Fifth day of Christmas (Roger Taylor)

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(A/n: FIC #50!! I'm so EXCITED!)

(Y/n's POV)
I was sleeping on the couch in the studio while the boys were practicing. I don't know why they had to practice on Christmas, but there was no way to talk them out of it. I tried.
Rodger banged on his symbols, and that woke me up so suddenly I fell off the couch.
Roger was snickering behind his drums set while the other guys chuckled and looked from him to me. I stared at him, then got up and promptly left the studio. I walked outside and pulled a cigarette out of my coat pocket and lit it. I didn't turn around when I heard the door open. I knew it was the dog with his tail between his legs.
"Hey, I'm sorry."
I turned to him suddenly. The side of my lip was up as I looked at him both angry and annoyed.
"Why the hell do we even have to be here! It's Christmas for gods sake Roger! Of course I wanted to celebrate Christmas with the other three, but not like this! Not practicing and not a huge party with hundreds of people I don't know!"
I take a drag from the cigarette and rub my forehead.
"Love, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were this upset."
He reached out and touched my arm. I didn't pull away but I still wasn't pleased with him.
"Can.... Can we please just go home. It's Christmas Day for gods sake. You can invite the boys over; and that means no instruments, no guitars, no microphone, no tamborines or whatever okay?"
I look over at him and he smiles. He grabs my hand and takes a drag from my cigarette, blows out the smoke, then kisses my cheek.
"No problem Beautiful."
"I'm going to stay out here if you don't mind."
"But, it's freezing. It's literally snowing."
"I know. I like the cold, it's, calming."

He goes in and probably talks to the guys for about ten minutes. Just as I drop my cigarette and stomp it out he comes out again. I pick it up and throw it away. He is followed my Freddie, then Brian, and finally John.
He walks over and puts his arm around my waste. He is always very protective in front of the band. Especially Freddy because he is kind of flirtatious. He knows I won't do anything, but he hated it when I play flirt back. 
"The boys will be over in about three hours. Right guys?" They nod.
"And don't forget to bring dates boys." I wink at Freddy and he rolls his eyes but smiles. I turn and start to walk away.
"See you guys soon." I call over my shoulder.
Roger and I get in then car. I start her up but let her idle so she is warm.
"Thank you honey." I say as soon as Roger gets settled.
He is checking his hair in the mirror but I still can see him smile.
"No problamo." He says.

Once we get home it's just purely cooking and cleaning for two and a half hours. The last half hour we were getting dressed and putting out the snacks. We finished a little early and I walked over to Roger. I put my arms on his shoulders and pressed my body against his.
"I am sorry for snapping at you earlier. I didn't sleep so well last night and I was just frustrated. I wanted to spend some alone time with you." I leaned in and kissed him gently.
"It's okay Love. I understand, I wanted to spend some time with you too love."
"I know, I'm still sorry."
"It's okay Love." He said exasperatedly.

Then the doorbell rang and I let go of roger. I wink at him then open the door. It was Freddie and Jim. Early as usual.
"Hello boys."
"Hello (y/n)." Jim says cheerily. I stand aside and let them. Freddie hands me a bottle of wine.
"Oh Freddie, you didn't have to-"
"Merry Christmas." He says cutting me off with a polite smile.
They both walk in and just as I was about to close the door John comes up the drive with his date.
"Hello John. Hello Veronica!"
"Hey (y/n)." John says
"Hello." Veronica says and dips her head in greeting.
I let them in then close the door. Just as I put the wine on the table there is a knock at the door. Again.
"I'll get it love." Roger says.
"Thank you." He opens the door and finally we were all here. Brian, the poodle of a man he is walks in with his date Anita.
They sit down and I follow them into the sitting room.
We talk for only a few minutes before I get Roger to help me make dinner. We still talk to them through the kitchen opening.
After about an hour and a half, dinner is almost cooked. I am standing next to Roger and we are cutting up fruit. I reach down and grab his ass playfully. He looks up at me slyly and kisses my lip. I giggle and Freddie, who Roger was talking to,  rolls his eyes.
After we have dinner we sit down to chat before dessert. I lean up against Roger as we talk. He is so warm and he was almost putting me to sleep by rubbing circles on my back.
After dessert and coffee, it was pretty late so we said our goodbyes to everyone.
Once they had left I walked into the bedroom and landed face down into the bed. A few minutes later Roger came in and straddled my butt.
"Not now Roger."
Then he starts massaging my back.
"Never mind." I say looking at him over my shoulder.
He does this for a while then I roll over on my back. He moves so he won't fall and I climb under the covers.
"You should get undressed first love."
"Ugh... fine."
I climb out of the bed and change while Roger does the same thing. Then I get back into the bed and curl up. Roger follows and pulls me closer to him.
"Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas Love."

A/n: I hope everyone likes this fic. I'm sorry it took so long to write! I hope you enjoy:).

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