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The band on the makeshift stage was pretty good, especially compared to the many others I've chosen to sit through before.

When I first moved in across the street and found this coffee shop, I thought it was the worst place I've ever been to. Too loud, too dark, so clustered...But somehow, I found myself going back in despite of all that.

My go to excuse in case anyone asked (which no one ever did) was, 'the coffee is good', but anyone who truly knew me would know that I detested anything that had to do with coffee. I figured, after a few months of lying to myself, that I kept going back because of the environment, the vibe. The service, the regular costumers, the crappy but often good bands that played there, it was almost soothing. Therapeutic, I would say. It felt near to me, like the feeling of home I'd never experienced before.

"The usual?" Asked Tom, the waiter who stood beside my table. Also a 'friend' of mine.

I nodded in response to his question.

I watched the lead singer on the stage, his fingers strummed the strings on his guitar that hung from one shoulder, his head bobbing to the sound of the music he and his band mates produced. I watched him and thought to myself if I didn't like someone already, would I feel attracted to him? Or, my eyes wandered to the drummer, who was so into his movements that his eyebrows were creased, would I develop some kind of creepy stalker-like crush on him?

Tom came back with my steaming mug of tea, which I waited for to cool before carefully taking a sip.

I clapped, along with a few other customers, as the band on stage finished their song. I saw the singer I was watching just a few seconds ago take a few steps in the direction of the counter when I heard a loud crash. Tom, typically, wasn't looking where he was going and crashed into the same singer.

I saw them apologize to each other, a little too profusely.

"I can offer you a drink, on the house," Tom was blabbering, bending down to pick up the fallen dishes.

The singer smiled, bending down as well to help Tom, "It's okay."

"No, really..."

Tom's voice trailed off in the background as another song began to play. I finished my tea and stood, leaving the right amount of cash on the table before making my way towards the exit, glancing at the two hunched figures one last time before leaving.

I walked down the street, the clouds evident even in the dark of night. The buildings lit up, cars zooming in flashes of light as people walked around doing their business. I entered my apartment building, nodding at the security guard behind the desk, before I took the stairs up to my floor.

Trudging up the stairs, I pushed back the hood of my jacket and ran my fingers through my light colored hair before breathing into my cupped hands to warm them up.

I passed a woman on my way up who looked as though she was about to cry. Someone else would've probably offered her some sort of comfort, but I was too used to such similar scenarios.

I sighed as I passed my neighbor, Rob. A thirty-something year old man who was always the reason behind the crying women.

"Hey kid, never go for the tall girls. They'll just try to be in control. Take it from me." He was leaning against his arm which was propped up against his open apartment door, his jaw dotted with a few days of stubble and his dirty blonde hair ruffled as if someone ran their fingers through them over and over again.

"I'm not interested in women, I told you already." I searched my pockets for my keys.

He frowned, "Huh, must've slipped my mind."

It was usually something like that.

Or sometimes it was, "Oh, how odd," or, "who cares? A man always likes a woman no matter his sexuality."

The last part didn't make any sense to me, but I never bothered correcting the guy.

I let out some form of goodbye before closing my apartment door behind me.

It wasn't like I didn't like Rob, he was an okay-person. The type of neighbor who willing gave out his Wi-Fi password. And there was the fact that he was one of the only straight guys I've encountered who hasn't given me a lecture on my sexuality. And I only told him about it because I thought he'd stop with the stupid advice sessions. Which obviously didn't work like I expected it to.

I was greeted by my dog as soon as I slipped off my shoes.

Bending down, I ruffled his fur. "Hey," I whispered, even though there was no one else in the apartment but the two of us.

I made sure my dog had his food before I hopped in the shower to scrub off the day's work.

The shower, aka the perfect place to think.

Most of my thoughts consisted of what I would be doing the next day. Work, studying, food. Repeat.

I changed into my favorite boxer shorts and a heavy sweater, the heaters in my apartment doing a great job of fending off the cold. I landed on the couch in my kinda-small living room area, and managed to drag the heavy blanket over me as I settled down.

Switching on the television, it took me a while to find something good to watch. I ended up marathoning some classic episodes of Tom & Jerry. My dog joined me half way through the second episode, cuddling by my side, my fingers running back and forth through his fur.

