Chapter 13.

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I had my book opened to the last page, as I was doodling all over it. God knows how long I've been doing this for now. Slightly turning my head to the side, I noticed Akio taking notes of whatever the teacher was talking about. Last week I found out that we actually had this class together. God, last week flew by fast, I didn't even notice it. 'I really should try and remember all of my classes and who my classmates are at this point, so that I don't get surprised like this again. But honestly, having Akio in this class was a nice surprise though.'


'But that actually reminds me. I still owe him for sharing his lunch with me that day. What should I do for him? I could make him some lunch, but wait. I can't cook, because I'm useless in the kitchen. Well, that's annoying.'

"Pssst, (Y/n)"

'Oh! He did say that he also wanted to hangout sometime again. But actually go out somewhere. Wait, but where would we go? I don't go out much, so I wouldn't know where to take him. Maybe the mall or something? That's where most people around our age like to hangout. What if he doesn't like to go to the mall? Plus it gets crowded during the weekend, and running into people from school is just awkward.'

"Hey, psssst"

'But I could buy him something he likes there. Then I won't owe him anything anymore. I don't even know what he likes though. What does he like? Wait, what do guys our age even like? Man, I really should have been taking notes when he was telling me about himself last week. Maybe I could ask Sakura. She might have ideas of what to get him, since she seems like the kind of person that is very sociable, and would know about this kind of stuff.'

"Oh, (Y/n)~"

'Ah! I even have chemistry with her next period. That would give me the perfect chance to ask her. But if I ask her, wouldn't that make me look like a bad friend for not knowing what to get Akio? Ah, thinking about that is making me feel bad. Especially since Akio is such a-


Darling. Wait no-' I quickly blink a few times, getting out of my thoughts. Only to lock eyes with a familiar pair of magenta eyes. I can't help but find them quite dazzling. 'No, snap out of it' I thought to myself, as I shook my head slightly. The owner of those magenta eyes giggled.

"Are you okay? I've been trying to get your attention. You seem out of it." The brown-haired boy asked, tilting his head a little to the side. "As usual," He quickly added, while giving me his famous cheery smile.

My eyes widened just slightly, "I'm okay, just thinking about some stuff." Akio nodded, then turned to look back at the whiteboard. I did the same, and a frown swiftly creeped on my face once I saw the whiteboard. 'What the hell?' I thought, as my brows furrowed. 'Where did all this come from?'.

"Some stuff, huh?" Akio said, as he quickly wrote down what the teacher just put up on the board. He glanced back at me, to notice my expression, then giggled softly. "Don't worry, I'll lend you my notes. I'll even go through everything we did in this lesson with you, if you want," He said, quietly. I turned my head back to him faintly, "Thank you".

He softly hummed back in response, so I went back to my book. Looking down at my book full of doodles, I slowly went back to my thoughts. 'Hold on,' I thought to myself. My brows knitted together, "Wait, darling?" I suddenly asked, swiftly turning back to Akio.

"Yes, honey?" Akio whispered back, doing his cheery smile. I felt heat rise up to my cheeks, as I shifted my eyes away from him. "No, I.. I mean. Why did you call me that-" I stopped as soon as I heard him chuckle.

"Are we free after school today?" He started, changing the topic. My eyes found their way back to him. "Ah, I think so. Why?" I asked him. A smile creeped onto his face, "I was wondering if you wanted to check out the clubs here". My eyes widened, as a small gasp escaped my lips. "Oh, yeah!" I yelled.

"(L/n)! Keep it down!" The teacher yelled from the front of the class, causing all the heads in the room to turn to me. "Oh! Okay!" I suddenly yelped, as I felt multiple eyes on me. "(L/n)! What did I just say?!" The teacher yelled once more, causing a few people to giggle. 'I probably should try and learn his name,' I thought to myself. "Sorry, sir!" I responded. Which caused his brows to knit. "Stop responding, (L/N). Or I'll call your parents" he said, irritated. My eyes widened for a split second, as a flash of aching pain hit my chest. I suddenly looked down at my book, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. "Got it." I lowered. The teacher let out a sigh, then turned back to the whiteboard. I sat still for a few seconds, until I felt all the eyes in the room finally off me. 'Yeah, I'm definitely not learning his name,' I thought.

I went back to doodling in my book soon afterward, and a few minutes flew by. "Yes. We're free after school today" I said to Akio, and made sure to whisper this time. A minute went by, and Akio never responded. 'Maybe I was too quiet this time?' I thought to myself. "We're free today, Akio," I whispered once more. But I was greeted back with only the teacher's voice talking about god knows what, which caused my eyes to drift over to him. A quizzical look was placed on my face when my eyes fell on him. His hand was still and no longer moving across the page, as his fingers were tightly wrapped around his pen. He was glaring daggers at something up ahead. Turning my head slightly to the front of the class, my brows knitted as I realized who Akio had his eyes on. 'Why is he staring at the teacher like that?' I thought to myself, while looking back at him.

"Psst, Akio" I hissed lowly at him. He didn't budge or anything, causing me to frown a bit. "Hey, Akio?" I whispered once more, but I still didn't get a response. He just kept staring daggers at the teacher. 'What is he thinking?' I let out a deep breath, 'Maybe he's just very focused on whatever the teacher is teaching? I mean, I should probably be doing the same,' I thought to myself as I turned to look at the whiteboard, which caused me to frown once more. 'I can't even tell what subject this is anymore'.

I looked back at Akio, sighing. Suddenly a thought popped into my head. "Hey, darling?" I whispered over to him, as heat raised up to my cheeks. Akio blinked, then swiftly turned his head to me, while wearing his cheery smile.

"Yes, honey?" he chuckled. My eyes darted away from him for a second, "You seemed very focused. What were you thinking of?" I asked.

"Many things," he smirked. My lips pressed together as I slowly nodded, "Oh, okay. Well, we're free after school today".

"Great. Also I'm sorry you got into trouble with Mr. Hansteen," He was saying. 'Oh, so that's his name,' I thought. Akio suddenly leaned in towards me slightly, "I can deal with him if you want." He said, quietly.

A small smile creeped onto my face, "That's funny, Akio. But it's alright. He doesn't know anything about my parents, so he didn't mean anything by it," I whispered back.

Akio's face went blank for a few seconds, which was then replaced with a smile as he leaned back into his seat. "If you say so," He said, before turning back to the whiteboard. I tilted my head to the side, and went back to doodling in my book. 'He's terrible with jokes,' I thought.     

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