Chapter 31: Downfall

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That night I shared with Olivia was beyond amazing. I felt everything all at once and it was the greatest feeling ever to have someone who actually cares about me, and who is always going to be there no matter what, love me the way she did.

Although she didn't go far, it was still an amazing experience to have our bodies so close. It was like we were made for each other from how our bodies were like a puzzle piece when connected.

I also got to see a side of Olivia that I never thought I would ever get the chance to see. I thought that woman was gorgeous with clothes on, but I was wrong when I saw her without.

After she dropped be off at school, I met Matt at his car and I couldn't wipe this stupid smile off my face as I was approaching him.

"Well, someone is definitely in a good mood," he smiled at me then looked over at Miss Shuler, "And someone else is too,"

I looked over and saw Miss Shuler walk into school with a slight smile on her face. I knew that smile had to do with me, and I couldn't help but get butterflies in my stomach when I thought about her and I.

"So, what did you do?" I looked over at Matt as he was staring at me. "Obviously she didn't bring you back to my house like she said she would. So, what happened?"

I shrugged as we decided to walk into school. "Nothing happened, I just decided to stay at her house because of the storm," yep. I'm smart.

"But that storm didn't come until around later that afternoon," he caught on. I looked over at him as he was staring at me. "Why are you lying to me, Samantha Lynn Hayes," ugh. Did he really use my middle name?

"Because, Matthew George Bridges," got him back. "There are some things you don't tell,"

His eyes grew wide as we were walking through the hall, and I knew that he finally caught on and I was waiting for the explosion.

"Oh my God! You-" I covered his mouth before anyone heard.

I stared at him, "If you were going to say, had sex, then no, we did not," I stared at him as we made it to our locker. "We just.. explored,"

I felt him staring at me as I opened my locker and threw my backpack in. I shut the locker and looked over at him as he was staring at me. "What? You explored? What the fuck does that mean?" he put his hands on his hips as he stared at me.

I gave him a few seconds until his tiny brain finally clicked and his eyes were wide and mouth was hanging open. I rolled my eyes as he was jumping up and down like a little kid.

"No way," he stared at me with his mouth open, "No fucking way! You explored each others bodies!?" he practically screamed and I was about a second away from punching him. He raised his arms up and yelled, "Hallelujah!"

I ignored him and walked around him. I could go to the library where he wouldn't be bothering me because you had to stay quiet in there anyways. But knowing him, it wouldn't matter where we were because he wasn't going to let this go.

He caught up with me and stopped in front of me. He smiled, "I'm sorry but I was just really shocked because it was about damn time," I rolled my eyes and he chuckled, "I'm serious, Sammy. How long has it been since you and her declared your love for each other?"

"We didn't declare our love, ok? More like feelings," I mean, damn, get it right.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever, but it's been a while and I was wondering when you and her were going to start getting busy," he smiled at me and I all I wanted to do was punch him in the face.

"How many times do I have to tell you? We didn't-" I stopped when he motioned for me to look behind me, and when I did, my heart immediately stopped.

Walking down the hall, and with two other officers, was Alex. He had his uniform on and I knew that some bad shit was about to happen.

When he passed me, he gave me the dirtiest look that I have ever seen and it sent a chill down my spine. As he passed, I couldn't help but wonder what the hell he was doing here.

Then it hit me.

"Why is the police here?" Matt looked at me as I was staring back at him.

"I don't know, but that one in the front was Alex," I watched as he did a double take and look back then at me.

"Miss Shuler's Alex?" I nodded. "What the hell is he doing here?" I'm thinking the same think Matt.

There's only one reason that I could think of and I pray that it wasn't true. I told Matt to follow me as we ran down the hall to where they went. I knew that something bad was about to happen because I could feel it and I hate that feeling.

When we rounded the corner, we caught sight of them walking into a classroom and it didn't take a genius to figure out that it was Miss Shuler's.

Matt and I walked up to the door and peeked into the window. All we saw was the officers talking to Miss Shuler as she was sitting at her desk, and by the look of it, she looked just as scared as I was on the inside.

