Chapter 35

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Isabella Denise

"What is it Noah?" Marco asked Noah. In seconds his whole demeanor changed from fun, happy and playful to serious, dangerous and the whole mafia boss type.

"You have to come and see it's important. Especially for you Bella." Noah said his face clearly showed that he wasn't joking and this wasn't something to be taken as a joke.

Marco and I shared a look and looked back at Alex who as still busy playing in the water. I gulped audibly and silently got out of the pool with Marco following me and doing the same.

"Are you guys leaving!?" Alex asked loudly and I looked back at him smiling.

"Uh yes Alex, Auntie Bella has something important to do and so does uncle Marco. Don't stay too long in The pool okay?" I said and he nodded then waved at his dad.

Noah smiled at his child and looked at him with the look from which you could tell the he truly did love his child with all his heart and the next child they would have coming he's gonna love that just as much. Sometimes I wondered what it would be like to have a life like this with a loving family, to have a child with someone that you love and that person would cherish you endlessly and love you as much as there are stars in the galaxy.

Noah's demeanor become just like Marco's when he looked away and the seriousness of the situation came back.

A few seconds ago the air was light, no one had any worries, we were happy, playful, jolly. A second later everything changed to serious mood as the air grew thicker my thicker with tension as it filled it up and the those happy jolly moods were replaced by tension and curiousness as to what was it that Noah had to tell or show them. Now it seemed as if there was something to worry about.

It's funny how the tables turn by fate itself.

Marco and I didn't obviously hesitate in wearing our clothes after drying ourselves off quickly. The tension and the curiosity was on level 1000 and it was certainly killing us to know what it was and for some reason Noah couldn't tell us about it here and right now.

The air grew thicker and thicker with tension as the sounds like the birds chirping on their way back home, the water splashing in the pool, the wind blowing causing the leaves on the trees and its branches to collide and make its own sound. Every single sound was zoning out like water coming out of a tap smoothly. Thoughts barged in my head as I wore my clothes quickly and then me and Marco followed Jenoah to as it seemed an office but it obviously wasn't Marco's, this was big and beautiful but not as big as Marco's but had similar furniture arrangements.

Inside we found Alessandro standing with his arms crossed over his chest as a frown lay on his face permanently. It was something that anyone would notice easily. When Alessandro talked to the people he loved he always smirked or either slightly smiled trying to stop it from going on overload. When he was alone or with people he didn't knew all he did was frown or had a straight face as if he was wearing a mask hiding his emotions from the world. You could never tell what he was thinking about and you could never tell what he was feeling. He was like a personal diary of which only one person had the key to open it.

I knew I wasn't that person but I was not than willing to find the person so that could bring out the best of him instead of the worst, that woman who he was going out with him first brought out he best of him maybe or he already had that out in front of her but then she opened the box of the worst and left him without closing that box. It was a box that he couldn't close only another person could, he couldn't reach it. Something kept on telling me that there is another story for Al that he had not shared with me. It wasn't hurt that snobby girlfriend of his but maybe someone even more important and maybe someone even more closer.

No one's born a devil, they're all angels until something or someone takes it away and unleashes the devil whether they know it or not. Whether they like it or not.

The same case was here. Alessandro had a deep, scary and heartbreaking back story that he had kept within himself. That thing because he didn't share it grew on to him and made him into the person he was now. I had his strange feeling that he was colder than Marco himself. I can't even imagine how cruel Alessandro could be, I haven't even ever seen him action just him training in the gym.

Alessandro's eyes were focused on the ground more than anything in the room, he didn't even look up at the sound of me, Marco and Jenoah entering but instead kept on looking at the ground, more like glaring it until it had a huge big ass hole in it.

"Who's office is this?" I asked as I blinked away from the sight of Alessandro knowing I had been staring at him for too long.

