Chapter 4

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Hey guys.. Hope you are all good....I am really thankful to the people who are supporting me with this book..You all are sweethearts.This chapter is dedicated to Ridanisar,Arsalnashafi and Imamakhan for their support and love from the start..Thank you all..Please read,comment,recommend,vote and u all

Hareem :)


"What happened"?? Anumta asked sitting with Manum and Asfandyar

Asfandyar gave Manum a sorry look and sighed. Manum was again crying after talking with her aunt who told her never to come back home as she ran away with a guy.

"Her aunt picked up the call ,she blamed Manum for whatever happened, told her to never come back home because she ran away with a criminal willingly .And she accused Manum of having an affair with big bro. Apparently news is spreading like wild fire that Zayaan Ibrahim Saith took his long time girlfriend home with him against her parents will. Her parents left the city because media was bashing them too hard .Her aunt wouldn't even gave Manum her parents new number." Asfandyar explained with a painful expression.

Manum was full on sobbing now. "How could she do this, they are my parents, how dare she accused me of having an affair with him. I never knew him before" .

Its all his fault... something inside her said and hatred filled her heart for the man she barely knew. She silently got up and gave Asfandyar a cold look.

"Tell you big bro he destroyed my life. Mission accomplished and I hate his existence ". With that she left the room.

Asfandyar looked at the ground mutely

"Is there something else that I don't know Asfandyar "?? Anumta gave him a cautious look.

"I'll let you know when big bro wants me too . And as far as Bhabi is concerned let her figure things out on her own ".

Anumta nodded understandingly and got up from her chair.

"We both should sleep ,its late ". She ruffled Asfandyar's hair softly and left the lawn .


"Its on the news too boss". Zayaan was pacing in the room agitatedly

Hadeed ,Asfandyar,Sameer,Sumair,Talal and all his men were sitting in the room giving him cautious looks.

"Its destroying her reputation" Sumair commented looking at his boss carefully

Zayaan grabbed his hair in frustration ,his jaw clenched tightly .His mind was filling his every nerve with regret.

"Find out where her parents are" He ordered in a rough tone.

"yes sir ".

"Where is she"?

"In her room or your room whatever Bro" said Asfandyar

"Sumair ,stop the media from spreading anymore false news that it already has done. Use any resource you need. Convince them to stop broadcasting such news by any means necessary". Guilt was settling in his heart now for whatever happened.

"Yes sir"

"Waleed,Call Anumta in here now".

He sat on his chair and looked out the window with rage filled eyes. His brows were furrowed with concentration .

Hadeed walked over towards him and put a hand on his shoulder .He knew what was coming with the expression Zayaan had .He was making a decision.

"Are you sure about this" ?

"Absolutely .It was my fault .I brought her into this mess, she is my responsibility. I have to take a step here. That's the least I can do for her. She is innocent". Zayaan whispered still looking out the window.

"You are making the right decision" .Hadeed patted him on the back smiling.

"But why don't you accept it that you like her" ??

"I don't"

Hadeed sighed shaking his head at him.

Anumta entered the room with a worried expression.

"Zayaan what's wrong"??

"I am marrying her, tomorrow morning. Sameer make the necessary arrangements and Anumta convince her". He spoke loudly for everyone to hear and the room went dead quiet. All the men had a shocked looked on their face as he walked out of his office leaving everyone surprised.

Nobody said anything for a whole minute and then all men got up from their rigid positions excitedly and ran to do the work they were assigned to do.

Asfandyar smiled looking at Anumta and gave him an I told you so look.

To say that Manum raised hell at the news was an understatement. Zayaan's whole room was destroyed ,everything was practically shattered and tore into pieces. Time to time everyone tried to convince her and failed.

"We can't handle her boss, she is losing it ". Hadeed told Zayaan with a worried expression

"I'll talk to her". He said getting up and went to his room

He looked at his room and fury raced through his system at a new level.

