|31| Symbol of love

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His words pretty much stayed with me for the rest of the night. I mean what is it about his dad? Does this mean he saw him again? Did he pass away? I need to know

When I open my eyes the first thing I see are Carters, he's already awake and looking at me. "Hi" I yawn


"I take it you still don't get how weird staring is" I say amused

"If someone's beautiful I'll stare"

My heart just beat a few times faster right there and then, "Touché"

For the first time, he smiled.

I raise my eyebrows as I lift up his right hand, there's a familiar chain on his wrist. "You kept the bracelet?" I say surprised

"Of course"

I reach over to my nightstand before opening the first draw and pulling out a chain of a necklace. I lift up the words attached to it 'Carter'

He takes it with a soft look, "When did you get this?"

"We weren't talking at the time and I wanted nothing more than to call you and say happy birthday.... But I couldn't, so I figured why not buy a customised necklace and wear it whilst in the recovery program. Now I realise how weird it sounds and it's also a little embarrassing-

Carter pulls me on top of him and I raise my eyebrows with surprise before eventually wrapping my arms around him. He buries his face into my chest before murmuring, "I love it"

"For real?"

Jewellery symbolises a hell lot of things so I think maybe this was a good way to show Carter that I still care about him as much as he cares about me.

He nods as I look down at him, "It's the least you could've done" He then says

I gape, "You know, since I have your name inked onto my waistline" He says amused

I forgot about that

"Shut up"

He leans upwards but I move my face away

"No kisses"

He scoffs, "Why"

"We haven't brushed our teeth" I pat his chest before getting up and he rolls his eyes

"Carmen!" The handle rattles as I get out of bed and Carter looks over at the door


"Why's your door locked?" Enzo scoffs


"Open it"


"Are you secretly doing sit ups?" He questions

Carter narrows his eyes at me, "No need, I go to the gym on Wednesdays"

I'm only allowed to exercise once a week for fifteen minutes, Enzo insists that he comes with me when I go so that he knows I'm not cheating. "So then open the door-

"I just woke up, cálmate carajo"

-chill the fuck out-

Finally his footsteps recede and I sigh, "You used to do sit ups in secret?" Carter asks

I turn around, "When I was staying with my aunt I would do them before bed, It lead to my first relapse"

He nods slowly, "How long do you work out for?"

"Fifteen minutes, no point really"

He looks at me softly, "I'm so sorry C"

"Stop... I forgave you" I say softly, he sighs

"Alright I'm gonna shower, spare toothbrushes are in the draw"

He nods

At first I was a little annoyed when Carter came over to my house in the middle of the night but when he fell asleep I felt some sort of happiness. I don't know it just made me feel like I judged too quickly and he doesn't actually hate me after all.

My  parents aren't even here so Carter and I could've left my room ages ago but I love how my siblings are getting annoyed because they wanna know what I'm doing. We both showered then brushed our teeth and can I just say that I love how he smells like me.

Anyway since things are kind of ok between us, I figured this would be the time to ask him the question. "Carter"

He turns off his phone, "Hmm?"

"Last night you mentioned your dad" I finally say

He goes very still, "I did?"

I nod as I play with his hair, "Did you see him?-

"I should probably go"

I lie beside him, "Look you don't have to tell me.... But your not going" I say seriously

He narrows his eyes at me, "However.... May I guess about the situation?" I then ask

Carter sighs, "Sure"

"So you saw him?"

He nods, "And this was about three months after I left?"

Once again he nods, "He died?"

Carter shakes his head and I frown, "He came back for me one day and I was so fucking happy"

"Was Grace too?"

"She didn't see him" He says quietly

"So... he came back, you guys talked and went out a few times?" I ask

"He told me he heard about one of my upcoming football games and that he was coming to watch"

I suddenly remember how Zoe told me that he changed overnight, right after his game. "And he didn't turn up" I say knowingly

"Apparently he had to work late"

Ok it's so easy to spot a lie; "So I was mad of course because he promised, we still won but nonetheless I wasn't happy on the inside. Then when I got home I overheard my mom, she sounded so fucking pissed.... Then I heard my dad"

"What happened after?"

