43: All The Things I Never Said

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Natalie's POV
He hates me I interfered with something, I shouldn't have, but he promised me no secrets and sometimes you just have to unravel those secrets on your own. He's on a suicide mission and he knows it. And that's why I've been trying to turn this goddamn boat around.

"I SAID TURN THE BOAT AROUND", I yelled at the captain as he held onto the shift as I ordered him to turn it around, Nolan was being stupid, and careless, and selfish.

"Natalie, you need to calm down", hands rubbed my back as nothing calmed down, my burning anger only intensified as I listened to the shushes that were supposedly gonna calm me down.

"How am I supposed to be calm right now", I yelled as I turned my back towards the captain as I stared into Avery's grieving eyes.

"You just need too, please", she only made me angrier as I brushed her off and made my way downstairs. Tyler bumped into me as I knew he knew a way to get off this boat.

"Tell me that I'm wrong", I stopped as he passed me, he stopped after hearing my words.

"What?", he asked, and I knew he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Tell me that Nolan's safe in a car or a home, tel-tell me that he isn't being chased or kidnapped, tell me that there isn't already a bullet in h-him", I shouted as my tears fled from my cheek. His eyes flickered as he turned towards me watching me fall apart just by his look, his look of severity, his fists balled up, he knew.

"Natalie, he's", he tried to calm me as I shook away his hands and I went into the room I had talked to him on the bed. I wish he were here.

"He's what FINE, HE'S NOT FINE, GET ME OFF THIS DAMN BOAT NOW, I KNOW WHAT HE'S DOING IM NOT A DUMBASS", I screamed at him as Allison came in tears flooding down her cheek, and all I saw was her grieving over the same person she hugged me softly as she gestured me to sit on the bed with her, and Tyler left in a hurry.

"He's going to be okay", she whispered into my ear, just like my mom would she would separate my hairs as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"We haven't had time, he- we haven't done anything, we've fought and I love him, I've lost too much", I sob into her as she embraces me with open arms as I collapsed into her.

"You'll have plenty of time", she ran her fingers through my locks soothing me.

"You know, Nolan never let anyone really in till you came along", she commented as she still ran her fingers through my hair.

"He adores you", I said after reminiscing all the times he said his role model was his mom, the women who worked for what she wanted and made him realize he wanted what his parents have.

"I know he does, but it comes to a limit as a parent, but with you, it's forever", she hugs me as I know she's feeling the same way.

"Why won't they turn this boat around?", I whispered underneath my breath as little footsteps pit-pattered down the stairs.

"It's raining", she shrieked as I heard everyone rush downstairs for shelter against the rain. Allison began grabbing towels from the bathrooms as Clay and Avery shivered from the coldness and rain dripping from their skin.

"It's getting worse", Tyler whispered, but everyone could hear the slightest bit of worry he had hidden in his words. He checked his phone showing Clay the forecast for the next severe hours, Clay rolled his eyes.

"Your right, it is getting crazy, should we head back?", Clay asked the captain as he immediately nodded and ran up to steer the boat back to land.

"Oh we have service now, finally", Alec exclaimed as he began typing on his phone, I grabbed my phone as I checked my notifications, in search of something that let me know if Nolan's okay.

I went straight to my missed calls, and I saw his name pop up, with a voicemail attached. I smiled brightly, knowing this meant he was safe, safe from Cole, he was just safe.

While everyone else flipped through their social media and text messages that came flooding in I placed my phone against my ear and turned the volume all the way up waiting to hear his words.

I heard his words rip my heart into pieces, regret-filled his voice and I knew he had done something that put himself in danger to protect us. That bastard.

Another voicemail popped up, as I clicked on it rapidly hoping it was news. Hoping it would say he was okay or he was safe.

"Nolan's been shot, please come quick, it's very severe", Mr. Johnson spoke as I felt a pang from my heartbreak. The hesitation was clear in his voice, I wasn't supposed to know.

I ran to the deck searching for the land that seemed like it was islands away. The rain pounded down as tears flew from my eyes.

I ran to the control center where the captain was just lounging reading a magazine. He looked at me in shock and hesitated to ask me if I was okay, I ignored his glances as I took over the motor and activated the propellor which headed straight for the shore.

"What are you doing?", he asked as I heard the doors fly open as the captain tried to push me out of the way, I stayed strong holding my ground. I felt hands from the back pulling me off, as they ended up winning.

"Nolan, Nolan he was shot", Alison fell to her knees as the captain immediately took over the steering, going faster than he could go. I went to Alison as she cried in my shoulder.