We knew this was dangerous, but we took a leap into the deep end anyways. Ignoring the consequences that were ahead.

When we seen the officers start walking towards the door, Matt and I ran off before they opened the door. We rounded the corner and pretended we weren't doing anything when they came down the hall.

When the walked towards us, Alex smiled at me, but it wasn't a smile that made me want to smile, it was a smile that had my skin crawling because I knew what was running through his head.

He wasn't going to stop until he had proof.


Lunch came and I met Matt at the table that we always sit at. When I sat down, I noticed that the teachers weren't at their table. I looked at Matt as he was handing me a sandwitch, "Hey, where's the teachers?"

He looked back then at me, "They're in a conference," he took a bite of his sandwich and I stared at him.

"About what?" I watched him for a moment until he swallowed this food.

"The officers are talking to all of them about any suspicious activity with Miss Shuler and you," he rolled his eyes and took another bite.

That was stupid. Like they're going to get any information from the teachers. They hardly see Miss Shuler and I together, and when they do, it's because they know that she took me home and brought me to school.

Every teacher heard about what happened when Miss Shuler decided to take me home and bring me to school. The principal had to inform the teachers about what was going on in the first place so no questions would be raised about her taking me home or anything.

But still, that's no proof. We never did anything in front of teachers, because we never did anything at school in the first place. Maybe I hung out in her classroom a few times after school, but again, we didn't do anything.

Alex has no proof so he's just making an idiot out of himself.

"What his he getting from all of this?" I stared at Matt as he's finishing his sandwich.

He shrugged, "I don't know, but he doesn't have proof, does he?" I shake my head, "Then there's nothing to worry about because he doesn't have anything leading to it,"

I sigh and sit there with so many thoughts running through my head. I'm beyond scared and I don't know what to do. I just wish this was over with because I just want to be with Olivia without any problems.

Lunch ended, and Matt and I went our seperate ways. I noticed that everyone has been staring at me when I walk through the hallways or when I'm in class. I know that they heard about what's going on, but damn, stop staring at me.

My last few classes were rough because no matter what I did, I got stared at or dirty looks and it made me uncomfortable more than anything.

I just wish this was over.

Art came and I was nervous as hell. I guess since everything that has been going on, I'm afraid of getting close to Olivia. I was afraid of looking at her too long, or accidentally say her name out loud.

Matt and I walked to class and he asked if I was ok. I told him that I didn't know because I was honestly scared. He understood and said that it was going to be ok.

Will it?

We walked in and I didn't look over at her. I couldn't because I was scared. I sat down and stared at my canvas until I heard someone walk in and their voice instantly sent my eyes darted to the front.

"Hello everyone, my name is Alex Fields," everyone said their hello's and we instantly made eye contact. "I'm sure you all know what is going on," some people nodded, but others looked around. "There seems to be a sexual relationship between your teacher," he motions towards Miss Shuler and I saw her look down. "And one of your classmates," he looked right at me and I was burning holes in his fucking head.

Some boy raised his hand and Alex nodded, "Do you have any proof?"

Alex sighed, "Well, no, but that's why we're here. To investigate,"

The boy spoke again, "If there's no proof, then what's the point in an investigation?" this boy was pretty cool. I think his name was Billy?

"Well, that's what we're trying to get," I could tell he was getting irritated and I enjoyed it.

Billy spoke again, "How do you even know that there is a relationship between them? If there's no proof?" damn, I like this boy.

Alex stared at him for a moment, "No more questions,"

Billy chuckled, "Yeah, cause you know I'm right,"

"Alright, Billy, that's enough," Miss Shuler spoke as she was staring at him.

He looked towards her, "No disrespect, Miss Shuler, but I just don't understand how they can come in and 'investigate' something that they have no proof on, or if they don't even know that there is even anything to investigate," he looked back at Alex. "Y'all are making a big deal out of nothing,"

"Enough, Billy," I saw Miss Shuler staring hard at Billy, begging him to shut up.

