XVI | You

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Elena's pov

"Regola numero uno, non ti è permesso stare a casa dei tuoi genitori e non lasciare che la tua famiglia entri nell'attico." Translation: Rule number one, you are not allowed to stay in your parents house nor let your family into the penthouse.

Walking on the side of the road I was accompanied with Lorenzo as he watched and observed the area we were in. I knew he wasn't used to this area but I decided to meet my little sister in front of our old home.

", Ciò include andare a casa dei tuoi genitori per incontrarli." Translation: ,That includes going to your parents house to meet them.

As we pass people through the sidewalk, everyone seeming in a rush I could see my old home from far away.
As I got closer I could see my little sister sitting on the steps as she had her eyes glued on the phone. From far away her phone dinged, signaling that she received a text message, she immediately smiles and begins typing in quickly. It's nice seeing her like this.

"Angelina!" Looking up from her phone she smiles at me. Getting up from the stairs she rushes towards me. Opening my arms up I wrapped them around her as we both tightly hugged each other. It's been months since I've seen this girl and because of that she started to grow a little more.
Loosening my grip around her I pat her back as she refused to let go of me, she was extremely happy to see me, it made me feel bad for leaving her behind but because of it I managed to help my family out alot.

"Where's mom and dad?" I asked her as she finally decided to let go of me.

"There out doing a run, they should be back in a week or less." Shaking my head I grabbed her hand and began walking with her next to my side as Lorenzo stood next to me, seeming as if we were dating.

"Regola numero due, Lorenzo non si allontana da te a meno che non debba usare il bagno o andare a dormire." Translation: Rule number two, Lorenzo does not leave your side unless either have to use the restroom or sleep.

As I was leading all of us to a coffee shop we began to talk, including Lorenzo so my sister wouldn't be to sketched out considering that he looked like a bodyguard... which he was in a way. They had a couple of funny conversations that made me crack a smile.
Reaching to our destination Lorenzo opens the door for us, as we walked In I lead them to the back booth and sat down.

"Regola numero tre, non risaltare." Translation: Rule number three, don't stand out.

Once we told our waiter what we wanted Lorenzo began to scout the area, making sure nothing seemed out of place.

"What's that?" Looking at my sister with a raised eyebrow I look down at my left hand, nothing looked weird about it, the only thing that was on my hand was the ring that Luciano gave me- oh shit.

"Its a ring t-that ah Lorenzo gave me since he felt bad for accidentally breaking my leg?" I nervously chuckle out as I look down at the floor. From the corner of my eye I could see her giving Lorenzo a death glare as he doesn't pay attention to her, rather just looking at people as if it weren't creepy.

"Are you guys a thing?"

"Che cosa?"
Me and Lorenzo both said in union as we both looked at her if she were crazy. We aren't a couple... She doesn't know me and Luciano are a thing though considering that she doesn't like him too much considering their first encounter when I was leaving her behind.

"Your wearing the ring on your left hand... not on your right so that means I have a brother in law coming soon... Welcome!" I sit there in pure shock as she smiles at Lorenzo. He looks over at me confused as hell wondering what to even do... Don't look at me! I don't know either!

"Thanks kiddo."

Seeing our food and drinks arriving I thank our waiter and soon he left us to enjoy ourselves. As I quietly sipped on my vanilla coffee I looked at the both of them as they continued to talk to each other. My little sister quickly approves of him since he's sweet and everything. Lorenzo had his brave face on like always, showing no emotion but deep down I knew he felt uncomfortable about this. I'm Engaged to his boss that could potentially kill him for this since it's disrespectful to claim a woman that's not yours in the mobsters world. You're playing with death.

I didn't want her thinking he was going to be my husband and I wasn't thinking about taking this ring off but I need to, I need it on my right hand.
Placing the mug down I took my ring off and placed it on my other hand. Angelina noticed and looked at me rather offended.

"Sis, we arn't a thing, me and him," I point between us," we're just friends and nothing more so stop." I told her.

"All I wanted was a brother in law, nothing much..." She rolls her eyes at me as she sips her iced coffee.

"You're single?" Looking up I immediately felt a shiver crawl down my spin, feeling my blood sink down as I noticed the one person I didn't want to ever see again... Danny.

He looked the same, but his demeanor seemed to change over the course of time. I didn't want to talk to him, I don't what anything to do with him. He forced himself onto me, got me fired, and in the end he still wanted to try to get me to be with him. I owe Luciano a thank you for saying he was with me... It surely made him back away considering that he threatened him with power that Danny could't risk.