"He'll be okay", I rubbed her back knowing she needed my comfort more than I needed hers. She is a mother and her bond with her son is far more long and beautiful than I could ever be, she had welcomed him into the world.

The others came from under, hearing the wailing cries coming from Alison as she cried in fear for her son. Avery brought Leah up in her arms, worried as I mouthed to her to bring Leah down, knowing that it would only make Leah upset to see her mother crying.

"What happened", Clay came running up and soon followed Avery as I knew I had to tell them.

"Nolan was shot", I whispered as saying it aloud was worse, it only made it become a universal fear, loving someone you love.

Clay comforted his wife as I knew he was hurting on the inside but he stayed strong for his wife, and I saw tears pool from his eyes, but he never let them go. Avery hugged me as she cried for her brother.

"We're almost there", I looked at the shore and I took off running to the edge of the boat as a couple of cars waited for us. I dove into the water as I let it hit my body in full force. The water pulled me in every different direction as I kept my body focused and I swam with every cell inside of me. I heard the screams as they watched me swim to the shore and I finally made it as I felt a hand pull me to out of the water. My breath was shaky, as I looked at the boat as they were still far away. A man ushered me into a car as I thanked him and went quickly, I knew it was worth it.

The car went extremely fast through the highway, no words were spoken through the ride and I knew their silence was just respect.

"Ma'am, we are here", the time flew by as I prayed for him, we hadn't had time. We hadn't had time to fully express how crazy we were about each other we hadn't had time to make little kids of our own. I didn't want to lose the man I love.

I rushed through the hospital doors as I felt my memories of this very same hospital bring me back to my mom's battle with cancer. She had the strength like no other, but I didn't have that strength, because as I smelt that senile smell, tears escaped my eyes. I wiped them away as I emerged into the chaos.

"My husband, was sho-shot can you help me?", they overlooked me, the suffering women as the doctor rushed off to an incoming patient. I went to a nurse as she held a clipboard.

"Please, I need to find my hus-husband he was shot, please", I begged as she shooed me away as she spoke on the phone. She went back to the phone as she saw a man in a shit heading towards me. All eyes were on him as he headed with confidence and everyone seemed to be scared of this man who seemed to have power.

"Mrs. Clementé, I'm so sorry for the wait I'll show you to your husband, and I can assure you he's in the best possible care he can have", I stood up gathering my stuff as he escorted me upstairs making sure I wouldn't get pushed to the back.

"That's a wife to a big investor", I heard the whisper from the doctors that mingled near. It was sad to see all the people in worse situations being treated horribly, but I got away with it because of my privilege and my husband's money.

"He just came out of surgery, he took a shot to his chest, but his brain has reacted in a way where we may have to put him in a coma for his body to heal, he has been unconscious for hours", the elevator stopped as he led me to the ICU. He showed me to a room and as I opened it I saw Nolan, the doctor left.

"Wake up baby", I whispered as I softly kissed his head gently. I kneeled by his bedside praying for him to wake up and tell me everything was going to be okay.

"I love you", I whispered to him, waiting to hear it back, waiting to hear anything. The door swung open as I looked to see Mr. and Mrs. Johnson as I ran to hug them.

They embraced me as Mrs. Johnson smoothed down my wet hair. I could see the sorrow and sadness they felt in their eyes.

"I'm so sorry", she whispered in my ear as I said it back knowing they loved him like a son.

The family shortly made it in as they made their way to the bedside of Nolan, they prayed and hugged his lifeless body, wishing he would just come to life. I watched as a family, friends came and left flowers after flowers. The night slowly crept in as I told everyone to get some sleep at home, everyone said it was a good idea except one.

"Alison you should get some sleep", she hugged me not wanting to let go.

"I can't, knowing my son is here", she motioned to his body, that stayed still as we all hoped from him to move.

"At least get a snack, I'll get you one, okay", she nodded as she stood by her son's side. I kissed his head before leaving the scented room. I ventured down the stairs in search of the cafeteria and finally, I found it.

I bought some sandwiches and coffees, and as I was putting sugar in the coffees, I heard the whispers from around the coffee cart.

I walked away knowing I was too weak and numb to fight them for talking about me.

I went straight back to the room, remembering the halls as my mother went through her last round of chemo and I would push her through the halls in her wheelchair. I opened the door as I gave her a coffee and a sandwich. She ate in silence as I could tell many things were spiraling through her brain.

"I am going to get Nolan's things some extra clothes, I'll get you some too", she looked not here as if, she left the room suddenly and I know she needed to get away from seeing her son not moving, he was always the strong one.

I began tidying up the area as I stood over his bed, stroking his loose hairs. The door opened as I figured Alison had forgotten something.