I didn't want him to shut up, because he's pissing Alex off and I love it.

Billy looked back at Miss Shuler, "He's your ex husband, right?"

"Listen here!" Alex started yelling, "I don't need to be told how to do my job by a teenager, so shut up!" everyone stared at each other.

Billy wasn't sitting far from me, and I heard him say under his breath, "Stupid pig,"

Matt started chuckling and I glared at him to shut up. After a while, everyone started calming down and Alex stayed in the corner, watching. I hated him so damn bad and having him in the room, staring at everyone is making a chill run up my spine.

I didn't look at Miss Shuler the whole class period because I knew that Alex was watching and one wrong move would have him all over us.

We had an assignment today but I couldn't focus on it. I was sitting there in a daze and I couldn't draw anything because I knew Alex was watching and it was making me uncomfortable.

The bell rung and it startled me a little. I watched everyone get up and grab their things as I was sitting there with thoughts running through my mind.

Matt got my attention and motioned me to get up. I knew that he would have to drive me to his house today, and it hurts to know that I would have to stay away from Miss Shuler for a while until this blows over.

If it ever does.

As Matt and I was walking to the door, Alex was standing next to it and we made eye contact. Before I reached the door, he stopped me and I looked up at him as he was staring at me, "I'm watching you, remember that,"

I looked away and walked out with Matt to the parking lot. Matt was talking to me but I couldn't hear anything he was saying because what Alex told me was ringing through my head.

The ride home was silent because I couldn't bring myself to talk. I didn't want to speak to anyone and it hurt. My heart was shattering to pieces.

I went straight up to my room and laid down. I didn't want to do anything anymore. I didn't want to talk to anyone anymore. I just wanted to sleep until this is all over.

No matter how great my life is going, it's always going to take turn and go back to shit. No matter what, I can't have a happy ending.

After a few minutes of trying to sleep, Matt came in the room, "Hey," I didn't move. I was hoping he would just leave, but he didn't. "Sam," I shook my head and heard him sigh, "You can't stay in bed," I nodded in response. "We have to go somewhere, come on," he started shaking me but I wasn't moving.

Where the hell did he want to go? Couldn't he see that I was depressed? Why can't he just leave me?

After a while of him irritating me, I decided to get up and face hell. I didn't want to go anywhere but damn it, Matt is the most annoying idiot ever.

I followed him out to the car but didn't ask any questions as we left. At this point, I didn't care where we were going. I didn't care what we were doing. I didn't care about anything.

After a while, my heart started pounding as I noticed where we were and I looked over at Matt, "What are you doing?" he didn't answer but just kept driving. "Matthew," again, nothing. "Why are you taking me here?" we came to a stop and I looked up at the house.

He looked at me, "This is where you need to be,"

I stared at him in confusion, "Are you stupid? Did you not see what happened today at school? This is risky! I can't be here!" I stared at the house again and felt my heart pound.

I reached for the door handle but Matt stopped me, "Sam," I looked over at him as he was staring at me. "Stop, ok? Go inside and be with her," I stared at him.

"Fuck what everyone says,"

He stared at me and I knew he was right. I knew that what he was saying was true and I shouldn't be so damn afraid.

I needed her, and she needed me. Alex has no damn proof, so why am I so afraid? He has nothing on us, and as far as he knows, he won't get anything.

I got out and walked up the driveway. I wasn't afraid and I wasn't going to let fear get the best of me.

I didn't knock on the door. I walked right in and closed it behind me. I walked through the hall and went into the kitchen but didn't see her, so I decided to walk into the living room and that's when I spotted her sitting on the couch watching TV.

I walked up behind her and placed my hands on her shoulders. She jumped then looked at me, "Damn it, Sam! You scared the hell out of me!" she placed her hand over her heart and stared at me as I stared at her. "What are you doing here?"

I came around the couch, "I needed you," I practically threw myself on her and we both fell back on the couch. I immediately found her lips with mine and it was like I could breathe again.