I switched off the TV only after my first yawn, picking up the sleeping dog and placing him on his own small bed. Which was more like a fluffy pillow than an actual bed.

I yawned again as I dragged myself to my bedroom, scratching my side. I landed on my bed with a soft thud and a groan. I buried myself under the covers and was just about to fall asleep when my phone buzzed loudly from my bedside table.

I checked the time, which was almost 12AM, before answering the call. I already knew who the caller was and didn't bother to check the ID.

"What'd ya' want?" I grumbled.

I heard the voice at the other end laugh. "That is not how you greet your best friend, Nate."

My thoughts suddenly flashed back to that one time in middle school at the mention of 'best friend'.

I was just a pre-teen. Rude, loud, obnoxious, and all that good stuff. It was just after the bell sounded, indicating the start of lunch break. I was hungry and tired from staying up the night before, and to me that was an excuse to do whatever the hell I wanted.

I remember walking up to some geeky kid (who's probably some jock now), and teasing him to give me his lunch. At first I was just calling him names. Asshat, stupid, four-eye. Very original. I guess he felt like sticking up for himself that day, or something, and started pushing me off him. For some reason, I found that amusing, and began pushing him back. But he was skinny, and short. I was a few inches taller, and fighting was a hobby of mine.

The boy started crying by the second punch, which encouraged the sadistic young me to go on. Devin, watching by the sidelines, came up to me. I thought he would tell me to back off or something lame like that. He was short, cute, and smiley all the time when we were younger, so I was surprised when he asked me, "Can I have a punch?"

After a moment of contemplating, I figured, why not?

From then on, We were inseparable.

Until he moved away.

"Nate? Are you still there?"

I sat up in bed, frustrated from being interrupted, but also excited and nervous. "Sorry. I was just about to sleep."

He chuckled. "Oops."

"Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?"

"I won't tell you unless I'm sure I have your full attention."

"Dev, the dog's sleeping and I'm alone in my room in the middle of the night. What else would I be paying attention to?" I rolled my eyes.

"...You still didn't name him?"

"Name who?"

"The dog! You've had him since I moved two years ago and he still doesn't have a stupid name."

"Oh, the dog...I just can't find the right one yet," I said, finding a loose string on my hoodie and fiddling with it.

I heard Devin sigh. "Whatever, Nate."

"What were you saying?"

I could almost see him smile from the other end. "I'm coming back, Nate."

I frowned, "Is it winter break already?"

"No, stupid. It's November. You should seriously consider going back to school."

I ignored his last comment."So why are you coming for a visit?"

"I'm not coming for a visit Nate, this time I'm staying for good."

I froze. "What?"

"Is it the reception? Stupid long distance phone calls. I said-"

"I heard what you said but...How?"

"It's...a long story. I'll explain tomorrow. Or today? Time is weird isn't it?"

"You're coming tomorrow?" My eyes widened.

"Yep, I have my plane ticket right here in front of me....Nate?"

My heart did this weird flip when he said my name like that, and I hated myself for it. Devin was straight as a pole, and he didn't know about my sexuality, yet. So it wouldn't exactly help if I told him I've had a crush on him since I was fifteen years old.

"Yeah, Dev?" I said after clearing my throat.

"There's something I have to tell you tomorrow, I'm just letting you know from now so you won't be a hundred percent shocked."

"Okay. What time does your flight arrive so I can pick you up?" I frowned, feeling confused but curious at the same time.

"No, uh, that won't be necessary."

I frowned. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Where should we meet?"

"You pick. Apartment or cafe?"

He laughed softly. "You're obsessed with that cafe. How about your place?"

I smiled. "Okay. Just let me know when you get here. I'll take tomorrow off and we can go out somewhere and catch up afterwards."

"That'd be great. I'll see you then."


I hung up and placed my phone on my bed side table.

I wanted to tell him so badly. I wanted to be with him, now. I couldn't wait any longer, I've waited for way too long. Tomorrow I would tell Devin how I felt about him and finally see how it goes. I was sick of having to carry these feelings around me like a burden over my shoulders. It was definitely time to cut them loose.

I smiled to myself, my stomach tingling with anticipation for the following day. I wondered what Devin had to say, and if it would beat my confession.

I finally managed to close my eyes after a lot of twisting and turning around. My last thoughts consisting of Devin's face, his voice, his laugh, and just him.

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