"Aliso-", I turned around seeing the last person I wanted to see, he had come to gloat and it fit his personality well.

"Isn't it sad I didn't hear this from my own daughter", he walked in as he placed his daisies on the side of the room, with the rest of his flowers. It was a mistake him coming here.

"Why are you here?", I asked him standing my ground as he started getting close to the bed and I forgot about everything he had against me.

"I came to see my son-in-law, well my former son-in-law and honor my widow", his words spoke as he watched my face waiting for me to react.

"He isn't dead, please go", I asked patiently as he came closer and I stuck my hand out for him to back away.

"Feisty, very feisty", his hands roamed my body as I whimpered he had never done this before, his calloused hands ran across my butt as I stood there lifeless.

"Don't forget about your dear sister, her life is in your hands", he brought it up the one thing that stopped me every time from letting go.

"Please leave", I politely asked him hoping a doctor would come to the room for any reason necessary.

"Just hear me out, if we cut his cords off you'd become the richest women alive, and then you could finally have the sister you want so much in exchange for the money, just cut the wires", his words burned my ears as my hand has a mind of its own and slapped him across his face, hearing him saying those disgusting words.

"Don't forget I can ruin all of your lives in an instant", he threatened as he slapped my face twice leaving bruises against my skin.

"You are a whore, you don't love him", he spat at me as I stood there ignoring his ignorant words and his horrible tone.

"I love him", I cried as I spoke in truth, Nolan loves me and I love him to the moon and back, no matter what. I don't care if he's poor, rich, though we met under these circumstances, it doesn't matter where our life leads as long as we are together. The door swung open and I saw a familiar face from my childhood who was around more than my father.

"Visiting hours are over, sir", her calming voice brought me sanity as I mouthed to thank her. She insisted that he should leave and he began gathering his stuff.

"Bye Hunny, I wish him the best", he left the room with the thought of him being caught, and the nurse I remembered stayed after he had left and shut the door.

"You okay", nurse clara grabbed me tissues as I wiped my tears away and she sat on the chair, I knew she remembered how my father acted and she wanted to talk about him.

"Thank you", I threw the tissue away as she checked his vitals and sat back down on the chair and I took a seat next to her.

"Your mom was a bright light", she told me as I remembered how all the doctors loved my mom, she always came with a smile and a little daughter.

"She was", I reminisced her smiling face, even in the darkest times, she smiled on.

"I'm sorry about your father", she apologized, the whole staff knew of his ways, they listened to him on his investment calls and they knew he had a company that made millions but yet he refused to pay his wife's hospital bills. They offered her help, they offered their own homes, their own money, but she never talked about it and said that she loved him no matter what.

"Don't be sorry about him, he's just a sad excuse of a man", I spoke with my true intentions, as she held my hand.

"He treats you right, and loves you", she said referring to Nolan, and my face turned into the goofiest grin of all.

"Like no one else", Nolan cares for me, he takes care of me, and he loves me like no tomorrow.

"I'll take extra care of him", she said let me know he would get the best treatment. Even though doctors are the ones that cut, the nurses show the love a person needs to heal.

"I just want to know, because I've regretted not asking your mom this but did your father ever get physical with you, or abuse you or your mother?", her question was clear and foreseen and I knew she already knew the answer to both of those, but for the sake of her reasoning, she had to ask. My mom always said no, because she believed it was love. I always said no, because I knew that the police couldn't do anything, the police couldn't stop a man who invests in the town. It would be me and my sister who took the blame for this and I couldn't let it go down like this.

"No, he would never", I spoke clearly, even though she knew the real answer. She saw the hurt in my eyes, but I couldn't bring anyone else into this.

"Alright, I just wanted to make sure", she spoke softly as I hugged her remembering all the laughs we shared together. She was like the older big sister I never had.

"I'll bring you a cot", she disappeared and came back in with the bed she put it to the same level as the hospital bed and I did the sheets.

"If you ever need to talk I'm here", she said as I thanked her and she left the room in silence and it was just me and him. I sat down on the bed and I figured I should tell him all the things I never could.


I am so so so so very sorry about the wait, I was just so scared that I would disappoint you all. I wasn't really sure what I wanted to happen.

If anyone takes offense to the scene about how she's being overlooked by the doctors, I'm sorry. I love doctors and nurses and all that but they would rather be able to help someone save a life rather than track down a person, it's all about priority and this is how all my doctor shows to go...

Also, I briefly touched on privilege, which is something very important right now and should be discussed. Natalie is privileged, very privileged.

Please let me know what you'd like to see next.
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