I couldn't think of anywhere I wanted to be than here, and I have to thank Matt a thousands times. He truly is the best and he knows what I want when I don't even know what I want.

I pulled away from the kiss and stared at her as she was staring up at me. She tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "We have to start being more careful," ugh.

I sat up and watched as she sat up and looked at me. "Be careful from what? He has no proof!"

She sighed, "He knows about us, Sam. That's enough for him. All he has to do is dig a little deeper until he can find something to show for it," she stared at me and I knew she was right.

I leaned my head back against the couch, "I don't understand why my life is so fucked up. Like, can I get a break?" I covered my face with my hands and sighed.

I felt two hands grab mine and I looked to see Olivia staring at me, "It's going to be ok,"

I stared at her, "How do you know? He's never going to let this go, and even when he does, we still can't be together," this is so fucking great. Like, this is my life.

She cupped my face, "We will get through this, and no matter what, we will always be together," she leaned in and kissed me and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Like every other time, she has such an affect on me.

We got lost in the kiss as we were both pulling each other close. If I could have her closer, then I would do it, because right now, I needed her.

Her hand roamed my back and I could feel my body shiver under her touch. She grabbed the ends of my shirt as she smiled against my lips and I knew where this was going.

She was lifting my shirt up when we heard a knock at the door. We both froze and sat there listening until we heard it again. She pulled my shirt back down and looked at me, "Go hide," I got up to hide somewhere until she pulled my arm, "If it's Alex, no matter what happens, stay hidden," she stared at me as I slowly nodded.

There was a living room closet, so I decided to hide in there. I knew it was probably not the best hiding place, but I wasn't going to hide somewhere that I couldn't hear or see Olivia.

I cracked the door a little so that I could peek out and spy. I heard Olivia open the door and that's when I heard a voice that I didn't want to hear, "Hello, Olivia,"

I heard the door shut then Olivia's voice, "Alex, what are you doing here?" I heard footsteps then they stopped.

"I'm here to see my ex wife, is something wrong with that?" I rolled my eyes and felt my insides burn.

"Yes, you shouldn't be here,"

"And why is that?" I heard footsteps again, "What were you doing?" what the hell? Nosey.

"I was watching TV until you came," Olivia spit back.

I heard more footsteps and I knew they were getting closer. I pulled the door a little more, but was still able to see. I finally saw them and I watched as Alex turned towards her.

"I want to talk," he stood about two feet away and I saw Olivia take a step back.

She crossed her arms, "Talk about what?"

He looked down for a moment then back at her, "About us," he reached for her hand and it took everything in me not to run out of this closet.

She pulled her hand back and stared at him, "There is no us, Alex. Now leave,"

They stood there staring at each other and I already knew that this was about to get bad.

He ran his hand through his hair, "Look, I'll make a deal with you," he continued to stare at her, "I'll forget this whole thing with your student, Samantha, if you give me another chance,"

I stared at them while my heart was pounding. Is he for real? What the hell?

She stared at him for a moment, "No. Because whether you believe it or not, there is nothing going on with Samantha and I, so you can leave,"

She stood up to him and I knew that she shouldn't have done that. I knew this situation all too well, and I was hoping that nothing would happen.

But it did, fast.

He grabbed her by the throat and gritted his teeth, "Let me tell you something, nobody fucking disrespects me and gets away with it," Olivia was grabbing his arm and it took everything in me not to run and jump him.

But I couldn't, and it was killing me.

"I know you're fucking your student, and don't think I'm stupid. Everyone is going to find out and you'll be locked up for good," I could see her struggling and I felt my fists tighten and my eyes were clouded with tears.

What the hell do I do? I can't run out and help her because he would see me, and then he'll know for sure. But I can't just stand here and watch him choke her because it's taking everything in me not to fucking choke him.

He finally let her go and she started gasping for air as she was bent over. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, and when he did, images started flooding my mind from when I was in the same position with Jessica.

"Do you want to go to prison? I didn't think so," he pushed her back and I watched her stumble a little. He walked to her

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