"Turns out he wasn't actually here for me, he was here for some of the money that he left at our house before disappearing"

I raise my eyebrows with shock, "I was beyond pissed, so I walked in and punched him"

I half smile, "He refused to hit me back because he knew that he was in the wrong. It's the fact that he was so sure that I wouldn't catch him. And he also wanted to see Grace that day but mom said no"

"What was the money for?" I frown

"I couldn't understand why he would need all that cash when he's doing well financially, but then later that evening when Aaron and I went out to eat we saw him" Carter says annoyed

I narrow my eyes, "With who?"

"A red headed woman, someone who looked about fifteen and a little girl" He says quietly

I'm guessing the fifteen year old is his step daughter, the redhead would definitely be his new wife or girlfriend or whatever.... Then the little girl is probably his.

"He has another family?" I say with shock

Carter nods and I look at him softly, "That was the same night that you texted me for the last time... I would've replied but I didn't want to text, I wanted to actually see you"

"I'm sorry" I say quietly

He rubs my thigh, "Don't apologise"

"I know but maybe if I had just come back earlier-

"Carmen this isn't your fault, it's mine"

"Can you just let me take the blame for once?"

Carter smiles before shaking his head and I wrap my arms around him, "Well I say fuck your dad, you have me" I murmur before bringing our lips together, he rolls us over so that he ends up on top and I deepen the kiss

"Why don't I mark you like last time" He murmurs as his lips glide across my body

I lift up my chin, "Only if I get to scratch you"

He kneels before me before pulling his shirt off and I smile as I drag my fingers along his abs, "Deal"

Carter starts to kiss me on the neck and then suddenly he starts sucking, I close my eyes with pleasure before pushing his head down a little more. His tongue is so warm and he sucks so gracefully, I refrain from moaning since we aren't exactly alone in this house. Finally he bites and I find myself clenching my legs, he chuckles against me and I drag my nails down his back as an alternative to moaning.

He starts to mould one of my breasts and I arch my back a little as a feeling of ecstasy rushes through my heart. His tongue should be worth a million dollars, I don't know how he gets me wet so fast but it's scary.

Carter sucks right above my chest and I widen my eyes, "Good?" He murmurs from underneath my shirt

I can feel the vibrations from his voice against me, instead of talking I hum in response. My pleasure was only short lived though because then my phone started ringing. I huff before picking it up from the nightstand, but after seeing who it is I sit up. "Hey Melissa" I answer

Carter frowns as he lies beside me, "I'm sorry to bother you Carmen but Carter didn't come home last night and I was wondering if you've seen him"

Not just seen him..... felt him too

I look over at him before putting the phone on speaker, "Yeah he's with me" I reply

"Oh....Really?" Melissa sounded almost excited

I nudge him and he sighs, "I stayed at Carmens"

"And why was it so hard for you to answer your phone?"

"Cause I was fucking wasted"

"Say it nicely" I mouth

Carter rolls his eyes, "I was drunk" He mumbles

Melissa sighs, "It's fine"

He narrows his eyes suspiciously, I'm pretty confused too. I was expecting her to get mad and start shouting, "It is?"

"Yes, just make sure your home tonight. I'll leave you guys be"

I frown, "Later" She ends the call

I put my phone aside, "That was weird"

"She's only acting like that cause I'm with you"

"Well don't be surprised, I'm that amazing" I boast


"Carter" I suddenly say

He looks up at me, "You'll try right?"

He frowns, "Like.... With school, you'll try?"

"It's too late for that"

"It never is.... And not to sound boastful but you'll have me, plus if you start doing good again then maybe coach will let you back on the team"

He smiles sadly, "I've already had too many chances"

"And you're also one of the best players on the team, obviously he's not gonna just let you go" I snort

Carter grins, "I'm the best you say?"

I roll my eyes, "You know what I mean..."

