Chapter 12 : Cake

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She slowly opened her eyes and sat up on the bed. She looked at her other side and Elam was sleeping there peacefully. He had woke up to read Fajr Salah but then he went back to sleep as it was Sunday today. She slowly moved away dovet from her and slowly got up from the bed while trying to make no sound to disturbed his sleep. She got into restroom and then cleaned herself up. She changed her clothes and walked out. She started walking towards room's door but before she opened the door she stopped in her tracks then walked back in. She walked towards him and sat down on bed next to him. She got hold of his hand and looked at it. His wound was still fresh and he hadn't even put any medicine or bandage on it. She sighed then stood up and walked toward side bed drawer to get medicine. She took it out medicine box and walked back towards him. Then she opened pain releif medicine and softly put medicine on his wound which was right in middle of his palm. After putting on medicine she put bandage on his hand softly while trying not woke him up or cause him pain. After finished doing his bandage she got up and put back the medicine then walked out.

Jannat nervously looked at closed door. She was standing in front of her father- in- law and mother- in -law's room. Mostly everyone was woke by this time but today was Sunday. Everyone was there in their rooms. She was double minded should she disturbed them or not. She took in deep breath to gained courage then softly knocked on the door but no one opened the door. She sighed and turned over to walk back when the room door opened. She looked back and there her mother in law was standing while smiling.

'Salam.' Jannat said

'Wasalam.' Mrs Malika replied cheerfully.

'I hope I am not disturbing.' Jannat said embarrassed.

'Off course not dear, you didn't disturb me at all. Come inside.' Mrs Malika said and pulled her inside the room. She entered in the room and her father in law was sitting on sofa while reading quran.

'Salam.' Janant greeted her father in law and he greeted her back while smiling.

'Jannat you are so shy?' Mrs Malika said smiling and Jannat lookeddown.

'You know Farooq she is asking that is she disturbing me or not.' Mrs Malika said then they both start laughing whereas Jannat embarrassed looked down.

'Jannat dear we are never busy. Specially in this age. You know we are old.' Mr Farooq said

'Hyy I am not old. I am still young and happening. 'Mrs Malika said in her defend and glared at her husband.

'Off Course you are still young. I am sorry I was only talking about me.' Mr Farooq said whereas Jannat lovingly looked at their cute fight.

'Better. Thats like a my good husband.' Mrs Malika said and they start laughing. Then Mrs Malika turned back to Jannat.

'Is there something you want to ask?' Mrs Malika asked and Janant nodded her head in yes.

'Then come on ask me I will not make you wait anymore. ' Mrs Malika said and make her sat down on bed and herself say next to her whereas Mr Farooq start reading Quran again.

'Actually I wanted to know.........' Jannat trailed nervously and Mrs Malika was looking at her.

'Yeah come on ask me Jannat. Why you look so nervous?' Mrs Malika encouraged her and she looked up at her.

'I am thinking of making Elam's favourite dish but I don't know which one is his favourite.' Jannat said and Mrs Malika stared at her then start laughing whereas Janant blushed red.

'Stop laughing Malika, you are making her embarrass. 'Mr Farooq said and Mrs Malika stopped laughing.

'I am sorry but you are so cute Jannat.' Mrs Mailka commented and Janant even blushed more red.

'Well answer to your question is Elam all time favourite dish is chocolate cake.' Mrs Malika said and Jannat looked up at her.

'Choclate Cake. Its a dessert.' Jannat said

'So what if it is a dessert.' Mrs Malika asked and Jannat looked at her.

'Is there any problem with it.' Mr Farooq asked and Jannat snapped her head towards him.

'No there is no problem.' Jannat said quickly and smiled whereas they smile back to her as well.

'Thats great.' Mrs Malika said

'Can I have the recipe.' Jannat asked and Mrs Malika nodded her head in yes.

'Its in Kitchen.' Mrs Malika said while standing up. Then she opened the door and walked out while Jannat followed her out. They reached at kitchen and Mrs Malika walked towards tje drawer and took out recipe book. Then she walked back towards Jannat and put the book on counter. Jannat looked at book whereas Mrs Malika opened the recipe page.

'Here is the Choclate Cake recipe.' Mrs Malika said and Janant start reading the recipe.

'In the recipe they use peasant butter but you don't use it as Elam is allergic from it.' Mrs Malika said while Janant was reading the recipe. After reading the recipe Jannat sadly looked up.

'That look hard and I am already bad at making Desserts.'Janant said whereas Mrs Malika looked at her sad face.

'No worry and don't be sad. I am there for your help.' Mrs Malika said whereas Jannat looked at her.

'Thank you very much.' Janant said cheerfully then quickly hugged her whereas Mrs Malika start laughing and hugged her back.

'I am always there for you when ever you need help.' Mrs Malika said and broke away the hug whereas Jannat smiled and look at her then she got sad again.

'What Happen now?' Mrs Malkka asked ans Janant looked down to hide her tears.

'Nothing I am just missing my mum.' Jamnat said as tears start flowing formher eyes.

'awww, don't cry. Don't you think I am like your mother.' Mrs Malika asked softly.

'You are so nice and I don't think you are like my mother but you are my second mother.' Janant said and Mrs Malila smile then moved her hand and cleaned away her tears.

' Now give me a big smile.' Mrs Malika said and they looked at each other then they stay laughing. Then, Mrs Malika start giving orders to maid and got busy to cleaned the whole house while standing next to her and Janant just walk back in her room. She opened the door and entered whereas Elam was standing in front mirror while doing his hair. Jannat looked at him and he looked ready.

