Chapter Twenty Five

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A/N: I promised no violent scenes in this chapter, so here you go. ๐Ÿ‘€ Enjoy!

"I believe our alliance is as strong as ever. So long as you respect our agreements, I see no reason as to why I wouldn't help you. Therefore, I agree with your proposition. You may take The Grand Seer off my land." Queen Clarion decided firmly.

Peter Pan slowly smirked, his heartbeat quickening with glee and satisfaction, before he politely bowed slightly to her. "You will see that you have made the right decision, Your Highness."

Queen Clarion nodded, a knowing smile toying her lips. "I don't see why I wouldn't believe that."

Peter sent her a small smile. "Will you take me to him?"

Queen Clarion laughed softly in response. "Forgive me, Peter, but I do not associate myself with the seers. However," she paused as she waved her hand as she looked to her side, and a guard moved forward to face her. "One of my guards can take you to The Grand Seer."

Pan nodded in approval. "Lovely."

"Please make sure you show Pan to the Seer, Silas, and whatever Pan chooses to do with him, is up to him only. We do not rule the Seers anymore." Queen Clarion commanded, and her guard bowed down in respect and obedience.

"Yes, Your Highness."

The guard, Silas, turned to Peter Pan and monotonously instructed, "Please, follow me."

Peter Pan looked to the Queen once more, and nodded at her as a farewell, to which she pleasantly returned. He followed the guard quietly, his senses sharp and alert as he took this chance to observe his surroundings properly for the first time. Peter had to admit that he felt envious of Queen Clarion for having the most beautiful division of Neverland, but the reason it was beautiful to begin with was due to the fairies and the magic they possessed. It was a pure form of magic, disassociated with darkness and peril, unlike the magic Peter Pan took pride in having. Even if he wished to make his own division breathtakingly beautiful, it would never be as beautiful as this, because his magic was tainted. It didn't bother him in the slightest, for he believed that one day, he'd reign over the fairies anyway, and he'd force them to enchant the entirety of Neverland with their magic.

The guard led him over a wooden bridge, and Peter watched the gentle stream of water beneath him, his eyes darting over to two fairies by the bank casting their fishing rods into the sparkling water. He crossed the bridge with him, and turned right, to where an astonishingly small cottage was situated. The cottage looked quite neglected in being cared for, moss growing on one wall of the building, and the wood looked as though it was in the process of rotting. The guard stepped aside for Pan to stand at the front door, and he gestured towards it.

"This is The Grand Seer's home." The guard stated, and Pan nodded.

"You can leave us now." Peter dismissed him, but the guard did not move.

"I am required to provide my assistance to you, as per the queen's orders." The guard clarified.

Pan gazed at him, unblinking. "And I do not require your assistance. I can take it from here."

The guard only remained for another few seconds, before wordlessly walking away from the Demon King. Peter focused back on the door, and turned his hand, causing the door knob to magically twist on its own and open the door for him. He quietly sauntered in, his gaze flickering all over the dark interior of the Grand Seer's home. Glass was shattered everywhere, scorched parchments of paper were stashed on one corner of the space in a fit of rage, and the furniture seemed to be caked with an infinite layers of dust. Quite surprisingly, Peter noticed an old man hunched over to the farthest corner of the cottage, rocking back and forth almost unconsciously, and mumbling incoherently to himself.

Peter smirked victoriously, and slowly approached the man until he was standing right in front of him, however, the man seemed to somehow not notice him. He was still hugging his knees to his chest and muttering under his breath, his eyes so distant, as though he was asleep while awake. Peter paid it no mind, and instead clenched his hand in front of him, causing the man to forcefully get tugged upwards and pushed against the wall, magically, courtesy of Pan. This seemed to wake the man up, for he rapidly blinked, his eyes widening at the sight of Peter Pan in his own home.

"Oh, I do hate to wake you from your disturbed slumber, but I believe our meeting has been long overdue." Peter spoke calmly, smiling when the Grand Seer seemed to flinch upon hearing him speak.

Peter tilted his head to the side. "Now, I'm going to lift my magic off you, and we're going to have a civilised conversation. You answer my questions without a fuss, and I will not hurt a single hair on your head."

When the seer did not respond, Peter tightened his magical grip on the man, causing him to grunt in pain.

