Part 70 - Cubicle full of roses

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***Sahana's P. O. V***

With my cheeks still burning, I came to a halt only when I recognized Arush's car parked a couple of feet away from my home.

And just then, my phone beeped and I was sure that it was from my dragon.

'Wait for me at the cafe near your house' - It read, and as I'd guessed, the message was from my own dragon. Though I blushed at the thought of a date with him, it also made me feel very anxious - would I be able to keep my cool the whole day after having a date with him?

But then again, I chuckled to myself at the mental debate I was having - I was behaving as though I had a choice!! When my asshole boyfriend wants something, he always gets it... And blushing at that thought, I made my way to the cafe right at the corner of the street.

I'd just taken my seat inside the busy cafe and pulled out my phone when I got that familiar whiff of his cologne. I shot my gaze to the door and sure enough Arush was there, making his way towards me.

His hungry gaze was stuck on mine and his beautiful lips curved into a smile as he finally stopped right in front of me.

"Sit na?" I said, Wonder why he just stood there as though contemplating his next move.

"No I'm just wondering... Shall I sit next to you and hold you in my arms, or sit in front of you and gaze at you" Arush said thoughtfully, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets.

The blatant way in which he uttered those words made me blush, and chuckling, he took the seat facing me.

"I'd watch my love like this and..." He trailed off putting his right hand on my left one and added "...and touch her like this" and winked.

And for the nth time just that morning, I blushed scarlet...matching the color of my cheeks to the color of my dress.

"You look exceptionally phenomenal everyday but today.... You look like a red rose... My red rose" Arush said, caressing the back of my hand with his thumb and gazing intently at me.

"T...t...thanks" I stuttered, my gaze stuck on his intense passionate one.

"What's the color of your dress? Dark red? Deep red? Or just red?" Arush asked, his eyes all over my dress.

"M...m.. maroon" I stuttered, feeling his gaze stuck on my chest.

He just nodded in response before smiling warmly at me, and yet again, blood rose to my cheeks.

"So, what do you want to have? You didn't eat breakfast properly back at home" he said softly, brushing his lips to the back of my hand.

"Huh? Oh I'm full no" I stuttered under his gaze.

Though he smiled warmly, yet there was a passionate something in his eyes that told me if he had his way neither of us would be here, but probably in his room, as he had his way with me.

And yet again I blushed scarlet at the thought, and maybe Arush understood what was going on in my mind because he smirked amidst his smile.

"All in good time my love .. now tell me what you'll have.. at least coffee??" He asked, brushing his lips to the back of my hand again.

Not trusting my voice, I just nodded my head in approval, and chuckling a little, Arush dashed off to place the order at this self service cafe.

I turned in my seat just enough to be able to look at my man, who had his back to me as he shot his order.

I took my time to check him out - that was a well fitting suit and damn he looked so hot in it!! My gaze travelled lower and lower, taking in his broad back, his strong arms and finally landing on his tushy.

You know the worst part about a full suit? You can't check out the bum! I pouted to myself as I tried to get a glimpse of his nice shapely ass, but given that the rim of his blazer went just below his ass, there was really nothing much I could do!

Crossing my arms across my chest, I looked around the cafe to find a couple of girls giggling and chatting, but their gaze was stuck on my man.

My blood boiled seeing the girls actually check him out like how I'd been doing the past few minutes!! And when he turned around, the girls actually started fanning themselves, making me want to snap their necks with that invisible fan they had!!

I huffed angrily, glaring at them as they followed his move until he reached me with two cups of coffee in his hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked in concern, standing beside me and placing the cups of coffee on the table.

I smirked as the girls' gaze clashed with mine and a spark of jealousy flashed in their eyes.

"Sit here" I said before tugging at his hand and forcefully making him sit on the chair beside mine.

I smirked seeing the invisible fumes of anger gushing out of the girls' ears and nostrils as I, very daringly, moved forward and kissed Arush's cheek.

Then, circling my arm around his, I rested my head in his shoulder, all the while smirking at the girls.

"What's happening?" Arush asked, kissing the top of my head while the girls stalked out of the cafe, disappointment etched on their faces.

"Nothing" I shrugged, finally letting go off of him to sip on my coffee.

"If this is how you ward off jealousy then you should know that Diya Sinha has asked me out a couple of times" Arush said, making me glower at him.

"Fine go be with her" I huffed angrily before getting up and storming out of the place.

Muttering under my breath, I hopped into an auto almost right in front of the cafe and made my way to office.

My temper didn't falter but just topped the Himalayas when I found Diya Sinha waiting for the elevator the moment I stepped into the office building.

I had to ball my hands to fists to stop myself from punching the haughty Diya Sinha's pretty face as she stood right in front of me, showing off her dagger-like finger nails as she chatted away with a co-worker.

And matters only got worse when she turned back to glance at me before saying "I'm hoping to be able to get into some action this Valentine's day with Arush" and smirked nastily.

I almost pushed her in my anger as I stormed out of the elevator the moment it pinged halt at our floor.

Seething angrily, I banged my bag onto my desk and wiping away my angry tears, pulled open my laptop with such ferocity that my whole table shook.

