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I wake up and run towards my mum,
She has a broom and is sweeping the ground

Eomma:why were you not awake, huhh!!! Everyone had breakfast and you were still sleeping and now you won't clean

I tried to offer my help but she kept sweeping

Eomma:why does no one ever like to help their poor mother

Haria:eomma let me—

Eomma:I'm sick of doing all the work

Why does this always happen, she complains about never getting any help and when she does she doesn't let us help

I huff and walk away, I quickly changed and then run towards the door when i here the doorbell

I open and see....

Haria:what are you doing here?

I whisper shout

Tae:you didn't answer your phone

Ara:hey Haria who's at—

Ara is now staring at tae

Ara:it's Kim Taehyung

Tae:yes I am and you are

Haria:my sister now excuse us

I grab taes hand and walk out the house with him

Tae:so you didn't tell your family about me yet

Haria:no since I thought you wouldn't want to and second I don't know how they would react

Tae:well what if I want them to know

Just as I was about to say something I front door whips open


Eomma:Kim Taehyung?? Haria's boyfriend and I only found out now.

Come in!come in!

I was shocked a bit and dragged tae inside and sat on the couch where the rest of my family sat

Han:and you are...

Eomma:don't be rude Han, so you are Kim Taehyung? Mafia?

Tae:yes and I suppose your not scared of me or trying to get Haria to stop dating me

Eomma:oh I don't care about who she dates as long there not some weird broke drug addict

I hear tae chuckle a bit and he starts talking with my mum while my dad just eyes him down

Ara grabs my hand and pulls me to a room,

Ara:he's so hot, you got lucky sis

Haria:now your calling me sis

Ara:you earned the title

Just then Han came in

Han: how did you get a guy like him

Haria:by getting in trouble at school

Han:I'm serious

Haria:so am I

Han:I still don't trust him

Ara:oh shut up Han, if you don't I'll tell mum about your secret girlfriend

Han:you wouldn't dare

Haria:wait who's your secret girlfriend

Ara:you know your friend rose from your old school

I nod

Ara:it's her


Han:yes now shut up before mum hears you

We all become quiet when we hear a knock on the door

Haria:come in

The door opens and tae walks in, I let out a breath thinking it was mum

Tae:sweetheart I'm leaving

I blush and nod, he laughs before saying goodbye to my siblings.
Once he's gone Han turns to me and says

Han:sweetheart!!! No one calls my sister sweetheart, they should call you spoiled or fatty

I throw a pillow at him and he catches it while laughing

Haria:say one more and I'm telling eomma—

Eomma:tell me what?

We all stare at her and Han stares at me

Haria:oh nothing, just that Han....

I look at Han and see him begging

Haria:was making fun of me

I watched Han as he let out a sigh of relief


Hey guys I know it's a boring chapter but I'm have something coming up so keep reading

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