"I believe my terms are quite reasonable, don't you think?" Pan spoke through gritted teeth.

The seer nodded vigorously when he felt the grip on his abdomen slowly crushing him. Feeling satisfied with his reaction, Peter lifted his magic, and the man dropped to the ground, gasping harshly. Peter raised a single brow at him. "Well? Aren't you going to invite me to take a seat?"

The Grand Seer shot him a small glare, before muttering gruffly, "Please, take a seat so we can speak properly."

Pan rolled his shoulders back. "With pleasure."

Peter sat himself down on one of the dusty chairs, but not before casting a quick charm to polish it clean for him to sit. He waited until the man was sat in front of him on the opposing chair, and he stated, "You know exactly why I'm here."

The Seer nodded solemnly, before shakily speaking, his old age adding a quiver to his tone, "I've been wondering when you'd finally come find me, Peter Pan. It was only a matter of time after you've captured Thea that I knew you'd come looking for me."

Peter smirked. "You know of Thea's fate?"

The Seer's gaze shifted to the moldy floor, his eyes mystifying as he quietly spoke. "She only did what was asked of her, and you have shown no mercy."

Pan shrugged nonchalantly. "To be fair, I did offer her my kindness and hospitality, before she chose to deceive me and fake her own death."

The Grand Seer nodded absentmindedly, before he murmured, "You wish to discuss the key, don't you?"

Pan frowned, and demanded an elaboration by repeating, "The key?"

The Grand Seer sighed. "The girl who has set foot onto Neverland and made a place for herself by your army of Lost Boys. The girl who goes by Metanoia - she is the key."

Peter's glare hardened on the man, before he spat, "And exactly what does this key unlock?"

"Metanoia was sent down to Neverland by the Greek Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus, to rid themselves of the curse she was fated with. Even Lord Hades was wary of her existence." The Seer explained slowly, and Pan's brows furrowed deeper, the creases on his forehead growing more prominent.

"She was a threat to their existence. You see, Metanoia's name is derived from repentance - from a person's change of way and beliefs. The Greek Gods and Goddesses knew she would bring doom upon Mount Olympus, so they had no choice but to banish her to Neverland, but not before entirely wiping away her memory, only leaving her with her name to remember."

"Metanoia is fated to bring Mount Olympus to ruin?" Peter wondered out loud, his eyes widening upon this revelation, and The Grand Seer nodded firmly.

"They have taken something from her, something precious, and unfortunately even my powers have their limits ... I cannot unveil what was taken from her, but as a result, Metanoia had already destroyed part of Mount Olympus in just a mere fit of rage, and so, they banished her here, and forced her powers to lay dormant. But ... she's been subconsciously tapping into her powers lately, hasn't she? When she'd had near death experiences." The Grand Seer shot Pan a knowing look, and Peter nodded in confirmation quietly.

The Grand Seer blinked. "The Gods and Goddesses aim was to ensure that this knowledge would never reach your acknowledgment, in fear of somehow using Metanoia to conquer Mount Olympus for yourself."

Peter Pan slowly smiled, a wide grin etching onto his face, his green eyes dancing with mischief and a thirst for blood, as he announced, "Oh, and they should definitely fear me. After all, they banished me here too, haven't they? Because they could not bear to face the chaos I was bound to unleash upon them all."

The Grand Seer gulped. "What do you wish to do with the girl?"

Pan smirked. "She's already rightfully earned her place in my army of Lost Boys. I think it's time to lure her into my ... ways of life."

"You will corrupt her?" The Grand Seer looked horrified. "By wiping her memories clean, Metanoia was given a new chance to live her life without sinning, Peter Pan. You would take away her innocence for your own selfish gain?"

Peter laughed maliciously in the man's face and leaned back into the chair, looking down at him with a devious grin. "Oh, but Metanoia hasn't ever really been innocent, has she? A sinner will always find more sins to commit, even when they have no recollection of sinning to begin with."

He slowly stood up, and asked him, "So, how will Metanoia help me destroy Mount Olympus?"

The Grand Seer sighed heavily, looking exhausted after years of being burdened with his powers, and rasped, "This hasn't been revealed in the stars, Pan. It is something that you will have to do on your own."

