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I smile as I walk to the guys' house.

Math went really good, thanks to Owen! Tomorrow is French, which sucks, but I'll live. It's just some verbs and some vocabulary. They're hard, but I'll learn them.

I grin at Dylan's text. He's asking what I had at some questions and is swearing the hell out of himself.

Dylan: And 23b? You had 568 miles too, right?

Dylan: RIGHT???

Me: Um...

Dylan: Fuck this

Dylan: Are guys who did their year again hot in your opinion?

Me: Well, Mike did so no


I chuckle and close my phone, walking on the driveway. A man stops me. "Scarlett Hudson?" 

I nod, confused. I've seen him before, he's some right hand of my guys or something... I don't really know him. 

"Hey, I'm Dante. I'm second in row, right after the... guys," he coughs the last word, clearly uncomfortable about the situation. I smile at him. "You can say boyfriends, I don't mind."

He nods, "Right. Um, Jordan told me you had to wait outside until he tells you to come in. I don't really know why, I already cleaned the body, but I guess," he shrugs. I frown even more. "So, what? I just need to stand here until they come get me?"

He smiles at me. "No. I got orders to go out and get ice cream with you. And maybe, if you want, I'm bilingual."


I hook an arm in his and turn around, ready to head for the ice cream shop. He chuckles and quickly bows a bit, adjusting to my length. I frown at him. "It's not like I'm short, right?"

"Hm, what? I'm sorry, it doesn't reach up here," he grins. I glare at him, but we both know he's just glaring. "I have the same problem with Aaron," he tells me. I giggle. He's right, Aaron is short, but not too short. Just... okay.

Ethan is a giant, on the other hand. Six feet three, damn.

"So, Dante. Bilingual, hm? Italian, dutch?" I ask him. We're walking down the sidewalk,the ice cream shop is a few streets.

He shakes his head. "Mais non, le français, bien sûr!" My jaw drops. What of a coincidence is this? 

"Eh... oui?" I stutter. He grins. "I got the order to help with some certain girlfriend's exam. Whatcha need to learn?"

I smile. So this is why I wasn't allowed to get in? 

"So I need to learn the breakfast and the furniture, and the passé composé and the indicatif présent," I tell him. He nods. "Easy."

For you, maybe. I give him a small shrug. He smiles at me. "Don't tell me you can't do this. I've seen you study, I'm pretty sure you'll ace this."

I blush. I do study a lot, and it shows. My straight A's don't lie, but I'm scared to fail if I start learning less. 

My phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out.

Owen<3: And???

Me: Thanks, sweetie. I'm sure Dante will help me

Owen<3: Sure, give Dante all the credits

I widen my eyes. He was talking about maths!

Me: Baby, I ACED that exam

Me: Thank you so much for staying calm and helping me

Me: And for not getting mad when I didn't get something

Owen<3: Darling, I'd never yell at you

I smile and put it away again. We reach the ice cream shop and sit down at a small table. "So, passé composé. What do you know?" he asks. My eyes widen. I thought we were going to study first?

"Eh... it's the past, and it's either with être or avoir," I nervously say. I rub my hands together, scared if he'll say I got it totally wrong.

But he smiles and nods. "Indicatif présent?" I take a deep breath. "Present." He nods again. "Listen, we're gonna do those first. If you get it right after half an hour, you get ice cream."

My jaw drops. He can't be serious. But apparently he is, because he nods at my backpack. I pout. "But ice cream helps me concentrate!" 

He cocks an eyebrow, making me look down. "Okay then...," I mumble. He grins and leans back in his chair. "First of all, we're doing the past. That's the hardest one, sow e better get that over."

I nod and start reading the rules. "Out loud," he orders. I nod and swallow. "Nous utilisons être quand le verbe est dans la maison du être. Ou, quand le verbe est un verbe pronominaux."

It's probably the worst French he's ever heard, but he nods. "Yes. Do you understand it?" I shake my head and look down in shame. French is just really, really hard to understand.

"Okay. So, let me translate. We use être, so to be, when the verb is in the house of être. Those are all the verbs that are used with être. It's called the house, because all those verbs are actions, and I used to have a little scheme with them. You got that somewhere?"

He leafs through my book, probably searching the scheme. I frown, not remembering a  house—"Oh, here!"

He points at a drawing. It's a house with multiple persons in it, all doing something. I frown. "Since when is dying an action?"

He chuckles and shrugs. "French logics. Now, let me translate the rest. You also use it when it's a reflexive verb, les verbes pronominaux."

I nod. I understand that. "The rule is simple. Whenever it's with être, you add an extra 'e' behind the participle when it's feminine. When it's multiple people, you add an 's'."

I nod again. That sounds okay... "So tell me, what do you think happens when there's a group of five girls climbing down the stairs?"

I think for a moment. "Elles sont descendées?" They've climbed down the stairs. He nods. "Good. You deserved the cream."

I sigh. This will be a long afternoon...

He snaps his fingers. "Don't sigh at me! I'm taking the cream back," he scoffs. I gasp. "What? You can't take it back, I earned it!"

His eyes narrow. "Two guys died." "Les deux garçons sont morts. Cream," I snap. He grins. "Alright, you get your cream. I'd wait for the ice cream, though," he grins. I scowl at him and he looks down.

"Jesus. I get it, don't mess with ice cream," he smirks and takes my books. I shake my head. "Okay. A bedroom."

"Une chambre à coucher."

"Hot chocolate."

"Chocolate chaud."

He smirks at me. "Dante is the sexiest."

My eyes narrow. "Dante est un idiot." Dante is an idiot.

His eyes narrow too. "Dante is the sexiest."

"Dante est une petit bébé, très pathétique," I mock. Dante is a little baby, very pathetic. 

He grunts. "Stop insulting me and just translate. It'll probably be a question on your exam. Translate Dante is the sexiest."

I sigh, giving up. "Dante est le plus sexy." He nods in approval and lays his phone on the table. I sneak a peek and my jaw drops.

He sent a voice message to Jordan... just now. My phone beeps and I gulp. This noodle.

Jordy<3: Baby?

Jordan<3: I know Im not the best but it kinda broke my heart...

I groan and kick Dante's leg under table. He yelps. "Aw! Connase!" I frown, not knowing what that means.

Me: I wouldn't get ice cream if I didn't do it!

Jordy<3: Oh lol, that explains a lot

I scowl. Yes, I'm obsessed with ice cream. So. What.

"Are we done?" I whine. He cocks an eyebrow. "You only got whipped cream and the tip of your ice cream. Are we done?"

I sigh and slump in my seat. "Fine. What else?"


Yes, I got tired of Scarlett's pov pic lmao

And for all those saying I can't speak french, this is all of my knowledge babes

x- N

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