Chapter 60

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New Chapter!

Yay I’ve uploaded! Sorry for the delaaaayy...I’ve started back at college the other week soo yeaahhh.....and also was finding it hard to think of what to write....

But anyway...hope you all had a good New Year!....Hopefully this year will be good!

Annywaay......hope you enjoy this!..... I’ve been losing interested on this story...but It sucks cus I don’t want to stop writing it!...many of you have said you like or love this book...which is great!’s just I need something to give me motivation and interest to write more know what to write about... you goo....





“Whooa! That sure is a buzz! Let’s go again!”

I smirk at my brother, before jumping on his back “Yeah!” I shout “Let’s go!” I grin, wrapping my arms around his neck so I don’t fall and hearing him chuckle beneath me...

“Guys! Where are you going?!” Chris shouts after us, us meaning me and we’ve already been hours here, and have met back up with the boys about a couple hours ago, and since have been going on rides after rides...

What took so long you may wonder, well simple, the queuing of the lines.....oh and plus walking around with a bunch of over excited boys, that seem to stop at every singly food stand or game stand going.....but I’m not actually it was a lot of fun....

“We’re going on again!” I shout back laughing as Evan approaches the entrance of this crazy upside down spinning ride that is pretty insane and get’s your blood pumping, wanting to go on again, and again, loving the buzz it gives....

“Uh, no, no.....” Chris catches us up shaking his head “Dude aren’t you forgetting something?....” Chris gives Evan a look, which causes me to narrow my eyes at, knowing that look....

“Oh!” Evan pipes up remembering... “Oh..yeah..” A sly smirk creeps across his face “Sorry Lex....looks like you’re on your own...”

I gape at him as he drops me from his back, turning to Chris with that look on his face....

“Evan...” I frown at him, glancing between him and Chris “Why? Where you two going?” I ask, even though somewhere in my mind, I already know the answer....

Throwing me those familiar smirks, I just narrow my eyes at them, turning my head and see all the others catching us, well at least I won’t actually be on my own...

“Come on Lex...” Blake chuckles coming up to me “We’re all hungry, let’s get some food....leave these two too....entertain themselves...” Blake smirks slightly towards the two boys, and I roll my eyes, needing no further explanation about what they’re going to’s obvious.

Going to meet up with some girls...


“Fine....whatever...”I shrug, letting Blake guide me away, throwing a glance to the two boys first, before we join everyone else, and everyone else meaning Blake, Seth, Noah, April, Nathan, Charlie and Abby, and Hayden decided to be sneaky and join Evan and Chris....


I’m surprised Blake didn’t go to be honest, but no doubt if I tell him too...he would insist staying with us.....

“Well...come on! I’m starvin!” Charlie complains

“We ate lite two hours ago...” I raise an eyebrow....Charlie giving me a blank look...


I chuckle lightly, shaking my head before following as everyone turns and we make our way back towards the food stalls....even thou there are many dotted around, but there is a main area selling more filling food...

Walking through the crowd of people here, it’s still pretty busy, if anything...more people seem to have arrived...and we squeeze through to the food stalls, the smell of all sorts filling my nostrils, sweet and spicy things....but the smell to me makes my stomach churn, for some reason making me feel not at all the slightest bit hungry....

“Ooh...I’m going to get some Pretzels....” Charlie grins, her eyes eyeing up the pretzel stand and she elbows Charlie with a questionable look on her face...

Charlie nods a smile on her face “Yeah same...they are like just calling my name!” She chuckles, both of them glancing to me...

I shake my head “Na I’m good...I’ll wait here..” I tell them standing still with people circling around us...

“I’ll come..” Nathan speaks up, joining Abby and Charlie..and the three of them head over to the food stand, weaving through other people...

I sigh quietly, folding my arms and glancing to the others here...but my eyes stopping at a certain pair....

Seth and April...standing close together and my brother’s arm is wrapped around her...

My nose scrunches up in disgust, seeing them like that and having a quiet conversation together....It causes me to frown seeing the look on my brothers face, and the small giggles coming from April, that smile on Seth’s face when he hears her laugh....

Oh no...

Getting pulled from my thoughts by a sudden loud blaring of a ringtone.....belonging to Blake...

