dad put his hand around mom's shoulder but mom pushed it off.

"You and your sweet talk won't work on me, Kaleb."
She said with no emotions as dad looked down in embarrassment. We all laughed at his reaction as we continued to finish our breakfast.

After breakfast, I headed back to my room to study because I had nothing else to do.

I walked to my study desk and I sat on the chair, taking out my books and laptop. I flipped the pages to where I stopped studying the last time. But I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!"
I was too focused on my studies that I didn't see who entered the room. I can feel that they stood there for a while in silence before clearing their throat, catching my attention.

I shift my gaze from the laptop to the person standing.

"Dad? Why are you here?"

"I need to talk to you, Audelia."

"Yeah sure. Go on."
I shifted my attention again to the laptop typing something on it.

"Audelia! Show some respect to me!"
Dad yelled, snapping at me and I flinched. He sigh as I closed the laptop, looking at him.

"What happened to you, dad? You've never yelled at me before."
I asked quite confused. Dad hasn't yelled at me my whole life. If I did something wrong, he would only lecture me and I would obey him. But this is the first time he's yelling at me and it's definitely about something serious.

"Is it true? That you don't want to be the leader of this gang? Is it true, Audelia."
He demanded as I sensed a tone of anger in his voice.

"Who told you that?"
I asked in a low tone of voice.

"It doesn't matter about who told me. Do you really not want to take over m-my position?"
I heard dad's voice crack a bit at the end as I bit my lips in anger. Andre. Why did he tell dad? He clearly knew what would happen and he still did it.

"It's true. I don't want the position."
I spoke as I took in a deep breath feeling nervous. This is the first time I've gone against my dad. I have no idea what he would do.

"Audelia... you know that you have to take it right? You have to take over this gang. It's not a choice, Audelia. Every firstborn of a Rossini has to take over the gang and there's isn't a no for an answer."

"Can't I? I don't want all of this, dad. The violence, killing, the feeling of having to be scared for the rest of your life just because you're a Rossini. I don't want it. I want to become a normal person, I want to study and I want to become a lawyer who fights crime. I don't want to be the one committing all the crime. I have done everything for you my whole life. I hadn't even asked you for something. Not once, dad!"
At this point, my eyes were already red and my cheek was stained with me tears. I continued my words.

"For the first time... I'm asking you for something. Please, I don't want to t-take over this position."
I sobbed out.

Dad who was standing in front of me softened his eyes after seeing me. He came closer to me as he gave me a tight hug.

"I can't believe that I'm saying this but okay. You don't need to take over me. But promise me one thing, that you will study hard. I will send you to one of the best universities in the world. You be what you want, Audelia. Make me and your mom proud."
I hugged my dad even tighter as I burst into tears.

"Thank you, dad. I love you so much."
I pulled out from the hug as I exclaimed joyfully. Dad looked at me and smiled widely.

"I love you too, darling. Now go on and continue studying. And don't stop for your success. Don't ever let anyone stop you and never slow down. I'm already proud of you, Audelia. So make me even proud."

"I will, dad."
I beamed at him as he patted my back.

"Get ready then. You will go overseas to study, probably at America. You can choose."
Dad explained and I nodded.

"You choose it for me, dad. I know that you will choose the best for me."

"I will. Now go study. But don't study too much. Make sure to take breaks after studying."
He responded and walked out the door, closing it.

I will make you proud, dad. I smiled at the door as I looked back towards my laptop, continuing my studies.

"The word illegal is applicable to every thing  which is an offence, or which is prohibited by law, or which furnishes ground for a civil action and a person is said to be legally bound to do whatever it is illegal in him to omit."
I repeated the same sentence over and over again in order to memorise it and now it feels illegal to repeat it again. I covered my face with my hands, exhaling noisily through my pursed lips. This is so stressful.

Buzz buzz

My phone that was placed on the table vibrated, indicating that a message was sent to me. I pulled my eyebrows together into a scowl. I was puzzled for a moment since no one usually texts me, so who could it be?

I reached towards my phone and opened the message. Oh, it was from Alex. The message read...

Hey, Alex here. I've got information about Leo Torres and the engagement party. It's tomorrow at 6 p.m.. We will disguise as the waiters and bodyguards there. I've already got everything. Just help me tell Andre about this information, I don't have his contact number.

I will.

And about the exact location, you guys don't have to worry. I will pick the both of you up and we'll go there together. It will be easier.

Got it. Thanks, Alex. I'll see you tomorrow.

I'll see you too, Delia.

I put my phone down as I walked out of my room towards Andre's room.

Knock knock

"Yeah? Come in!"
A voice yelled from inside the room as I opened it. My eyes drifted from Andre who was sitting at his desk to the gun on his desk.

"Seriously? What the hell is a gun doing on your desk, Andre Ramos Rossini?"

"Um, possible dangers? You do know that anyone can come in right now and just shoot me."
His voice was full of sass and that pissed me off.

"How ridiculous, Andre. We have security all over the house. It's impossible for anyone to enter."
I tried to explain it to his stubborn ass.

"Look here, you see that wooden house over there?"
He pointed out from his window to an old abandoned wooden house.

"Yeah I see it. What about it? You're afraid of ghosts now?"
I chuckled.

"No, I'm not. You do know that anybody could be there sniping at my head right now."
He spoke with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, so what now? You want me to destroy the window and put a wall over there for your safety?"
I joked.

"No, you don't get me. What I'm saying is that we are constantly in danger. And we have to defend ourselves!"
He retorted.

"Fine. You have a point. But be careful with the gun, make sure that the safety is on."

I rolled my eyes at him as he did the same.

"So why are you here now? You never come to my room unless it's important."

"You know me. Come closer. I don't want dad or mom to hear this."
Andre moved closer to me as I whispered.

"Alex texted me just now. He has got the information about Leo Torres's cousin's engagement. It's happening tomorrow at 6 p.m.. And we don't need to worry about transportation, Alex will pick us up."
I looked to the door to see if anyone was hearing our conversation secretly.

"And dad? What do we tell him?"
Andre asked.

"We'll just say we're goin out. He won't suspect anything wrong. We'll walk further from our house and then get into Alex's car so it doesn't look suspicious."
I spoke in a silent voice.

"Okay. I hope that Alex can be trusted."
He said with uncertainty in his voice.

"We can trust him, Andre."
Andre took in a deep breath as he let it out creating a loud sigh.

"I hope."

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