31-I told them

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Jimin looks up from his computer


Haria:can you help me find my house

Jimin:how don't you know where your apartment is

Haria:I mean my families house, you know my biological parents house

He sighs and nods

I sit next to him and he starts typing

Jimin:why do you want to find it

Haria:because it's still where it used to be, the house was never destroyed, it was just abandoned i guess but I want to know where it is, there are things
I want to find but before that I want to tell eomma, appa, Ara and Han about my past

Jimin:that's a lot


I laugh to myself



Jimin:you underestimate me Haria, I'm one of the best hackers but even better when I have you helping

Jimin:anyway this should be the house

I look at the screen and show a sad smile

Haria:it's my house, it's been so long since I've seen it, I remember when I was kidnapped, I would tell myself that I would run and go back home

Haria:but that never happened

Jimin:please don't make me cry

I laugh and smack his arm,

Haria:how's Mina

Jimin:we've talked

Haria:you know she likes you

Jimin: I mean who wouldn't,

I punch his arm

Jimin:ok enough hitting, I'm leaving now, I'm going t pick up my soulmate

He leaves and tae walks in

Tae:that idiot

He mumbles and I laugh,

Haria:tae I wanted to tell you something

Tae:what is it

Haria:I want to visit my childhood house

He looks at me

Tae:and why do you?

Haria:I want to gather as many happy memories about my family

Tae:ok but I'm taking you their,

Haria:thank you but before that I wanted to tell my parents about my past

Tae:do you want me to be their when you tell them

I nod

Haria:could we go today

He checks his phone quickly and then looks at me

Tae:yeah I could, let's go, im gonna quickly call the backup team to follow us in case of an emergency

I jump up in excitement and kiss tae,

Haria:let's go

Time skip
After an hour drive, we're finally at my parents house, I'm getting really nervous,

Tae:if you don't want to we can go back

Haria:no!! I want to it's jus I'm a bit nervous

He gently grabs my chin and tilts my head upwards, he kisses me and says

Tae:I'll be with you the whole time

I smile and walk up to the front door while holding tae's hand

I ring the doorbell and after a few minutes the door opens

Eomma:Han put your dirty socks away

She faces me to say sorry but freezes when she see me, she jumps in excitement and hugs me

Eomma:my baby is home,

Ara:who's back

She looks at me


She hugs me and congratulates me for my test scores

Timeskip in the house
Appa:taehyung and Haria how nice to see you guys

Eomma:have you eaten, do you want food

Haria:No eomma it's fine, Umm I came to tell you about—

Tae squeezes my hand

Eomma:are you pregnant

Haria:what? No!

She smile drops

Haria:I came to share my past to you guys

The room becomes quiet until Han speaks up

Han:ok everyone sit down on the couch and no one talk until Haria is finished

This is a big deal to my family since it was really hard to open up to them

We sit down and my mum and dad tell to continue

Haria:before I was in the foster home, i had a family, I had to lovely parents and two younger sisters who were twins,

Haria:the all dies in a car accident but it wasn't really an accident, it was an authorised crash, my parents were the rulers off the Chinese underground, basically the Chinese Mafia,

Is start from the beginning and also add the recent news that I find out about my family,

I tell them everything but save what was done to me while being kidnapped

Haria: when I was kidnapped, this man, pantera  would watch me, every night and day, he took my clothes of and watched me, he waited for my body to develop and when it started to, he would say how beautiful, he physically tortured me and mentally,

Haria:you guys know the rest

I say since I explained everything else

I wait for the disgusting looks, but all I see it tears, they stand up and hug me, eomma cry's out loud

Eomma:my baby went through so much,

Ara:I wish I could take your pin away

Han:if I could I would kill the man b it we all know I'm weak

He says to try a lighten my mood and everyone else which works,

Ara:what were your sisters names

Haria:Bora and Boram

Ara:very pretty names, and now they are somewhere where no one can hurt them

I nod

Appa:my child is so strong

Haria:thank you appa

He smiles and turns to tae

Appa:son, thank you for taking care of my daughter

Tae bows his head in respect

Haria:we need to get going, I'm going to go my childhood home

Ara and Han:can I come

Eomma:you idiots, this is something personal

Haria:it's ok, you guys can come

Eomma:you really want these brats to come

I laugh and nod

We say goodbye to eomma and appa, I'm get in the passenger seat while my siblings get in the back, tae gets in the drivers seat