Frowning, he pulls out his phone, seeing the caller ID flash on the screen, it causes him to roll his eyes, before sliding it across to accept it and bring it to his ear..

“What now Evan?” I hear him speak into the phone, and I roll my eyes this time, of course it’s Evan...

Turning my gaze shifts to meet another.....Oh...I forgot he was standing there...

Pfft...who am I kidding, I can’t forget he’s standing right there....not when I have that feeling in the pit of my stomach...

“Didn’t you want any food?” He asks arching an eyebrow, looking over to the numerous food stalls “I mean if you didn’t want Pretzels.....I can easily take you somewhere else....”

I shake my head “No, no...I’m fine...I’m not hungry...” I say before tilting my head and frowning at him, did he just offer to take me to food?

Shrugging he mumbles “Suit yourself...” Shoving his hands in his pockets, and I feel my body getting knocked as people brush’s hard to stay in the same place...and I think we’ve at least moved a little to the left...

Noah’s  eyes drift to the couple stood only a few steps away from us and he scoffs “You two should get a room already....I would rather not see all...that...right in front of me...” he smirks at his sister and my twin, seeing April duck her head as if she’s embarrassed and leans closer to Seth, who’s arm is draped over her shoulder....

While Noah might be amused....I am certainly not...

Seth glancing up to us, his eyes flicker to me briefly before he speaks... “erm....would you mind if we go off...for a bit?” He asks glancing between me and Noah...a frown forms on my face...

I hear Noah subtle a laugh and coughs covering it up “Sure...” He says, a smirk growing on his face “But dude...don’t try any funny business on the dark ghost train with my sister..” He raises an eyebrow at Seth, almost in a teasing way, but also a hint of seriousness...

Seth snorts, rolling his eyes “I could say the same to you..” He mutters, his eyes flicking to me, then back to Noah, where they harden a bit “Don’t leave her alone...” He speaks throwing Noah one last look before he turns, with April and they disappear into the crowd...

I glare at the space they just left, I know what he just ment....he still hasn’t fully gotten over what he saw...which should have never happened!.....but he won’t think of it like that...

I hear the deep chuckle coming from Noah and I throw him a glare, which only causes his smirk to grow wider...


Sighing again, I turn around looking for Blake...but freeze when I don’t see him.


Turning around fully, I search the crowd that’s moving around us, where did he go?! He couldn’t have gone far, he was just on the phone!

“Where’s Blake?” I ask a slight panic rising in my voice....

“Umm...” Noah strains his neck above heads looking around “Erm....nope I don’t see him...” He shrugs and I glare at him again

“Helpful...” I mutter shoving him a little, before pulling out my phone from my pocket, fumbling with it as I search up Blake in my contacts....

Pressing the call button I bring the phone to my ear, blocking out the noise around us with my hand from my other ear and stand on my tip toes, trying to scan the crowd as I wait for him to pick up....

“H-hello?” his voice is muffled from the noise in the background, and from the sound of it, I can tell he’s still somewhere here with the noise of people’s screams heard on the rides in the background

“Blake!?” I nearly shout into the phone hearing him finally pick up “Where are you? You were right here! Where did you go?!” I spin around, still trying to search for his brown hair in the crowd...which is very difficult actually...

I hear him sigh on the other end “Lex, I’m sorry, Evan’s dragged me into something...”I hear shouting in the background followed by laughter which causes me to frown suspiciously... “Wait....hang on, are you okay?” He asks “You’re not on your own are you? Seth’s still with you right!?” I can hear this rising panic in his voice and concern, showing his protective side....which causes me to roll my eyes....

“Yes, yes I’m fine Blake” I sigh “Seth’s g-“ I stop myself suddenly, realising that if I actually say that no, Seth isn’t with me, Blake will come back here without a doubt, and some part of me.....doesn’t want that to happen, and I tell myself that it’s because I want him to have fun, his own fun, without having to have to be stuck with his sister......

“UH...yeah, yeah, he’s with me still...but I should be the one to ask you” I say changing the subject “You just disappeared!” I huff, knowing full well if I did that, he would be calling the cops the next damn second...

“Yeah, alright okay, sorry for that Lex...”He mumbles and I smirk slightly hearing him say that....