Peter's eyes narrowed at him, watching the way he blankly stared back at him, and knew the old man wasn't lying. Swallowing thickly, Pan nodded firmly, before abruptly moving forward and pinning the man into the chair, his strong hand curled around the man's neck forcefully.

The Grand Seer gasped for breath, his hands frantically trying to rip Pan's hand off him. Reaching up with his other free hand, Pan plucked out a hair from the man's scalp and gazed at it with a crazy grin etched onto his face.

"I made a deal with you that I wouldn't hurt a single hair on your head." The man continued struggling under Pan's unforgiving grip. "Well, that's the single hair I won't hurt."

Pan dropped the hair to the floor, before looking back down at the man's terrified face. He cackled tauntingly. "You, however, I can harm as I please."


Pan stepped out of the Grand Seer's cottage quietly, wiping his bloody hands clean, and walking away from the estate, whistling a tune to himself cheerfully. This would change everything. Now that he knew about Metanoia and her purpose for being here, he would be at ease. She was an ally, not an enemy, and he would be sure to exploit her entirely. He turned around and walked away from the cottage, a smug look on his face as he strutted with a straight posture, his hands in his pants' pockets. Upon his departure from the fairies' division, his ears perked up with interest when he heard his name being uttered by a sultry, lulling voice.

"If it isn't the famous Peter Pan."

He turned his head to the side, regarding the fairy who'd called his name. He immediately recognised her from his last visit; her hip-length shimmering gold hair, and her purple, amethyst eyes intensely gazing at him with a cunning smile resting on her beautiful face. She was perched up on a large boulder, her green dress glittering over her body as her wings fluttered behind her every few seconds, as though they were blinking with her enchanting eyes.

"I'm Tinkerbell." She introduced herself, and Pan properly faced her, a smirk forming on his face as his shamelessly racked her body from head to toe.

"You must be brave to dare speak to me. The fairies are well versed on my methods and my reputation." Peter spoke amusedly, and Tinkerbell's smile broadened at his words.

"You do not scare me, Peter Pan. On the contrary, you intrigue me." She retorted, and Pan crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh, do I?"

"Indeed you do." She paused, her eyes flickering to his tainted knuckles, and added, "Violence is an instinct to you as much as peace is an instinct to us."

Pan laughed darkly, shaking his head as he glanced down at the glowing grass beneath his brown boots. "You have no idea."

Tinkerbell cocked her head to the side. "I just wish I could know more about you."

Peter snapped his gaze back at her, his eyes swimming with an unwavering desire, though he simply stated, "We have a celebration in my division tonight. Perhaps, you could join us?"

Tinkerbell shook her head, and stood up onto the grass and walked towards him until she could feel his breath on her face. Peter's eyes briefly flickered over to her pink lips, and snapped back up at her eyes.

"I want to know you when you're angry, not when you're celebrating." She whispered entrancingly, her fingertips barely touching his clothed chest, before she stepped backwards a few feet and offered him a cheeky smile. "Perhaps I'll come find you when you are."

Peter watched her retreat, and he smiled slyly. "I'll be waiting, then."


Metanoia laughed hysterically as she watched Nate and Sam wiggle themselves around the bonfire and calling it 'dancing' while screaming words to a song they'd known for centuries. She could barely catch her breath, especially when Sam moved to yank her off the log she was perched on beside Theodore in his comforting arms, and forcing her to wiggle herself around as well. The rest of the boys were sat around the bonfire and yelling happily while some of them played their instruments to create festive music to celebrate with. Metanoia was dressed in the short, white dress she was wearing when she first appeared on Neverland's shores, and her hair bounced on her back with every move she made as she clutched Sam's hands.

She giggled when Elijah and Charlie appeared on either side of her, and Elijah placed a white flower crown on her head, but not before Charlie placed a chaste kiss on her cheek. She grinned lovingly as her cheeks flushed a deep red at the two boys, and momentarily left Sam's hands to bring Charlie and Elijah into a friendly embrace. They happily hugged her back with equal affection, everyone feeling the joy radiating off their surroundings. They continued dancing, as Idris shoved a bottle into Metanoia's hands. She could tell what it was, since it's been passed around from one Lost Boy to the next, and her suspicions were confirmed when she tipped the bottle's mouth past her lips, the bitter liquid stinging her tastebuds as the alcohol moved down her throat. After taking a massive gulp, she passed the bottle over to Finn, who gladly took it off her to take a sip.