"What do you think you are doing destroying my bedroom".?? "Listen miss who ever you are.. destroy my bedroom one more time and I'll snap your neck with my bare hands. We are getting married whether you like it or not and I swear I'll gladly point a gun at your head and shoot you if you refuse. I dare you Manum ,try me".

"You are not making this easy on me. I understand that you are angry with the whole situation but I am not entirely pleased about this too.You are pissing me off to the point where I'll literally shoot you". He shouted at her and Manum gave him a heated look.

"I hate your existence ". She spat at him in a voice filled with rage.

"I know and you should ". He said slowly this time giving her a chilling look.

"Now stop behaving like a child". His head was pounding with pain when he left the room.

After a few hours a beautician came turned her into a beautiful bride and left.She was too numb to react. So she sat silently during the whole wedding ceremony, Anumta took her to the guest room as Zayaan's room was destroyed.

She was sitting alone with her thoughts when Zayaan came and stood awkwardly in the center of the room. Manum got alerted to the point where she thought her mind will collapse.

"Ahem... I ju----" he tried to say something when she got up from the bed and gave him a guarded look.

"What"?? she asked looking very attentive and scared

Zayaan looked at her for a minute and spoke.

"You don't have to be afraid of me. I am not going to ..... if that's what you are thinking" He explained himself pinching the bridge of his nose.

"You can sleep in this room and I'll sleep somewhere else" he said politely

Manum was in such a tense position that something about the whole situation made Zayaan smile slightly..

Manum looked at him shocked all the alertness gone

He dear God ..he smiles??!?!? He should smile more often he looks good with a smile.

Her thoughts went in a different direction and she shook her head hard.

What the hell did I just thought??? She asked herself.. By the time she came back from her thoughts Zayaan was standing too close to her ,she gasp and took a step back.

"What the hell do you think you are doing"?? Her tone was harsh

Zayaan gritted his teeth.

"I just wanted to give you this" .he said pulling out a navy blue box from his pocket opening it.

"Your umm wedding gift" he hesitated for a moment and then grabbed her left hand .

Manum was stunned at his gesture ,she was too shocked that she even forgot to pull her hand back.

His hands are warm..Again her mind commented

Zayaan opened the box and slid the beautiful platinum band in her finger and abruptly left her hand.

Manum gulped loudly looking away.

"There is the bathroom". Zayaan pointed at the brown door in the room

"You can change and sleep, your necessities are over there in that cupboard, if there is anything you need just let Anumta know. I'll sleep in the other room". He said avoiding her gaze

Manum nodded and walked towards the bathroom .When she came back he wasn't in the room.

She took a breath of relief and got into bed pulling the covers upto her neck . After hours of thinking about everything she finally fell asleep.

The next morning Manum Anumta and Asfandyar were in the kitchen talking casually.

"Where is Big bro". Asfandyar looked at Manum who stared at her hands she was about to answer when Zayaan entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, he looked at Manum for a second then opened the fridge trying to find some juice.

"Anumta, I want my breakfast". He ordered quietly and left the kitchen.

Manum got up and left the kitchen too .Asfandyar shook his head and sighed.

Zayaan was reading the newspaper when Manum entered the dining hall searching for the paper.

Manum clenched her fist hard her nails digging into her palm. I hate him,he destroyed my life. Everyone thinks that I have a lose character. All of this because of him. I will never forgive you Zayaan Ibrahim Saith.

"You want something?" Zayaan spoke softly looking at her

Manum stared at him wordlessly and left the dining hall.

Sitting on the bed she cried whole day hating Zayaan.

She stepped out of the room in the evening when she saw Hadeed coming towards her

"Aray bhabi you are up. I was just bringing you food ". He smiled

Oh..they thought I was sleeping..that explains why no one came up.

