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September 20th

"Corbyn it'a all your damn fault!" I screamed at him as I threw both of the pregnancy tests down on the floor. I was indeed pregnant and yes I was blaming it all on him.

"Why are you acting like this? Can't we just be calm and go peaceful about this." Corbyn said picking up the tests off the floor.

"How the fuck am I supposed to be peaceful about a damn pregnancy?!" I got up from the bed and stormed out of the room but he followed me. "Micah what the hell you've been putting all your anger out on me ever since you got in that damn fight." He said.

"Just leave me alone I don't wanna talk to you." I waved him off trying to go to another room but he just wouldn't budge.

"Really? you want me to leave you alone we just found at that we're having a whole baby." Corbyn ranted hurt that she was acting like this but was still understanding because she had got jumped a few days before and was ticked off but to treat him like this was absurd.

"Fuck you Corbyn you got me pregnant on purpose just so you can leave me later on in life and fuck up somebody else's." I yelled. I couldn't believe these words coming out my mouth nor were they true but I was just pissed off at everything and everyone.

"At least I know how you really feel, I'm out." Corbyn walked out the door grabbing his keys before he left out.

Once he shut the door I walked over to the couch plopping down on it. Not noticing his feelings or emotions about the situation I was being immature and I was hurting everybody while I was hurt too.

"Momma I wish you was here right now." I looked up to the ceiling like it was the sky. Ever since she passed life felt so different I never thought I would be visiting both of my parent's graves at 18 years old this wasn't how my life was supposed to turn out. But they say every bad thing that happens some good will come. "I'm p-pregnant." I mumbled to myself and instantly Corbyn came back to my mind.

Some women had to deal with cheating men and niggas who don't claim their children or if you told them you were pregnant they would go ghost on you. I had a real man who was willing to be there for me and wanted to just talk it out but instead us women like to push those good men away because we deal with our own demons who keep telling us to do so.

"I was going to keep this baby and I was going to go complete college, I'm going to apologize to Corbyn." I kept saying to myself as I walked up the stairs back into the room.

"I'm fucking pregnant."


September 21st

Corbyn didn't come home last night he told me he had just stayed at his mother's which was fine actually with me because it gave us the space we both probably needed.

I was on my way to my first doctor's appointment to get an ultrasound. At first, I was hesitant to ask Corbyn to go with me but I decided that I wanted to surprise him with my ultrasound picture of the baby and that I was sure I wanted it. It also gave me time to go get something special for him since the whole breakdown I had last night and apologizing for lashing out on him.

I parked in the parking lot of the hospital which I immediately had flashbacks of when Corbyn was here but I fought against them. I had a cropped tee on and I never really got to see my belly because I always covered it up but I could tell it was poking out a bit and it made me wonder how many weeks I was.

"Hi I'm here for a scheduled appointment for Micah Bentley." I told the lady at the front desk. She mugged me back seemed around my age also. I didn't do anything so I guess she stuck a straw in her ass today. "Ok ma'am just walk down the hall and make a right it's door 22." She said to me.

I nodded and then headed to where she told me to go. All the doors I went passed and looked in each one of them but there was one, in particular, I focused on. It was a young black woman giving birth as you could hear strong screams of aching pain of pushing the baby out. Once her doctor was heading for the door I left.

"Hello is this Dr. Angela?" I turned the knob to the room and waltzed in.

"Yes, this is." She turned around in her swivel chair and got up to greet me. We shook hands and I sat on the hospital bench.

"Sorry if I'm a little nervous this is my first time." I said as I fiddled with my thumbs.

"I can tell hun I was probably around your age when j had my first kid." She told me. I instantly grew a liking to her.

"How was it?" I asked her genuinely curious of wanting to know since this was my first child. I wanted to be educated before I had this baby especially being as young as I am.  "It was something I definitely would never regret or change because everything happens for a reason." She said.

I chuckled and that relieved a lot of my stress even though it wasn't the most detailed advice it was definitely needed at the moment. "I'm going to measure your little belly so can you stand up for me hun." She told me and I followed. I stood up as she took her measuring tape and wrapped it around me.