"You must calm yourself and don't let your temper get the better off of you" came Arjun's voice as he glanced nervously at me from his cubicle right beside mine.

I glared at him to which he gave me a nervous smile and sat down at his desk.

I spent the next couple of hours typing away with unnecessary force into my laptop - don't ask what I'm typing because seriously this keyboard is my punching bag right now.

It was well over 11am when I got a whiff of something that reminded me of an old perfume my mother used to wear, and glancing around, I saw the source of the fragrance - a delivery boy was pushing a trolley filled with roses.

Not just any roses - roses of that beautiful shade of red.... Almost a hundred roses at different stages of blooming, but all of the same shade of red.

Blood rose to my cheeks as I realized that the delivery boy was making his way to my desk, and that the gaze of literally everyone in the area was on me.

Looking curiously at me, he asked "Sahana Agarwal?" To which I nodded nervously.

Nodding his head, he started picking up the different bouquets of roses and placing them carefully all around and inside my tiny cubicle, leaving only the space for me to just walk out of the cubicle.

I gaped in horror as he laid the final bouquet of blooming roses on my desk, bid me bye and just left.

"Who'd send roses to you?" Came Diya Sinha's spiteful voice as she herself came to stand right in front of my cubicle, glaring at me with jealousy clearly written on her face.

"Her boyfriend of course" Riya said coolly, winking at me.

"Boyfriend? Or maybe she brought it for herself" Diya said aloud, smirking.

"Oh I forgot this" came the delivery boy's nervous voice as he rushed to my cubicle, almost pushing Diya Sinha out of the way before placing a big greeting card on my table.

'Happy Rose day to my beautiful Rose' was written at the front of the card in beautiful calligraphy.

Apart from Diya Sinha's glare, I could sense the admiration and awe of all the girls in the office as they all broke into gossip of how lucky I was to have such a doting boyfriend.

Feeling as though I was under a spotlight, I turned around to find Arush in front of his cabin, smirking. But as my gaze clashed his, his gaze turned intense yet warm like the smile that slowly graced his beautiful lips.

Crossing his arms across his chest and leaning against the door frame of his cabin, Arush slowly took out his phone and put it to his ears.

Finally turning his back to me, he walked into his cabin and I finally became conscious to all the eyes on me and my cubicle filled with roses.

"Now Miss.Rose, sit here so that I can click a picture to send to your boyfriend" Riya said and before I could even grasp what's going on, she pushed me on my chair and standing at the entrance of my cubicle, took a picture of me, amidst all the roses. That's when I realized that Arush was behind this photo-taking idea of Riya.

The rest of the day passed by with people still gossiping about the roses, with guys complaining that their girlfriends too would now expect such extravagant plans and girls wishing they had a boyfriend like mine.

I didn't see Arush for the rest of the day, and with my own guilt for having behaved rudely with him in the morning, the day passed by quickly.

I had forgotten that it was rose day, and I didn't even know how to face him or how to even apologise for my rude behavior.

Wondering how to best make-up to Arush, I finally went home alone at the end of the day.

***Arush's P. O. V***

Everything was going according to plan and for the nth time of the day I looked at the picture that Riya had sent me in the morning - the one where Sahana was sat between so many beautiful roses.

Though she was blushing and with that red dress of her's looked like a budding beautiful rose herself, yet there was something missing... Her eyes were not glinting with happiness and they looked lost.

Sighing, I packed my stuff and made my way to the elevator - taking the long route via her cubicle to check if she was there.

The fragrance of all those roses made me light headed and I couldn't help but wonder if she was mad at me because of this gesture.

It was well past 6 in the evening and I knew that she'd have left office so it wasn't really a surprise for me to find her empty cubicle, empty except for her office supplies and the roses of course.

I knew that I'd make it up to her, and pondering over the remaining half of my plan, I went home...

Wanting an excuse to go upto my room quickly, I lied about a headache, and dashed to my room after an early dinner, lying that I'd go to sleep early.

I knew that my parents would be fast asleep by 11pm, and sure enough, all the lights were switched off when I peeked out of my room at 11pm.

Tip-toeing to Ahana's room, I knocked and wasn't at all surprised to find her awake as she opened to door.

"I'm going to go to Sahana's place... Please lock the door behind me.. I'll be back before mom dad wake up in the morning" I whispered the moment Ahana opened the door.

"So this was the headache... Ahem ahem" Ahana whispered, smirking at me.

"Please Bachcha your bhabhi is angry on me" I whispered, and blushed at the reference of bhabhi for my Sahana.

Ahana smirked but didn't say anything as she followed me downstairs and slowly opened the main door as noiselessly as possible.

"Careful Bhai... And don't forget protection" she whispered and winked before closing the main door behind me.

Sighing, I got on my bike and rode to Sahana's place.

Parking the bike right outside their house, I slowly and noiselessly opened their house gate and made way to the back of the house - to where Sahana's balcony was situated.

Standing right below her lit balcony, I looked around, wondering how to climb into her balcony. But...

"Arush?! What are you doing here?! At this time of the night?" Came the familiar authoritative voice, freezing me to the spot.

To be continued...

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