"I was just coming downstairs,here give me the tray I'll eat it in the kitchen." Hadeed handed the tray to her and walked beside her

"You know he isn't that bad" Hadeed said in a low voice

"Yeah right. He took me here,technically kidnapping me. Threaten me to kill my parents, my parents left the town because of him and they thought I had an affair with him ,he made all my blood relations hate me and then he married me by threatening me. Where exactly in all of this do you think he is a good guy". She retorted harshly

"May be he was trying to protect you from something really bad." He reasoned

"Protecting me from what??? There is only one man I need protection from and its him". Manum gave him a cold look and went into the kitchen.

Anumta was making dinner while Talal was helping her. Manum felt ashamed for sitting in her room all day. Anumta smiled at her and Manum gave her a sheepish look.

"I umm want to help you too". She said standing with Anumta .

"Bless you child, can you make the salad .I was just starting to cook".

"Oh sure. I can make the food too if you want ".

" child I'll ma..." Anumta clutched her head and closed her eyes trying to stand limply on her foot.

Talal and Manum turned around to look why she stopped talking and ran towards her

"Anumta.. Talal put a hand on her cheek while Manum put her head in her lap.

"Anumta open your eyes please " Manum spoke panicked

"Talal call the doctor"

He nodded getting up. Manum looked at Anumta with fear in her eyes.

"Please don't... You are my only hope in this house" .

"Please don't leave me" Tears were flowing silently from her eyes.

After 1 hour

They were all standing in Anumta's room while she was till unconscious. Doctor told them that its just the weakness and she'll be fine if she eats and drink properly .He prescribed the medicine and left.

Zayaan was extremely worried even after the doctor assured him nothing will happen to her. He was pacing in the room silently . Manum sat on the bed close to Anumta.

She looked at all the men standing there some of them were quiet, some stressed, some panicked,some helpless.

They all care about her so much..She smiled and got up.

"I.. you guys sit with her ,I'll make dinner". She looked uneasily at them

Zayaan looked at her and nodded silently

Manum went to kitchen and started to work where Anumta left.

The cook Zayaan hired who helped Anumta was now helping Manum. Zayaan walked into the kitchen and stood behind them silently

Manum turend around getting startled. Recovering herself she moved to the cabinet where all the bowls were.

Manum tried to reach the cabinet that was behind Zayaan and stopped

"Please move" She asked quietly

"Why". Zayaan asked genuinely confused

"I need to open that cabinet" she pointed to the cabinet behind him

Zayaan moved slightly looking at her

Manum gulped and open the cupboard while he watched her silently.

She avoided his gaze and tried to pick up the blue bowl but failed to reach ,she tried again.

Zayaan looked at her with amusement in his eyes

She'll never ask me to bring it down for her. Silly little girl. Shortie

His lips curved in a small smile making him look more handsome than ever.

Manum gave him a heated look

The jerk !!!! He is smiling,he knows I can't reach the bowl,he is making fun of me.

She thought angrily

Zayaan sighed at her expression and took a step close to her .Manum froze to her spot not daring to look at him. He towered over her grabbing the bowl with ease. His chest was ever so slightly touching her back . There was no typical electric shock but warmth .He felt like home.Manum stood there silently.

"Here you go,shortie" He winked at her and smiled.

Manum's mouth was opened like a fish. Shortie !!!!!!!!!!!

"What did you just called me" She asked through her teeth

"Shortie" he looked at her now reaching at her eye level.

"Don't you ever dare make fun of my height or I'll chop your head off and then feed it to the dogs . Got it". She seethed at him

"Yes ma'am " Zayaan said with amusement in his his. His gaze bored through hers refusing to look anywhere else. She looks like an angry kitten he thought controlling his laughter.

She stomped walking away from him and started making what was left.

Zayaan looked at her and left the kitchen smiling when saw Hadeed standing there with an equally amused expression .He patted Zayaan's shoulder and said

"Well that's progress". "Make sure she doesn't chop your head off ". Hadeed chuckled and went back to his office with him.