While driving hi puts his hand on my thigh,

Han:let's keep hand off my sister shall we

Han and tae smirks

Tae:I suggest you let me touch the love of my life or I will tell your mum about your girlfriend and I think she will be happy to know that she could have grandchildren soon

Me and Ara burst out laughing

Ara:mum will probably force you have kids if she found out about your girlfriend

Han:oh shut up

Time skip
After an hour of driving, Tae parks the car and we get out, I look in front of me and see the house I dreamed about, the house that I grew up in until being kidnapped

We walk toward the door and I grab the door handle, it might be locked and if it is I'll try and remember where the spare key was, I turn the handle and the door creaks open,

I breath in and tae gives me a reassuring smile

Tae:it's ok, I'm right here,

He says and I step in and tae order the back up team to surround the house in case of an emergency

I look around the now dusty house, i can see living room  and the open kitchen, I see the stairs that lead up to the second and third floors


I walk to the living room and walk to the fire place, and see picture frames above it, I grab one and blow the dust off, I see picture of me holding my newborn twin sister

I let a small tear fall as I hug the frame, I look at the other pictures, I see my parents wedding, the day I was born, the first day off school,

I walk into the kitchen where some of my sisters toys are still on the ground, I walk up to the fridge as a see a big picture of us having a picnic, my dad i holding me over his head and my mum and wiping my sisters dirty faces,

I laugh at the memory or them falling into a pile of dirt

Ara:your sister are beautiful

I smile,

Haria:I want to talk every picture in this house, I want any memory of them

Tae:then that's what we will do

He pulls out a bag and hands it to me, I thank him and start to collect every picture of the fridge, counter, living room, any family recipes that my mum kept in one of the cupboards,

I walk upstairs with everyone behind, I walk up to my bedroom door and open it, inside is my bed with my Milan bedsheets, and drawings on the ground, so many things are In my room and so many memories

Han:I remember when mum and dad adopted you, you wouldn't talk and they would take you out to bye things for your room and you would always point to things with Mulan

I smile and walk around, I see all my favourite books and toys,

Tae grabs another bag from who knows where since the other one is already full, I put all the items in the bag and we all leave by room, I

walk up to my sisters room , I open the door and see a bunk bed, their room is filled with toys and drawing on the wall
from when they were younger, I see lost off their baby pictures, I look at them and say lace them into the bags,

I see two teddy bears, they were their favourite toys,they would never leave it.

I kiss it and hand it Ara to hold them

We leave their room, and go to my parent room, I enter and see their
Clean room that is full of dust, I see all eomma jewels and accessories, I walk up to it and touch them

Haria:tae, do my parents have a grave

Tae:yeah, it's pretty close to where I live

Haria:is it inside or outside

Tae:inside, your sisters gave us also their, from jimins search, on each grave is a jar of your family's ashes

Haria:good, I'm gonna take all my jewellery and place it on her grave,

I smile and place all of the in a different bag, I look around and see my dads things, his massive watch that would never fit my wrist and all his martial art weapons

Haria:I want to put all these on my appa's grave

Tae takes all the weapons and puts it in the car while I put the smaller belongings in the bag.

We go to my dad office but before I open the door I hesitate

Haria:appa never allowed me to enter in here without him and if I do now I will feel guilty

Tae:it's up to you, we won't force you sweetheart

I nod and open the door slowly while a little be of guilt, the office is dark and old, I walk up to his desk and wipe my fingers in to the desk and see the dust that has collected on my fingers,

I walk up to a draw and open it, in it is a whole bunch of photo albums, I don't hesitate and take them, I look through other draws and see a bunch of CDs, there all labelled like, Harias first word

I take them all and place them in the bags, I look through more draws when I come across a few folders, the labels seemed a bit odd

It said "inheritance", I look through it and it writes about where money will go to when my appa dies or if something bad happens, it also talks about the position to the Chinese underground,  just lost of inheritance, I take these just invade.

I look through more draws when a name pops up,  pantera.

I grab it and give it i tae, he reads it and starts looking through it

Haria:what's in it

Tae:it's your father's progress of trying to find who pantera is and how he was planing on getting rid of him

Haria:did he find out who

Sorry for the long chapter and sorry if it was too sad
And who else is proud of Jimin
I hope you enjoyed

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-Author K

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