"What are you even doing here..." Getting up from the booth my little sister stands in front of him while crossing her arms, she wasn't pleased to see him here either.

Looking at Lorenzo I could see his threat level going off considering my sister was being hostile and I was sacred. Standing from his seat he takes ahold of Angelina and pushes her behind him as he stood right in front of Danny, towering over him. Lorenzo looked intimidating as hell thats for sure...

"You have five seconds to back away..."

Danny's hands go up immediately, backing up a bit.

"Woah no need to hurt me dude, I heard her saying she was single so I wanted to try to wing her you know- AY YO WHAT ARE YOU DOING MY GUY?!" My little sister quickly takes ahold of my hand and gets me to stand up as I was paralyzed in my seat. She knew what was going to happen and she didn't want me seeing it. Angelina practically dragged me out of the coffee shop.


"Non preoccuparti capo, capisco, qualunque cosa debba essere fatta ..." Translation: "Don't worry boss I understand, whatever must be done....

Staring out of the window I watched as New York lit up, the darkness consuming the sky and streets. From down below I could see people walking along the streets with groups of people. They seemed to be having fun. Uncrossing my legs I let my feet hit the floor as I continued to sit and observe the scenery as Lorenzo was on the phone with Luciano.

"Regola quattro: finché non sarò in grado di stare fisicamente con voi, uno di voi mi chiamerà ogni notte." Translation: Rule four, Until I'm able to physically be with you, either one of you will call me each night.

"Elena," Looking away from the window I turn my head towards Lorenzo as he called my name. Walking towards me he hands me his phone, "Capo." Is all he says before going over to the kitchen and getting something out of the fridge. Bringing the phone up to my ear I answered 'hello?'

"Come sta la mia regina?" Translation: Hows my queen doing?

I felt myself blushing, Being called 'my queen' made me feel all warm in my heart, it touched me.

"I'm doing good, should I be concerned?"

Hearing him chuckle out from the other end made feel uneasy, deep down I had feeling that it might be the last time i'm even going to see Danny. He may not have known who he was messing with... I felt bad but I felt a bit more safer, less scared knowing that I won't be seeing him anymore. He wasn't a friend, he became enemies with someone that rules around here.

"Non preoccuparti tesoro, ti proteggerò. Nessuno ti rovinerà le dolci guance." Translation: Don't be concerned darling, I will protect you. No one will mess with you sweet cheeks.

"Passami a Lorenzo piccola, se hai bisogno di qualcosa chiamami, rispondo io." Translation: "Pass me to Lorenzo baby, if you need something call me, I'll answer."

"Alright." Wishing him a good night's rest I stand up from the couch and walk over to the dining area where Lorenzo was sitting as he ate some cereal. It's weird seeing him eat some colorful fruit loops considering he's intimidating and always wearing a black suit of some sorts. Noticing me he looks up, quickly swallowing the cereal he extends his hand out, placing the phone in his hand. He quickly began to talk to Luciano, not wanting to even know what their talking about I walk away from him and into the bedroom where me and Lorenzo would share. Luckily we won't sleep in the same bed rather he's willing to sleep on the couch, I offered him the bed three days out of the week, even four but he rejected my proposal.
He doesn't care about comfort rather just protecting me.

Opening the door leading into the master bathroom I lock it behind me, Taking my clothes off as I went towards the shower I turn the knob to let the water run. Standing next to the shower naked, checking the water I climb into it, letting the water hit me as I cleaned myself.
Once I felt clean enough I turned the water off, squeezing out the water out of my hair I pickup two towels, wrapping one around my hair while the other around my naked body. Unlocking the door I exited out of the bathroom and headed towards the suitcase where my clothing was.

I was in New York for a couple of weeks, I want to go out and have fun, just enjoy it a little but I can't because of rule number five.

"Regola numero cinque, non devi uscire di casa dopo le sette di sera." Translation: Rule number five, You are not to leave the house after seven p.m.

It's better to stay here and not risk it, I don't want him to get mad nore I want to get into trouble. Lorenzo would stop me immediately so he wouldn't get killed by Luciano. He's all of our bosses.

Tossing the wet towels into the basket I walk myself over to the bed, getting in as I felt tired suddenly. As soon as my back hit the bed I felt relaxed. My body just calmed down and I felt calm. My problems just went away, just like that. I knew this bed was expensive considering how fluffy and comfortable it was.
Closing my eyes I heard the door being open, knowing it was Lorenzo I wished him a good night rest right before I slipped off into the darkness.

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