A day with the guys

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Mark started the video and all of us was sitting down, mark is the only one without headphones. You are sitting next to mark looking at him while he starts the video he pulled up his phone and looked at you tapping your shoulder to make sure your paying attention. You nodded signaling you was ready. "The dogs ate the cats." Mark said to you which you heard him clearly because of your amazing hearing. You nodded and ya'll moved with marks help and took off your earbuds/ headphones, you looked over to Jack. "The dogs ate the cats." Jack asked you to say it again then you moved thanks to mark. "The mugs ate two hats." Jack said while you and mark laughed quietly, ya'll moved around. "Then hugs ate two rats?" Everyone just started laughing. "You didn't get it at all it was the dogs ate the cats, only (Y/n) got it." Mark laughed and ya'll did a couple more rounds and ended the recording, which wade's girlfriend Molly helped you when you had to read the comment. "So (Y/n) how did you mark meet huh." he poked you with his elbow lightly which made you blush, because he was talking about your crush. "Well we bumped into each other the other day and he helped me out while we hanged out and talked." You told him blushing which mark didn't notice because him and jack was acting crazy. "Well guys i say we should go do something and hang out." You nodded in a agreement at Mark's suggestion. "The fair is in town we saw it all over town while driving here." Everyone agreed and got into cars, Wade, Jack, and Wade's girlfriend got into one car while you rode with Mark. "So have you ever been to a fair before (Y/n)?" "No my family usually left me at home when they did stuff like that. Have you went to a fair before Mark?" He was quiet for a little while like he was thinking and of course driving. "Yea a long time ago but i've never went to this one so i hope it's fun for the both of us." You hummed in agreement then your favorite song started playing so you hummed with it and Mark hummed with you and you both ended up singing a duet. You and Mark pulled into the parking lot used for the fair and parked, you and Mark got out with Mark holding your hand. you both meet up with the others inside the fair and the guys dragged you and Molly all over the place. They started off with fair games which mark won one and gave you a stuff animal of (whatever you want). They went on some rides and you stayed waiting on your own because rollercoasters freaked you out because it's like you lost any sense of what's going on. Everyone took lots of pictures but you, because well you would remember this day because you write in Braille in your journal. You did knew everyone else would happily enjoy the pictures. You did go on a ferriswheel with Mark because he asked you to. "Um (Y/n) i know we haven't known each other for very long but will you go on a date with me?" You blushed super red. "Yes i would like that very much." He kissed you on the lips while you two stopped at the top under the light of the moon since ya'll been there for so long. You ended up staying the night at Mark's house sleeping in his guest room.

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