"It seems like your about 14-15 weeks which means you've been pregnant for about 4 months." She told me as she noted this down on her computer.

I was confused as in how I was pregnant that long which meant I was having a baby way before me and Corbyn had broke up but it was odd because I wasn't having any symptoms then.

"Ok that's a bit weird since I wasn't showing any symptoms then." I told her. She put her glasses on getting out the stuff to do my ultrasound. "Yeah sometimes especially when it's you're first time the symptoms may not show at all or until later in your pregnancy I've had a lot of women who didn't even know they were expecting." She said.

I laid back down while she came over putting the ultrasound gel on my belly. "Ready to see your little one?" She told me. I nodded at her and then looking at the screen.

The picture popped up with a small figure on it. It was my baby. "Seem so big on the screen but so little in reality." I said. I was in definite awe looking at the screen. It was really about to get real.

20 minutes passing...

"Ok I'm going to print your ultrasound pictures out and you're free to go and I'll see you at your next appointment hopefully with the baby's daddy too." Dr. Angela said guiding me out the room. I waved her bye and then went to go pick up the pictures at the front.


It was nighttime once I had made it home and I was holding a tin load of shopping bags from the mall that were all for Corbyn. He was home I think, His car was parked in the driveway so he should've been but the condo was really quiet.

"Corbyn?!" I tried to yell his name but I got nothing in return. Maybe he's not here. I carried the bags upstairs until I heard a shuffle of footsteps sliding around. "Corbyn stop playing with me are you in there?" I said again. I was scared when it came to quiet places and hearing unknown noises. The footsteps had stopped and the bed squeaked.

I opened the door to Corbyn sitting on the bed with his face inside his arms. I could hear his sniffles from a feet away. He was crying. I dropped the bags and rushed over to his side.

"What's wrong papa?" I took his face into my hands but he tried to move them not wanting me to see him cry or the tears he had running down on his cheeks. "S-stop Micah." He scooted away from me. You could tell he was truly hurt and that pained me knowing it was all my fault.

"I know you hate me shit I hate my damn self for the shit I've said to you. I was angry, I wa-was in pain too but that didn't mean for me to lash out on you Corbyn. I swear to god I love you and I can't do this without you so please don't leave my side." I looked up at the wall just flowing the words out. I knew I was on the urge of tears also but I wanted to fight them so hard. I was afraid of him leaving me again and knowing I'm having a child made it much worse I didn't want to go through that pain and have my kid go through it too.

"B-but you ma-made it clear that you didn't want a baby with me Micah, I wasn't even having sex with you on purpose I'm just fucking in love with you. That's what you do when your in love you make love and sometimes a baby comes but instead you blamed it all on me." He got choked up on his tears. I never seen Corbyn this way and it made me realize how emotional he actually really was. My tears rushed out of my eyes after hearing him say that and just hearing his voice crack of pain and sorrow.

"I-I'm so sorry Corbyn I don't want you to hate me I can't d-do this alone." All I could do was cry I wasn't the best at putting my emotions out all on the table because everything I went through hurt so much to a point you couldn't talk about it. I stood up to give him some space because I knew he probably didn't want me there with him or at all. Instead Corbyn grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest and I wrapped my arms around him as you could feel the heat coming from both of our bodies.

"I don't hate you baby I'm just hurt that you ain't want our baby but I understand because your young and that's too much on your plate right now." Corbyn rubbed small areas around in my hair. I looked up at him as we both stared into our watery eyes. Before he went in to kiss me I got out of his hold and went digging into my purse looking for the ultrasound picture. I found it and held it in my hand walking back over to him. "I do want our baby." I gave him the picture.

A big grin appeared on Corbyn's face and he pulled me in him again and hugged me. "You really have ma baby mamas." He said. I took his face in my hands and kissed him. "We're going to be a family papa." I said.

"We're going to be a family."


To be continued...

A BABY?!!!!!!

Are y'all ready for y'all fav couple to have a baby but get ready because this about to bring a whole bunch of drama.

Stay tuned for the next Chapter of Micah's Interlude.

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