59: Don't Leave Again

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The rain pattered down heavily as his shadow stood still, and I heard not a single word flow from his mouth, only silence, the silence that once hurt me.

"What are you here for, Nolan?", I cried out letting the rain and tears mix together as they ran down my cheek.

"To humiliate me, to remind me that you left, what are you here for".

"You told her, of all people her. My father ruined my life repeatedly, but you hurt me worse, because I thought you could never hurt me, you could never make me feel the way he used to make me feel", I wiped my cheeks as he stood there silent and frozen "Boy was I wrong", I shouted across the rain.

"And when I told you I needed you to talk to me, we needed to talk, you ran, you left me crying on the floor", I whimpered loudly as his silence didn't reassure me anymore than him coming here did.

"So if you've come here to humiliate me and play a little game with me, don't waste your time", I breezed by him as I walked fast back to the beach house.

"I love you", he shouted louder every moment until I stopped in the pouring rain and turned around slowly.

"I was angry and not thinking right and just full of all of this madness, all I ever wanted in life was to protect you, Natalie that's all I wanted, and I hurt you, but I promise just let me explain", he begged as his words lit a fire in me.

"I'll give you 2 minutes", I repeated over the padding sounds of the rain and I was afraid of what's happening next.

"I was mad, that you had told me don't do anything, I was mad that you kept a secret from me, I called her to meet for the day and she ended up reading a file on your father, I was drunk when I came to Avery's house. I didn't know how to make you forgive me so I stayed in the elevator until I realized I had to make this right and when I came back you had already left", his words explained everything, but he left me alone for so long.

"You're arrogant and conceited and selfish and I hate you", I said over the rain letting him consume the words I heavily spoke.

"I know", he shouted as all I saw in his eyes was sorrow and misery.

"But god, did I miss you", I ran to his arms in the pouring rain as we kissed magically, his soft lips caressed mine and his hands held me in place as he devoured my lips.

"I missed you, too", he whispered on my lips as I glared into his dreamy eyes knowing just how much I loved him, even after all he did. Love forgives, but love never forgets.

"Come on", I pulled his hand inside the house as he shut the door loudly and I whispered to him to keep quiet. I took his hand to my room as he shut the door softly.

"I want you to tell me, what happened?", he got to the tough questions at the surface and it made sense to answer the elephant in the room.

"What do you want to know?", I asked as I began removing the layers of my clothes and so did he as we had been drenched in rain and soaked from our feet to our hair.

"Everything", his word left a whisper on my lips as I went back to the very beginning.

"My mom, she was beautiful, she was in love at a young age with a man starting out with a new business and she was always there for him, then they had me, and that's when daniel's business was very successful, and he stopped spending time with us and began staying out late and he wouldn't come home for weeks", his eyes seemed soulful and I could tell that when he heard me call my father Daniel, he knew I didn't care about him.

"My mother still pretended she loved him and she knew I was lonely so when she was pregnant with my sister, she was diagnosed with cancer and she ended up delivering the baby prematurely, because she knew it was her time, she just didn't want me to be alone.", he seemed confused at that moment, of why I never spoke of her, or why I had never mentioned her.

"After my mom died Daniel moved on and married Melissa, and then they gave up my sister and she's in the foster system somewhere, I need to find her, but she's controlled in that system, she's denied a home that wants to keep her, she's stuck and it's up to me to get her out", he seemed genuinely concerned as he saw the worry over my face.

"I have a private investigator, he's very good, we can work with him", he suggested as I thanked him.

"My sister is the one missing puzzle in my life I didn't really know about her when she was born, but I found out when I left home, for the first time. I was 18 and had every right to leave, but when he told me my life depended on her, then I complied. He always found me, through fake names and security codes, my sister controls everything I do, and I've done everything for her. She's the reason I moved around so much, she's the reason I let my father do what he wants, she's the reason I married you", his eyes glimmered as he listened to the length of just how much my father can go.

"Your parents forced you to marry me, I thought it was your choice", he asked and I hated to break it to him that if I had nothing held over me I would be in Belgium by now.

"I love you, but if I wasn't forced to marry you, I would've never said yes. My mother frowned upon forced marriages, she always believed they would end up like Daniel, I guess she was wrong", I kissed his nose as he laid on the bed. I laid on his chest feeling the lines that contoured his stomach.

"You were protecting her, just like I want to protect you", his words spoke for themselves as he played with the wisps of my hair.

"I'm 23 and she's 14 years old, she needs more protecting than I do", I explained to him.

"What's happening to Daniel?", I asked knowing Daniel wouldn't do something without contacting me first and giving me a proposition.

"He is cut off from the outside world and is currently in a holding facility as my lawyer makes a case and gets evidence from the hospital, you are very very smart", he hummed as I thanked him for being so smart and calculated.

"I don't want to see him and I don't want you too, either we have a wedding to plan", I kissed his chiseled chin as I rubbed his stubble that had grown.

"Please let me shave your face", I kissed him over and over again devouring his lips in disbelief that we were together here in a bed. He let out a hefty laugh.