"Okay, so we know we're not exactly artistic." Jacob started as he pushed past the boys, with Jeremy behind him, carrying something which Metanoia failed to properly see. "But we thought we'd make you something in celebration for your success at the trials."

"And for being one of us now!" Jeremy added hastily, too impatient to keep the surprise hidden any longer as he moved forward in front of Jacob, a massive cake held in his hands with the worst frosting job one could ever imagine, everyone laughing at the sweet gesture. Metanoia gasped, her hands flying to her mouth in shock, and her heart swelling with so much love to give. Her teary eyes landed on her two teammates, a sincere grin etched onto her face as she laughed in disbelief, and cried, "I love you guys so much."

Everyone laughed as Metanoia moved forward to quickly hug Jacob and Jeremy, careful not to squish the cake in the process, before Jeremy placed the dessert onto a wooden table, and everyone surrounded it. Metanoia, of course, was standing in the centre, and quite naturally, Denzel and Felix sulked in a corner by the fire, ignoring everyone. Before they could cut into the cake, Pan entered camp, his presence somehow being felt before it could be seen, and everyone immediately turned to look at his approaching figure, a calm expression resting on his flawless facial features.

Metanoia expected him to scowl as soon as he laid eyes on her, but much to her valid surprise, he maintained his unbothered expression, and she swore she almost saw a ghost of a smile flicker onto his face, but it vanished as soon as it appeared. With a wave of his hand, a raised platform was built right in front of the bonfire, and Peter Pan took his place at the top of the platform, eyeing his Lost Boys as they gathered round to give him their complete focus.

"Tonight marks the night of a new member of The Lost Boys." Pan's voice echoed across camp vividly, and Metanoia watched him curiously, still wary of his intentions and why he wasn't lividly glaring at her. "Tonight, we celebrate the success of Metanoia excelling in her trials, and more importantly, being the first ever Lost Girl."

An eruption of cheers, whistles and applause sounded across the boys, as Micah and Gabriel stood behind her and clapping her on the shoulders. Peter allowed the noise to naturally die down, before he called out to Metanoia, "And now, Metanoia's initiation ritual begins."

The fire behind him suddenly roared, lighting up the camp so brightly that Metanoia almost thought it was as bright as daylight. Peter Pan's gaze landed on Metanoia's hesitant face, and he reached his hand out to her, stating, "It is time for you to take an oath, Metanoia."

Metanoia awkwardly stepped forward, suddenly feeling foolish for being in the white dress and having a flower crown over her head, not to mention that she was tipsy as well. She glanced at his hand warily, before slowly placing hers over his, allowing Pan to gently lift her up onto the platform with her.

"What are you playing at?" She muttered quietly so only he would hear her, and he raised a brow at her questioningly.

"Why are you suddenly okay with me passing the trials?" She elaborated, her gaze fixed on his eyes, and he clenched his jaw.

"You passed your trials fairly. I have no choice but to initiate you, Metanoia." He replied quietly, and then raised his voice. "Raise your right hand."

Metanoia cautiously lifted her hand up beside her face, her sight never leaving his soft face, as he faced her with an unreadable expression. She despised that look - how he was an expert at not giving anything away at all. It always left her brain aching with thoughts and questions that would never be answered.

"Repeat after me." Pan instructed, and Metanoia nodded, repeating after him.

"I, Metanoia, solemnly swear my allegiance to Peter Pan, and ferociously fight alongside my fellow Lost Boys in Pan's cause, and only his cause. I swear to place my full trust and loyalty to Peter Pan, until my last dying breath."

As soon as Metanoia was done reciting her oath, Peter gently placed his cold hand around her wrist, his touch so simple, yet so foreign to her, that Metanoia couldn't help the goosebumps that have risen on her arm. He hovered his other hand an inch over her forearm, before he moved it down to reveal a tattoo of a soaring dove inked into her pale skin. Metanoia gasped softly upon witnessing it, and she murmured, "what's this?"

"This," Peter declared. "is your Lost Girl tattoo. Every Lost Boy has it ... although I'm not quite sure how you haven't noticed that yet."

Metanoia rolled her eyes. Of

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