“Mmhmm....well, what you doing now? you staying or?” I trail of leaving it open for him to fill in....

“You’ll be okay with Seth and the others right? They’re you’re friends yeah?”

“Yeaah...” I drag out chewing the inside of my cheek...

“Okay...well, stay with them....I’m sorry, I’ll catch you later okay hun?”

I nod even thou knowing he can’t see “Yeah....alright...” I look to the floor

“Can I speak to Seth quick?”

I snap my head up eyes widening, ignoring Noah’s curious look “Uhh...” I stutter “Uh...y-you can’t...he’s getting food...” I quickly come up with an excuse, hoping he’ll take it...

I hear him sigh, and then some more shouts, that I can distinctively tell belong to my brothers, and followed by giggles....girly giggles in the background...

“Alright...okay, don’t worry, just stay safe Lex, ring me if you need me...” He tells me, sounding in a rush to end the call “I’ll see you later alright? At the big wheel?”

“Mmhm...okay, see you there” I say before hanging up the phone with a sigh of the lips......great, trust Evan and Chris to drag Blake along...and here I thought he would stay being the protective big brother he is...

Hmm....well he does think Seth’s maybe that’s why...

“So....where is he?” I turn at Noah’s voice, frowning at him and slip my phone into my pocket..

I shrug and sigh again, “He’s gone some place with Evan, Chris...and your brother no doubt...” I say, not knowing anything more than that....well actually...

Noah’s lips curve up and he lets out a chuckle “Oh...uh huh I see....” He muses and I roll my eyes, looking out towards the food stalls and the crowd, seeing if I can spot my friends that haven’t come back just yet...

“ sure you don’t want to join them?” I scoff, not really meaning to say this...but it somehow slips out....

“Me?” He raises an eyebrow

“Yeah..why not?...I’m sure snooping out girls is right up your street..” I roll my eyes, shifting to the side trying to get a better view “So go on, don’t let me stop you....go join my stupid brothers and yours trying to pick up girl for the night....” I don’t mean for my voice to sound bitter, I mean for it to sound jokey and light, but it somehow turns to sarcastic and bitter, sending the total wrong message than I wanted to.....

Ad from the look Noah’s giving me...he seems more than amused..

“Jealous are we?” He smirks standing right in front of me..

I snort, rolling my eyes and taking a step back from him “Of what?” I look at him blankly, mistakenly looking into those deep brown eyes, that at the moment are reflecting the bright lights around us, seeing them in the depth of his pupils....


I snap my head away hearing a voice call “Hey Lexi!”

Not caring I don’t get an answer from him, I turn to the voice and see my red headed friend pushing her way through the crowd, followed by two more bodies...and she grins at me...

“Phew!...I thought we lost you there for a minute!” Charlie grins, chuckling as she reaches us, Nathan and Charlie right behind, and the two girls with a paper bag, a hot pretzel in.

I force a small chuckle and smile at her “Naa...” I say

“Where’s the others?” Charlie questions, looking around, obviously looking for the three that have disappeared...

“Oh...Seth has taken my sister to god knows where...and Blake has found more interesting things to occupy his time...” Noah speaks up with a sly smirk on his face...

“Oh..” Charlie says looking surprised, glancing to me..then back to Noah  “Shame you didn’t ‘disappear’ with them too..” she smiles sweetly, taking a bite from her pretzel..

I hold back a chuckle, but Noah let’s his out “Oh you’re so funny Red, so, so funny...”

A frown forms on Charlie’s face as does it to mine “Red?” She pipes up then snorts “Oh I get it...Red, because of my Red hair...” she rolls her eyes “Har-har...very know it’s dyed you moron” She flicks his head “Always making new nicknames I swear...” She mumbles as she walks by, tugging me and the other two with her...

Hmm....that is true....he does have a thing with making up nicknames...I’ve heard him call me god knows how many recently...

Well we should come up with a few more for him then I think...



“Don’t you have other people you can bug and hang around with?” Charlie groans “I mean you must have at least said hi to half the people here! We can’t walk anywhere without you knowing someone” She sighs exasperated and leans against Abby exaggerating...

