Meeting Mark

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(Y/n)- your name (D/b)- dog breed (D/n)- dog's name (e/c)- eye color (H/c)- hair color

(F/n)- full name (F/s)- Favorite store


Today was a normal day for you you got ready and went down stairs. You decided today you needed to go to the book store, grocery store, and craft store. You didn't want to be bored today, you woke up your bff (D/n) she/he was a (d/b) also your seeing eye dog you keep her papers in your wallet just Incase. You went outside with (D/n) and locked the door like usual you heard the cars and people. You and (D/n) walked down the street until you ran into someone knocking you both over.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." That voice sounded familiar they helped you up "I'm Mark Fischbach by the way."

"It's ok it happens all the time and I'm (f/n) but you sound familiar."

"Oh probably because I'm Markiplier king of the squirrels!" You laugh and (D/n) sniffs him.

"Well I do listen to reading your comments videos."


"I'm blind."

"Oh I'm sorry is there anything I can do to help I'm free today."

"You don't have to do that I just have to run some to some places."

"Let me help."

"Really I can't-."




"Fine." You giggled at him acting like a five year old wanting candy.

"Here I'll go get my car." You hear him running in the direction of your house he must of lived close to you. You just pet (D/n) on the head waiting for mark which didn't take him that long. "(Y/n) do you want to drop (D/n) at your house, i would hate for him/her to get too hot in the car."

"Well the store lets me bring him/her in the store because of my sight so well be fine." He takes your hand and helps you in the car and closing the door after you buckled up. He jumped back into the car on the driver side and started the car up.

"So what store do you want to go to (Y/n)?"

"(F/s) please Mark." He drove you to (F/s) and helped you get everything you needed. It was quick and easy shopping and Mark drove you back to your house and helped you put everything away.

"Hey (Y/n) I had fun today and maybe we can hang out again?"

"That would be great Mark my number is (Y/#) give me a call later and we can arrange a day soon where we could hang out."

"That would be awesome (Y/n), I have to go upload a video to Youtube talk to you soon." He hugs you and leaves your house and a blushing smiling you. He left you wondering about how soon will it be till you got to hang out with him.

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