'Are you going somewhere.' Janant asked and he looked back at her.

'Yeah to my friend's house. ' Elam said and Jannat nodded her head in yes then walk and sat down on bed. That was good, it will give me time to make dessert. Janant thought happily.

'When you will be back.' Jannat asked after a while

'Maybe around 11:00.' Elam said

'What? Thats too late' Jannat screamed and stood up from her place while Elam confused looked back at her.

'Late for What?' Elam asked and Jannat came back to her senses.

'Oh nothing.' Jannat said quickly and sat back on bed then quickly picked up the book from her night stand which she was reading last night and put it in front of her face. Elam looked at her weird then shrugged his shoulder and got back to his hair.

'God, that was close. Stupid me. Becaue of me he might have found out about the surprise.' Jannat mutter undet her breath then sighed in releif.

'Have you put this bandage on my hand.'Elam askes after a while and Janant looked up at him. There eyes met though mirror and Janant nodded her head in yes. Then quickly put book in front her face again. She was still too embarrassed with her last night behaviour and still don't want to answer his questions. Elam got it that she don't want to talk about last night so he sighed and didn't talk over it anymore. Then he put on cologne and put on his jacket.

' I will be going now.' Elam said and Jannat looked at him from book.

'Okay.' Janant said and Elam walked out. Janant closed the book and let her breath moved freely which she don't even realized that she was holding.


Janant walked in the kitchen whereas Mrs Farooq and Ayat were already waiting for her. When she entered they snapped their faces towards her and smile to her. She smile and walked towards them

'Finally you are here. shall we start making our special Cake for your dear husband.' Mrs Malika said teasingly then they all start laughing.

'I am so happy. You know Choclate Cake is my favourite as well.' Ayat said cheerfully and Jannat smiled to her.

'Okay, Lets start the dish.' Mrs Farooq said and they nodded their head in yes.

'How dare you three make such a big mistake.' A voice said and they snapped their head toward the voice. There Aryan was standing in door frame.

'What mistake?' Ayat asked confused and Aryan entered in the kitchen.

'You have decided to make chocolate cake without big cheif.' Aryan said while opening his chest and pointed towards him.

'Drama King.' Ayat said and rolled her eyes on him whereas Jannat just smile and Mrs Malika glare at his childish act whereas Aryan just walk and sat down on counter.

'Well ladies you will get punshiment for it ' Aryan said

'And What is our punshiment King Aryan.' Ayat said and bow down in front of him whereas Janant and Mrs Farooq start laughing.

'I will be judge and without my approval you can't serve the cake to any one ' Aryan said

'Yeah whatever.' Ayat said and they got back to their work. After three hours of hard work there cake was ready. Jannat make the cake whereas Mrs Malika helped her to have out instructions and Ayat and Aryan talk to her all time which make the time to passed fast. She really enjoyed their company. She came back in her room and looked up at watch. It was only 08:00 pm yet. There was still 3 hours since Elam return. She thought then walked into restroom and changes her smelly clothes then walk back downstairs. Everyone was sitting on table and ready to have the dinner . Jannat greeted then walked and sat down on her chair. They all started their dinner whereas she looked back at her watch again. It was only 09:00 yet. She loudly sighed and got back to her food. After finishing her food she helped Ayat and Mrs Malika to cleaned up the table. Then they all sat back down in sitting room while waiting for Elam to return back so they could surprise him. Janant was so excited as cake came out was great but she still wanted to know Elam's reaction. Mr Farooq and Mrs Malika were busy watching television whereas Ayat and Aryan again have started their fighting over something silly . She sighed and looked back at her watch again and it was  10:00. She sighed and leaned her head on sofa. Don't know how long she sat there bored while trying to enjoy television and Ayat even talk to her few time but still time was passing so slow. Then, she heard car's horn and she quickly sat up on the sofa. she looked at watch and it was 11:10 pm. it was Elam's car horn and he soon will be entering though doors. She smiled and stood up.

'Finally, you smile.' Aryan said teasingly whereas she blushed red with embarrassment and everyone start laughing.

'Off course she will be smiling now as her so called beautiful and handsome husband is here.' Ayat said teasingly .

'Yeah love make people useless.' Aryan added and Jannat even blushed more while still looking down. Meanwhile Ayat got up and walk into kitchen. She came back while holding the cake in her hand and put it on table.

'All the best Sister in law' Ayat said and thumbed up to Jannat who smile to her. Then the front door opened and they all looked at him. Elam entered and his hair were all messy and he looked really tried. He looked at everyone and smile whereas Jannat 's heart skip a beat with his beathtaking smile.

'Salam everyone.' Elam said and they all replied back to him. Then he start walking towards stairs while ignoring them and they looked back at Jannat to speak up and called him. Jannat looked at them and nervously gulped in. She tries to call him but no words came out from her mouth.

'Elam dear Do you want to have food. ' Mrs Malika called out to him from behind as she realised Jannat was getting nervous. Elam was about to walk stairs when he heard his mother's voice. He turned over and looked at them. He still haven't seen a cake on the table.

'No mum I am tried just want to sleep.' Elam replied and turned over to walk

'But there is...........'Mrs Malika tries to say but Elam cut her off.

'Mum please later.' Elam said and quickly walk upstairs whereas Jannat stared at his back. Tears start building up in her eyes and she looked down to hide them. Everyone looked down and felt sad for Jannat who took whole day to make cake for him and he didn't even looked at it.

To be continue......

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