Noah scoffs “Charming...”He mutters, a smirk tugging at his lips “Well have you know, I’m deciding to stay should feel privileged knowing I’m choosing you lot over anyone else....” He replies cockily..

I snort, shaking my head at his big headed ego, and see Charlie roll her eyes and groan, slouching against Abby as we are waiting in queue....and I even see Nathan rolling his eyes...

“Well you don’t have to stay...” I mutter “Like Charlie’ve got plenty of other people you can go bother...”

Chuckling he nudges me “Oh we both know you would much rather me stay here...” He smirks as I shot him glares “and besides...” He adds “With Seth not here, or any of your other brothers, who else is going to protect you from the big bad people rushing around the fair...” He chuckles sarcastically and also teasingly, earning a shove from me as I cross my arms, narrowing my eyes...

“I’m perfectly cable of looking after myself thank you very much..” I grunt, turning my back to him, I don’t need another person in my life – especially him- being overprotective, even if he is joking...

Hearing him chuckle behind makes me silently sigh, he really does know how to push my buttons doesn’t he?

Standing on tip toes, I crane my neck to see over the sea of people, queuing for this ride, a smaller version of a rollercoaster, but it goes upside down and is very fast, from what I can see anyway...

I groan, we’re still not even half way....why did we even bother queuing...

I have noticed something, being around Noah puts me in a different mood, the beginning of the night I was fine, happy and excited....but now...I’m annoyed, and could think of other places I would much rather been.....and it’s all due to that prick standing behind me....


I shift my weight from one leg to another, biting my lip as I feel the feeling of my bladder full.....oh no...

I sigh “I need the loo...” I mumble, knowing there’s no way I will get there any time soon....

I hear a light chuckle coming from Charlie and she glances up at me from leaning on Abby, both of them wearing an amused expression...

I narrow my eyes at them “Don’t laugh!’s your fault, you shouldn’t have made me finish your damn drink! I told you!” I groan again, leaning back against the barrier that’s keeping the queue in line and looking to floor, Oh hell...I’m never good at holding a wee in, as weird as that sounds.....I have to go when I need to....

“What’s up now?” Noah raises a brow looking amused..

“Lexi needs a wee...” Abby chuckles and I shot her a glare.....they gave me that drink!

“Ah...” Noah realises looking down at me, a smirk growing on his face “Ooooh...” He chuckles

“Oh shut up...” I grumble standing back up straight and looking over the heads of people “Come on...the quicker we get on...the quicker I can go...” I groan to myself, bouncing on the balls of my feet as I squint my eyes down the line, seeing no movement what so ever....why aren’t we moving?!

“Chill Lex...” Charlie chuckles “Just hold it....”

I throw her a look “Easy for you to say..” I grumble “You didn’t get forced to finish of litters of Coke!”

“It wasn’t litters Lex”

“It was!” I snap “You didn’t finish it!”

“ didn’t have too, I told you that you didn’t have too...” Charlie speaks, her lip curving up and I glare at her...

“Well otherwise it would have gone to waste!” I spit out, leaning back against the barrier again “It would have been my money wasted...”.....because I paid for that drink...yet she didn’t even finish it!

“Soorrry...” She mumbles holding back a smirk, not looking sorry at all and finding this all too amusing..

I scoff “Sure you are...” I grumble looking to the floor again, ah hell...even just thinking about how much I drank is making this worse!

“ wasn’t that much was it?” Abby pipes up “More like about one and a half litters in that drank about one and a half-“

“Abby!” I snap “Shut up...” I glare at her, seeing the amused expression, knowing she did that on purpose....honestly, I don’t even know how much I drank of coke, but I do know it was a hell of a lot and Coke is the makes you pee.

“Aww, come on guys, leave her be..” Noah steps up, surprising me as he steps to my side “You know how hard it is talking about how much she drank, how much water she consumed that’s now all sitting in her bladder, waiting and waiting....she doesn’t need you lot talking about it...” I just groan at him in response, seeing that teasing look in his eyes making his eyes twinkle with mischief....

Oh god...

Charlie and Abby smirk, and chuckle...Nathan even pulling an amused smirk and Noah stands right beside me, his hand placed on my shoulder...

“there...don’t think about it.....just think about mountains”

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