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There was a horrible noise. For a second, Marine Boy thrashed in panic before realising that he was in his cabin on Ocean Base, and the thing trying to devour him was his duvet. The horrible noise was the alarm. Marine Boy reached out and slapped it off. As they were programmed to do, the lights in his cabin came on, slowly at first but growing steadily brighter.

An unexpected sound came from the bunk above him, which jolted him into full wakefulness. Jack stirring. He was wondering whether he should wake his guest or let him sleep on, when Jack's feet appeared over the side of the bunk.

"Morning, Johnny. What time is it?"

"Six, or nearly." Marine Boy yawned and stretched.

"Blimey, do you always get up this early?"

"I'm afraid so." Marine Boy yawned again. So much for going to bed early and feeling fresher in the morning. "Sorry, I should have re-set the alarm."

"No problem, I've been awake for a while, actually."

Jack turned over onto his stomach and slid down to the floor. He bent down so that Marine Boy could see his face. "Sorry to be a pain, Johnny, but I really need the head. Where is it?"

Marine Boy pointed at the door. "Turn right; three doors down."

Jack left briskly. Marine Boy watched him go, and a thought struck him. For a moment as Jack had descended from his bunk, his crotch had been right in front of Marine Boy's face and, unless he was imagining things, Jack was also prone to early-morning enlargements.

Wary lest this thought provoke a reaction in his own nether regions, he got out of bed and snatched up a towel. He was holding it in what he hoped was a casual manner, such that its end just happened to cover him, when Jack returned to the cabin. Marine Boy left on the same errand. He'd often wondered why cabins had built-in showers, but that the heads were communal, but had never dared ask. Sometimes he resorted to using the shower for purposes for which it was not intended.

When he got back, Jack was again studying the plan of Ocean Base.

"Looking for something?" Marine Boy asked him.

"The galley, actually. Is that OK? I mean, I reckon I missed two meals yesterday, and I'm starved."

It suddenly occurred to Marine Boy that he'd only picked at the previous day's lunch and had forgotten about dinner altogether, and was thus in the same boat. As if on cue, his stomach gave a loud rumble.

"Oops, sorry. But yeah, I'm starved, too. The cafeteria's right here." He tapped the plan. "Race you?"

"Not with this damn bandage on."

"Oh yeah, sorry. How's your leg by the way? Can you walk OK?"

"I made it to the head and back without falling over. How long did the doc say I was supposed to keep it on? Until the morning?"

"Yeah. And it's morning now."

"I guess. Got any scissors?"

"Um, no. Got this, though. Marine Boy turned to his diving equipment and drew forth his knife. The blade shone wickedly under the cabin lights. "Sit down a second."

Nervously, Jack sat on the chair. Marine Boy positioned himself cross-legged in front of him and took Jack's foot in his lap. "Don't move."

"Too frigging right I won't move."

Carefully, Marine Boy inserted the tip of his knife between Jack's calf and the bandage and began to cut. Jack held his breath. The knife sliced through the gauze with liquid ease, and a few seconds later Marine Boy was unravelling the last shreds.

"There you go."

Jack let out a long breath. "Phew. Thanks."

"How does it feel?"

"It itches like hell." Jack started to scratch vigorously.

"Doctor Baines said not to scratch."

"It's not his leg. Oh, come on – breakfast."


The boys had just joined the queue at the cafeteria when it dawned on Marine Boy that the two of them were still wearing nothing but their swimming-trunks. To be sure, dress codes were fairly relaxed on Ocean Base – bare feet were almost the norm in some parts, and naked torsos common enough not to be remarked on. Even so, breakfasting in the bare minimum did prompt feelings of self-consciousness. Jack, however, seemed oblivious to such things, and in any case the breakfast smells were too enticing for him to turn back now.

They loaded their trays perilously high. One of the cooks noticed, and raised an amused eye-brow. "We're starved," Marine Boy told him, and he smiled.

They found an unoccupied table, sat down, and began to make up for the deprivations of the previous day.

"You live well here," Jack said, as he shovelled scrambled egg and sausage into his mouth. "This is good."

Deciding against spoiling Jack's appetite by telling him about the recycling plants, Marine Boy merely nodded, and matched his guest mouthful for mouthful.

Replete at last, the two boys made their way back to Marine Boy's cabin. Above the door was a row of lights. The white one was lit up.

"Oh shit," Marine Boy said.

"What is it?"

"Messages for me. Probably not good news. More homework, or something."

"I love your optimism," Jack told him.

"Bet I'm right, though." Entering the cabin, Marine Boy coaxed his computer terminal into life, and entered some quick codes. "OK, lets see the worst. Hmm, you'd better see this one."


"It's about your father."

"Oh." Jack peered at the screen. "Well that's all right, he said at last."

"What is?"

"Well, your dad has contacted my dad – hell, that sounds weird. Never mind. Anyway, your dad has told my dad about me. Seems that the yacht got blown about a bit by the storm. Some minor damage; nothing to get into a flap about. Anyway, the upshot is that he won't be able to come and get me for two days or so. Result!"


"Yeah, result. I mean, I'm in for a right old bollocking when my dad catches up with me, and I'm in no hurry for that. But more to the point, I get to hang out with you for two whole days. How is that not a result?" Jack whooped, and danced a sort of jig about the cabin.

"Now you mention it, yeah." Marine Boy's face broke into a wide grin. "Oh, lets not get carried away; there's also a message from Miss Jennings."


"My own personal tutor. Don't ask. And she says – holy shit!"

"She does?"

"She says all lessons are cancelled for today and tomorrow, and all homework deadlines are extended as well. Wow; pinch me, I must be dreaming. Ow, I didn't mean that hard."

"Wimp. Anyway; come on before someone changes their mind. You promised me the tour, remember?" He grabbed Marine Boy's arm and dragged him out into the passageway. "I want to start with the engines. If I've read the plans right, they're this way."

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