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I maneuvered my way threw the thick bushes and wound up in front of some old cabin. One of my former co workers was a computer whiz and helped me track down Claire's location. We were currently at the latest location that was picked up from Apple Watch.

"Symphani you didn't have to follow me out here" I turned around and stopped her.

"Girl my parents were in the marines, I could take down some old ass lady. You just get your kids and get out, I have my things on a timer so it'll call the police if we're not back in ten minutes unless I turn it off myself" she said making me smile and turn back around.

"Where's your friend, was her name Shae?" She asked as her footsteps fell into sync with mine.

"I didn't tell her or anyone anything, I just left. I knew you were an undercover hacker so I came to you first" I shrugged getting as low as my pregnant belly would allow me to. Symphani crouched down next to me peeked through the window.

"This bitch is bold, she sitting on the couch sipping on her teacup like everything is rainbows and butterflies" Symphani shook her head making me move her out the way so I could see.

"She's in there?" I asked peeking through. I had showed Symphani a picture of Claire earlier when she was tracking her.

Sure enough Claire was sitting there as nonchalant as ever. It was as if she didn't care if anyone came or not. I didn't see Elijah or Kash anywhere so they were either in another room or a completely different location.

"Let's go around back and try sneak up on her" Symphani suggested. I silently agreed with her and made my way around back. I noticed the door was opening but there was a screen door and it was closed, I was almost certain it wasn't locked though.

"This shit seems way too easy" I whispered but I didn't care. I was gonna kill that hoe and get my kids. I pat my side to make sure my gun was on me and I made my way over to the door. Trying my best to be quiet I opened the door and Symphani came on behind me.

We were in a small kitchen that barely had appliances. There seemed to be some vintage stove that required fire wood to operate. I noticed the door in the kitchen and tried them. One was a pantry and the other was locked.


"Try to open this door quietly, make sure your phone is on silent, text me if you find something" I whispered to Symphani. She nodded her head as I opened the kitchen door. Claire was still sitting in her same position with her teacup in her hand. She put it down and rubbed her hands over her pants before standing.

I pulled my gun out and held it up pointing at her. She turned around and jumped when she saw me.

"Thought I wouldn't find you bitch?" I said.

"What the hell is your problem?" She yelled genuinely looking confused. I shook my head convinced that she was acting really well.

"Where are my kids?" I asked taking a step closer with my gun.

"They're home where I left them, a friend of yours came by and said he was taking them to the hospital because you asked him to" she stated making my furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"What friend?" I asked getting really scared now.

"Golden a friend of yours, which you sent over said you wanted him to bring your kids. I was stressed out about what happened so I left." she said as if she was stating the obvious. I was surprised she had called me by my name.

"What was his name?" I closed my eyes briefly hoping it was someone I knew. Someone who wouldn't harm my kids but I knew it probably wasn't.

"His name was Nathan, he's a family friend of yours right?" She asked making me freeze.


"How could she just up and leave without saying anything, with all this happening, we don't need Golden disappearing to" I stressed pacing the room. We were all in the livingroom of Goldens house trying to figure out our next plan. I had came back downstairs and found that Golden had left. Everyone tried calling her but she didn't answer.

"I don't think Claire had anything to do with this" Richard spoke up surprising us. He was calling her all sorts of names before but it seemed like he had calmed down now.

"I know that's your wife and you want protect her but who else could've done this? She's left with the kids and all of a sudden they go missing" my dad spoke up.

"Ex-wife and as much as I hate that woman, I know her evil ass didn't do this" Richard said.

"If not her then who?" Trey asked waiting for someone to through a suggestion no one could think of anything. We sat quiet for a while until the house phone rang. I stood and stared at it before answering.

"Hello" I answered waiting for the person on the other to answer.

"Yes I'm calling for Ms.Golden Banks, this is about a prisoner that was recently released" a females voice sounded through the phone.

"She's out right now, who was released?" I asked.

"Ma'am I can't release that information over the phone"

"Listen Golden is my bestfriend, if this has anything to do with what happened five years ago, I deserve to know" the officer spoke.

"Nathan Sanders, he was released a few weeks ago" she said making my body freeze. That man deserves to rot in hell, when we took Golden's mother to court. A lot of girls came forward, young girls and some older woman who he targeted when they were younger. He was suppose to have gotten a lot of time.

Who let that bastard free?


"Stop crying" I said as I sent a text message through my trac phone. I was happy my little plan was falling into motion. There was no doubt, Jayceon's mother was going to take the fall for this. I made sure I planted enough evidence to make it look so.

"I want my mommy" one of those snot face kid cried as I chained them to a wall.

"Shutup" I yelled back handing him. He was getting really annoying and I couldn't take his crying much longer. I tried being nice but I stopped that when one of them but me and tried to run.

"My mommy is gonna get me and you're gonna be in trouble" the other one yelled, bucking trying to jump at me.

"When your mom comes, that bitch will be dead and so will you" I walked over stabbing both their legs with a syringes. They instantly went limp showing they would be out for a few hours. I wasn't going to kill them just yet. I wanted to wait until their mother got here before I did that. I was going down the list killing her loved ones then I was going to kill her.


Who took the kids?



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