"I got so much work done, that I gave myself a couple days off, so Tyler is flying down here, Alec and Caroline are coming to stay with us for a couple of days, just a little getaway I think we deserve it", he kissed my forehead and played with my hands holding and grasping every part of my body.

"I never got to thank you for asking Lauren to make my wedding dresses, they were all beautiful and I found one, I hope you didn't see them", I thanked him as I traced the lines of his abs and pecks that highlighted his chest.

"I'd do anything for you", he told me plainly as he made that string declaration, but that was something I was afraid of, how far would he go.

"Nolan, I need you to not get involved with my dads case too much okay, he's dangerous and has money and connections", I was worried for him just how far he would go. In his world I came 1st and then other people but in my world he was all I had, a love that tasted and felt everlasting.

"You married one of the richest man in the world, he won't be able to hurt us, I promise", he assured me and I didn't think that Nolan realized how bold Daniel and his team are.

"Just don't leave again", I cuddled in his chest as he kissed my head.

" I promise", he whispered into my ear as I softly and slowly went to sleep in his warm and calming arms.

Breakfast was confusing as Avery had no clue what had happened last night and so she pulled me away every moment to ask. We ate together almost in silence as I believe she was mad at Nolan for what he did.

"I was thinking since we're staying here a couple extra days, I was going to pick up some extra clothes, come with me please", she begged as I saw it just as an excuse to get some alone time. I agreed to go, because even my sweatpants and t-shirts weren't enough.

"I have some work to finish up, so I'll see you guys later", he grabbed our plates and brought them to the sink. 

"Did she seem weird to you", Nolan came into the bathroom as I washed my face and leaned against the wall.

"She doesn't know what happened last night, and I told her everything, so she may be a bit mad", I dried my face and walked over to him.

"I always knew she loved you more than me", he teased as I kissed his lips softly, letting my mind heal from the pain that was once their.

"Yeah, yeah when I tell her what happened last night she'll be back to normal, I love you, bye", I grabbed my purse and went out the door.

"I need all the details, come on we're here at the mall and you said we couldn't talk in the cab, so tell me now.", she begged, I scanned my eyes through the mall store windows looking for something loose and light, but red and fierce.

"He came last night and we stood in the rain and we talked, more like I yelled at him, and he apologized, told me everything and I told him everything and he was understanding and just I missed him too much," I explained to her as she squealed with excitement.

"Just like that, huh?", she asked as we went into a store.

"That's all I ever wanted from him a reasoning and an apology", I explained to her as she understood.

"This is the dress", I held up a loose, red dress that hung from a hanger, Avery squealed as we ran to the dressing rooms, along with skirts and shirts and a couple of tight club dresses, the store had such beautiful items that I purchased with my own money, I had a well amount of money that I had earned from my multiple jobs and well now that I had a family, a home, and food, I could spend it on other things.

"Tyler's here", she squealed as she scrolled through her phone, I had been selfish to take her away from him last week, so it was my mission to make sure they had the best time.

We made our way home and she practically ran out of the car to see him leaving behind her bags and shoes. I grabbed everything and thanked the driver and made my way inside.

The house finally seemed full with everyone in it just crowded around, everyone seemed so happy as I stared around the circle at people who had come so far and yet hadn't left.

"I'm ready to party", Caroline shouted as she grabbed the vodka that had been stashed away in the cooler. She grabbed it and grabbed some glasses for everyone as we downed it down all together.

That night was crazy we had the music blaring and the drinks kept being poured and everyone at the end of the night stumbled into their bed hand in hand.

"Come come", I whispered to Nolan as he switched off the lights and left us alone with the moon and the sky. His arms wrapped around me snug as a bug, and his face trailed up against my neck.

"You know we could play around a bit", I whispered into his ear and felt his finger trickle down to the pants that hugged my thighs.

"Our wedding where I vow I love you is just in 2 months to be exact", he hinted to me as he held me tightly.

"2 months is too long, I think we deserve a pass, come on whosever up their let us have a pass", I begged to the ceiling, knowing I looked like an idiot.

"Actually we could play around a bit, come on", he dragged my loopsy ass outside the door as he grabbed the stereo and a blanket. He opened the beach houses door and he took my hand and ran down to the warm sand that covered my toes.

"This is really thoughtful but I don't think I want to have sex on the beach, it's romantic but won't the sand get stuck up in there", I explained as all I heard from him was a hefty laugh. He placed the stereo on the blanket and put in a Frank Sinatra CD. He took my hand and twirled me around and then he latched onto me closely as we sway to the hushed music.

That night was magical, emphasis on the magic, after that night we were happily in love. We spent the night sleeping on the beach and were woken up by Avery's banging of pots and pans, she really was something else. Nobody had work to finish up and so as the afternoon came around everyone was eager to go to the local club.

The red dress that I had bought was finally being put to use, as I slipped it up my body, spinning around like a princess. Nolan came out of the shower as I showed him my new, revealing dress.

"You are not wearing that", he demanded as he dried his hair with a towel and wrapped his waist with another. His hair dropped down his back as I saw his very serious look etched on his face.

"You don't think it looks good", I twirled around in and felt the material sway against my skin. His eyes followed my body as my hands ran against my form.