After 1 month

Days were passing by changing things ever so slightly. Anumta got back on her feet ,Asfandyar was his usual self annoyingly cheerful,ranting and most importantly eating. Manum stayed the same reserve person she was. Sometimes she cried,sometimes she smiled,Zayaan shifted back to his room as his room was in good shape now, Manum still stayed in the guest room .The thing that didn't change was the fights Manum and Zayaan had. The distance between them was still solid as rock. They never approached each other willingly. But Manum started to notice his routine unintentionally. He never talks to anybody unless its necessary. He rarely smiles. He works his ass off all the time ,eat and slept. His routine was agitating her.

Why is he like this??

Manum was thinking so hard about him when something crawled on her foot making her jump in fear she looked at the ground and screamed at the top of her lungs shaking all the house.

"Zayaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!!!! . Help .. It's a cockroach. She screamed again climbing up on the sofa.

The door to the guest room burst open ,four men with loaded guns ran towards her, Zayaan's posture was extremely tense. He caught her from the waist and sat her down on the floor.

"What happened" he asked looking around the room

"Bhabi what happened" Talal looked out the window, his gaze sharp.

Asfandyar looked like he was ready to kill . He kicked the bathroom door open loudly and checked the whole bathroom. "Bathroom is clear "

"He is here." Manum screamed again pointing at the floor.

All men looked at the floor except Zayaan ,his eyes were scanning the room ,a cockroach was there running probably trying to protect his life while Manum clutched Zayaan's shirt with all her energy digging her nails into his arm.

Zayaan stood protectively in front of her and looked at the floor where she was peeking standing behind him.

"Are you serious" Talal gave her a disbelieving look.

Sumair started laughing like a hyena clutching his stomach.

Zayaan glared at Manum giving her a "you've got to be kidding me" look.

While Asfandyar's face was filled with horror ,he screamed like a girl more loudly than Manum and climbed up on the sofa.

Sumair was still laughing with tears in his eyes and rolled on the floor after Asfandyar's outburst.

"Get rid of it..Get rid of him..." He shouted with a genuine scared expression.

Sumair asked Zayaan controlling his laughter. "Should I kill it boss" ???

"Traitor he escaped " shouted Asfandyar pointing at the floor where there was no sign of a cockroach now.

"Shut up all of you ,Asfandyar grow up and get off the sofa now, for God sake you are a grown man stop acting like a child " Zayaan shouted

"No not until you get rid of that creature" Asfandyar shook his head multiple times still looking scared shitless.

Manum was still clutching Zayaan's arm looking at the floor terrified.

"I was taking a nap" Talal glared at all of them and left, Sumair left with him.

Asfandyar was still on the sofa, Zayaan turned around and looked at Manum

"I thought you were in serious trouble ,are you crazy Manum,I thought something happened to you ". He scolded her giving her an irritated look .

"Excuse me, for your info I was in major trouble ,there is still a cockroach in this room " she fired back

"For God sake its just a cockroach"

"That's the point. It is a cockroach. And you know what thank you for your help. You can leave now I don't like you anyway" She stomped her foor and puffed her cheeks like a child

Zayaan looked at her for a moment quietly then smiled " Is that so??? You don't like me"

"Offcourse I don't like you"

"Then why are you still grabbing my arm" Zayaan said amused looking at her

Manum abruptly let go of his arm and looked away in embarrassment.

Zayaan whispered in her ear "Silly Shortie".

"What did you just called me"

"Silly shortie"

"I told you not to call me silly shortie"

"No you told me not to call you shortie only.."

"Aghhh it's the same thing"

"No its not"

"I am warning you"

"Fine then ,how is Silly Manum"

"No....Its just Manum"






"No way in hell"



"Baby panda"


"Uhh are you guys done with your shameless flirting, some people are dying over here." Asfandyar interrupted their argument

Both of them looked at him and loudly said ."Shut up Asfandyar"

Asfandyar put his hands up in a surrendering motion

"Call me with a pet name one more time an...'

"And what" Zayaan challenged

Manum turned around walking towards the room fridge , got a water bottle out opened it

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