He smiles as I play with his hair, "You're amazing and your dad just isn't worth your anger" I say softly

He kisses me on the neck, "Thank you angel"

Oh fuck my life

I lean on my arm, "So tell me. Just how many girls did you fuck whilst I was away"

He widens his eyes a little, "I mean do we really need to discuss that?"

"What, I'm interested. I mean did any of them even look like me?"

Carter looks at me weirdly, "I'm not talking about this with you"

"Did any of them scratch you as good as me?-


"Were you at least wearing protection or is there a baby mama I need to know about-

He rolls his eyes, "Yes I wore protection-

I gasp, "Oh my god you definitely had sex with Freya-

He lifts me on top of him unexpectedly and I laugh, "I fucked Freya once, same with Phoebe. The rest were random girls at parties, done?"

I smile before nodding, "Good"

My handle moves a little before the door is suddenly opened, I scoff as Matty stands there with Santiago and Enzo..... they have pins and knives in their hands.

Carter and I frown at them, "Do you know how hard it was to get this door open?!" Matty complains

Enzo raises his eyebrows, "Carter?"

"Enzo" He says amused

My brothers walk in, "That's who you were hiding?" He scoffs at me

"I wasn't hiding him"

Santi sits at my desk, "So I take it you guys are good again"

"No I hate him" I deadpan

"I hate you too"

Matty frowns at my neck, "Why do you have so many mosquito bites"

Santiago snorts, "Those aren't bites from a mosquito"

"I'm glad that we've established that, can you guys go now?"

Matty sits on the bed, "Do you play football?" He asks Carter

"Yup" He says amused

"Matty" I say annoyed

"What about soccer?"

Carter nods, "Can we play in the backyard? Santi's rubbish at it"

"No I'm not" He scoffs with offence

He's more of a basketballer

Carter sits up, "Got a ball?"

Matteo nods before leaving the room and I look back with annoyance, "Why?"

"Why not?" He says innocently

"Well as long as Cartens back then I'm good" Enzo says before walking out of the room

"That's literally the worst ship name in the world" Santi follows him out

"You're supposed to be here for me, not my brother"

Carter leans in with amusement, "Sounds like jealously" He hums before giving me a long kiss

I open my eyes as he pulls away, "Half an hour, max"

"Deal" He replies before getting up, I huff as I lie back on the bed

I literally can't believe that Carters dad is the reason for his recent behaviour.... And the fact that he has a whole other family too, that's just sad. I walk out of my room before making my way to Lola's, I'm hoping she's in a better mood today.

Weirdly though, she's not in here. Her beds made and everything just looks untouched, I frown as I look around.

Maybe she's downstairs

Ok she isn't in Adri's room, or in any of the boys' either, I checked the backyard but it's only Matty and Carter outside.

That's when I start to panic

Me: Hey where are you?

I put my phone down before opening the door to the backyard, "Matty have you seen Lola?" I ask

He passes the soccer ball back to Carter, not even hearing what I asked. I shield my eyes from the sun, "Matty" I scoff

Carter kicks the ball into the goal and my brother groans, "Howwww" He complains

He laughs, "Practise"

"Yeah don't mind me" I turn to go back inside


I wave them off before shutting the door behind me and picking up my phone again, "Come on, pick up" I mutter as it rings

"What's wrong?" Adriana frowns

"Dude your neck" She then scoffs, I swat her hand away as I end the call

"Lola's not answering her phone, do you know where she is?"

My sister shrugs in response, "She probably just went out with a friend"

"Without telling anyone?"

"Yeah we've all done it" She says amused

As if on cue our little sister walks into the house with a smile, a hoodie on and a pair of jeans, "Lola" I scoff, she stops before turning around

"Where were you?" Adri asks

She shrugs, "I went out" Is all she says before going upstairs

"For how long!"

"Since last night!" She calls back before shutting her door

I raise my eyebrows, "What?"

"Yeah scratch what I said, we'll follow up on that later" Adri says before walking away

For sure

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