"It looks too sexy, every man in there is going to put their hands all over you",  he complained as he finished drying his hair.

"You look hot with probably an Eskimo suit on, so why don't you be quiet", he chuckled as he slipped on his briefs in the bathroom, I couldn't peek as the large sink covered him. He put his button up black shirt over his muscular arms.

"You're like a magnet to all those girls, I might have to put a sign on you saying my wife bites", he let his arms lay on my body as he leaned onto me.

"The ladies love me, I can't help it", he bragged as he zipped up my dress leaving kisses trailing up my back as he kissed me every zip he took.

"I know, I saw the photo", I blurted out reminding myself that I really should just keep my damn mouth shut.

"Photo, what photo?", he asked as he slid on his pants and put a belt through them.

"It was just a stupid photo of you at a bar or something, there was just girls surrounding you", his face immediately turned guilty.

"I opened a bar, that was my bar and well those are all my friends I promise, Tyler and Alec were even there", he said like an innocent kid wanting to prove himself that he was in fact innocent, I believed him, he didn't give me a reason not too.

"Listen I believe you, but thank you anyways for just being good, a good man a good husband", I kissed his cheek leaving a smear of red lipstick on his cheek. He touched it as the red smeared, I grabbed a reusable cotton pad and swapped it along his face.

"Sorry", I whispered. He hugged me softly and just as we finished getting ready Avery let us know we were all leaving.

"He let you out in the dress, what made you so lenient", Avery smirked at her brother as his hand draped behind me, pulling me close.

"I am a supposedly women magnet", he teased my word choice as everyone agreed.

"All girls want are the money and the looks", the men laughed as Caroline smacked Alec in the head.

"Why do you think I'm with you, it sure isn't the money and it's definitely not the looks, I like you, you goof, for your personality, don't think anything else or I'm out the door", she said in her southern accent, reminding me of our talk at the beginning of everything, that she didn't want complicated she wanted to know what was happening tomorrow and luckily for her Alec had his life in a pretty stable place.

"Right, I'm sorry", Alec shuddered almost afraid of Caroline, she can be pretty intimidating when she gets serious and I guess Alec liked her so much he would listen to her logic and it's about time he did.

The music played on as the red lights shot up from the ground to the ceiling as the singer sang on the stage serenading us with her sweet serenity and song. Alec ordered everyone drinks, and quickly went back to get a second round.

He took me onto the dance floor and wooed me as we twirled and spun. The next song was a slow song as I leaned against him and swayed to the melody of her voice.

"Thank you for coming", I whispered against his black button up, his hand softened my hair in the back as he kissed the tip top of my head.

"Thank you for calling me", he said. The song did the work for us as we stared into each other's eyes meaning every word her satiated voice spoke.

The days flew by as we spent it by the pool, at the mall, club, farmer's market or vegetable stand. We spent our days spending time with one another and as we boarded the plane I promised myself to come back.

"Move over there", Avery demanded as she pointed to a seat next to Tyler as Nolan detached himself from me and made his way over to him.

"I was reminded that you've never had a bachelorette party, and I am going to throw you the best party you've had", she surprised me as I didn't want a stripper or anything crazy, but she seemed too into it to make her stop now.

Nolan invited me up to the cockpit as well I guess he also knew how to fly a plane, was there something this man couldn't do.

He let the pilot take a break as he sat me in the co-pilot seat.

"I had a question", I asked nervously as he looked at me concerned.

"We're not having strippers are we?", I asked hoping he would say no.

"Whose planning it?", he asked as he showed off his skills as the plane tilted.

"What's so funny", I ruffled his hair up as he laughed.

"If Avery's planning it then definitely strippers, dildos the whole shabam", he said as I knew he was right. Avery was ready to put her party planning skills to the test and I was ready for it.

"I'll be back", I kissed his cheek and galavanted off to my seat. Avery and I discussed the rest of her wild plans as I fell asleep on the comfortable seats.

I woke up soundly in a car as his strong arms hung over me and his scent covered me from head to toe.

"Good morning sleepy head", he yawned next to me as I kissed him softly.

"Where is everyone?", I asked as he hushed me down.

"Everyone was so tired that we all split, and well you were already sleeping so it works in our favor and I was thinking for the rest of our oasis away from wedding planning and tasting cakes we could escape for the weekend?", he hinted asking me as my hand rested on his shoulder holding me up and down as he held me softly against the seat of the car.

"That sounds lovely, ah but your mom wants us to go to her house for dinner on Sunday, oh uh did you tell her any of what's happening or anything", I asked as his face slipped, I knew he didn't like talking about it but some things were unavoidable.

"I didn't, do we need too?", he asked nervously. He definitely was going to get scolded.

"No", I hushed to him as a sigh of relief waved over him, he definitely listened to his mom more than anyone.

We got back to the penthouse and it was clean and vacant, it was just us in the large home we called a mansion.

We ran upstairs like little schoolgirls as we imagined our weekend together, happy, in love and worry some. I packed my bag as he threw his clothes in and got back in the car seething our phones far far away from us so it was just the sun, the breeze and us together.

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