Tratie III - Finn Tucker

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I slammed the door of my van, looking up at the two store house that was standing in front of me. I pulled up my cap and swept the sweat from my forehead from the heating sun of May and sighed. The lady that had called me warned me that the job she hired me to do was a long one, as she begged me to come as soon as possible.

I wondered what was the big job that she had for me... I knocked on the door, looking around at the similar houses. I whistled while waiting, though I didn't have to wait for long. The door flung open and a little girl, no older than four, opened the door for me. She had brown long hair that was tied up in two low ponytails and her eyes were unique, with one of them sparkly blue and the other one, grass green.

"Who are you?" she asked me, tilting her head to the side, curiously "Mommy!! Someone's at the door!!" she yelled inside the house, not even waiting for my reply. Right after her shout, a woman that could only resemble to her like mother to daughter walked towards us, either drying or wiping her hands clean with a towel. Her brown hair was pulled up in a bun and her eyes were stern and catious.

"Rose, what's Daddy's rule to open the door?" the woman chastised the kid, who looked down, moving her foot around the floor.

"Check that doesn't have a cube of slime hanging form the frame?" the child replied, with an innocent look. The mother rolled her eyes and picked her up, placing her on her hip.

"One of these days, Rose..." she shook her head, earning a giggle from her daughter "Sorry, sir... How can I help you?"

"I'm Finn Tucker, from Tucker's Service, ma'am" I introduced myself. The eyes of the woman widen in recognition and promptly let me in.

"Oh, from the plumber's... Please, c'mon in..." she allowed me to get in, and I walked, looking around the house, while she closed the door.

"Well, ma'am... How can I be of assistance?" I wondered to her, clasping my hands behind my back. However, it was her daughter the one that provided the answer.

"Daddy made a slime war with Mummy!" she explained, all smiley and happy, from her mother's hip. Her mother couldn't anything else but to roll her eyes and nod with her head.

"As my daughter simply explained it, my husband is a prankster and, well... Let's just say that our plumbery is paying the price" I nodded in understanding.

"Alright, ma'am! Where do you want me to start?" The woman looked around the house, in a thinking way, finally deciding to start somewhere upstairs.

"I believe Rose's bathroom should be the first one... This little missy has been missing her baths since then..." she tickled her daughter who nodded in agreement, plus giggling.

"Showers are boring!" she said, pouting. I chuckled and nodded again.

"Well, ma'am... I'll go get my tools and start working on your daughter's bathroom" I started to walk to the door when I remembered something "Oh, and if it's not too much trouble... Could you heat some water?"


It's been more than three hours, and I'm still working on the Stolls' house. I might had learnt the name when I read the client information I filled when I asked for the direction before coming here, but I dismissed it as unimportant. Mrs. Stoll was always around, taking care of her daughter and asking if I needed any assistance, like more water or lunch break.

Suddenly, I heard some footsteps coming inside the kitchen, where I was currently working. I had already done all the first floor bathrooms and little Rose Stoll couldn't wait a second longer without having her sorely missed bath. Mrs. Stoll had apologized about the inconvenience, but I calmed her, explaining my kids used to do the same.

"Kit-Kat, what are you doing under the sink, dressed like that? Have you been working on the garden again?" I heard a male talking while walking into the kitchen. I wasted no time in revealing myself, just in case things turned weird (happened before and I won't discuss them ever again). The man standing in front of me was wearing some casual clothes, but the badge on his hip, along with the regulation firearm gave away he was in law enforcement. His hair was curly brown and short, while his blue eyes sparkled in curiosity "You're not my wife"

"I sincerely hope not, sir" I agreed with him, wiping my hands clean. I was almost done and I decided to try the tap, when stomps could be heard down the stairs.

"Daddy!!" Rose ran to her father, all wrapped up in a pink fluffy bathrobe, followed by her mother, who was wearing a stern look at him. Mr. Stoll picked Rose up and twirled her around, making her giggle and laugh.

"She just took a bath, Travis. I appreciate if you keep her clean tonight" Mrs. Stoll told her husband, serious. He nodded and stopped twirling her and the three turned to me "You need something, Mr. Tucker?" I shook my head and gestured the tap.

"I was just about to try the tap, ma'am" I explained, opening the tap. During the first minutes, a violet slime poured out, less and less each time until it was clean water. Just like every time she saw me doing that, Rose clapped, enthusiastic "That should be it, ma'am... I would advice that you don't drip water from the tap in the next few days... It might have a very strange taste..."

"You called a plumber?" Mr. Stoll questioned his wife, looking upset "I've been working on that prank for weeks!" Mrs. Stoll sighed and faced her husband.

"Travis, I refused to live in a house where I can't take a shower whenever I want" she out her foot down, like if she had done it many times before "I can't go to work like that and I refuse to keep asking the Parkers permission for their shower. Now, because you opened your mouth, you are paying Mr. Tucker here, who was kind enough to waste his day cleaning your mess" she grabbed her daughter back in her arms (who was gasping and covering her mouth in some kind of conspiratorial mischief) and walked out of the kitchen.

"Well, looks like I can't win this time... How much?" I sighed, shaking my head.

"You may wanna sit down before hearing it..."

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