"Mine." Jenoah spoke as he brushed past me over to the desk which had papers, books and pens sprawled all over it. One pair of looking glasses sat above the papers right next to the open laptop that was in the center. In front of the desk was a brown carpet and there were two comfortable sofa's there on which I would gladly sit if it wasn't for the curiosity that was itching me and I couldn't sit. On the right hand side of the room was a tall shelf holding books in it, this house certainly had a lot of books and most probably a lot of book lovers.

"What was it that you wanted to show us and was so important?" Marco asked with a hard tone showing that he wasn't liking the wait that he was given and was extremely annoyed.

Jenoah spared Marco a glance as he went back to typing furiously on the keyboard of his laptop, after a few seconds we heard a one last hard click of the keyboard and Jenoah turned the laptop so we could see what was on it.

Seeing it from a far didn't show clearly what it was but as I walked closer to it I could see better and more clearer. On the screen was a picture that was taken an hour ago according to the time written on the picture, a picture which featured the bitch ass jerk no other than Albelino but the more peculiar thing was the figure on which he was gripping on. A weak, thin but pale and tall figure whose arm he was gripping on and pushing into a van. The face could not be seen since it was covered with my bag but in my mind I had no doubt that the figure in the picture was my one and only mother.

The way Albelino was treating her for 15 years angered me, the way he carried her around angered me a lot but the fact that she most likely never seen the light of day was worse. She was being treated worse than a slave and I couldn't wait more to just have her back and give her everything she needs and never leave her alone. She was still alive and could talk back to Albelino was something from which you could tell that she wasn't just any women. She was a strong women with s strong character and a strong will and hope to live and breathe till tomorrow.

That's the way she must be surviving all this or she would have committed suicide till now. I'm guessing.

"I'm a hundred percent sure that the person that Albelino is gripping onto is my mother, but where is he taking her?" I asked as I looked up at the men around me. Each of their faces hiding any kind of emotion except anger and courage plus willingness on their faces.

"That motherfucker doesn't know how to treat women does he?" Marco growled and I placed my hand on his shoulder squeezing it.

"We don't know where he is taking her, the picture was taken by one of our men from afar but zoomed in but hopefully we could know where he took her if we could hack into the CCTV camera's of Pittsburgh." Noah spoke rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well can you guys do it?" I asked looking at Noah right in the eyes, impatiently waiting for his answer as I bounced on my feet repeatedly.

"I think we can." He finally answered and let out a breath of relief before going back into my dead hard self.

"Well what are you guys waiting for?! Go and do it! I need my mother alive and soon, I want her as soon as we can get her. I can't wait no more and that's it!" I said slamming my palm on the table. None of the men flinched in the room as they understood the situation and stage I was going through.

"K." That was all Noah said before he exited the room with his laptop most probably going over to the tech team of the family.

"I need to go work." Marco said and kissed my forehead before leaving the room and I'm guessing going over to his office.

I was left alone with Alessandro in the room and the silence was too awkward and uncomfortable for me to handle so I started moving towards the exit of the room and glanced at Alessandro who was still in the same position as he was when I entered the room. He never moved an inch and something told me that there was something up with him. Something was bothering him that he didn't even pay attention to what was happening in his surroundings.

"You should probably get back to the garage to finish up with the cars." I said lightly to him to lighten up the thick air in the room. Al had zoned out  and it seems like my voice brought him out of his dream world or back to reality as he looked at me with a hard face. No emotion on his face and his green orbs looked cold and emotionless. The were empty completely.

He gave me a curt nod and brushed past me bumping his shoulder with mine on purpose for an unknown reason for me. "Al!" I called out to him before he could leave the room and froze halfway then turned around.

"Are you okay? You seem a little off and troubled." I said and he gave me a cold glare.

"I'm fine." He spoke and left the room without another word.


I rolled my eyes at his sudden bipolar behavior and walked out of the room yet again with my thoughts as a burden on my brain but still keeping it since I actually needed it at the moment I guess.

This was happening too often that I would zone out into my thoughts cry my heart out on my situation because it was like shit every time I would walk out of the office or some room because it was always the bad news that ale and I always ended up sad because of it and I was getting tired of it.

This was going to be slightly different because I wasn't going to cry this time. I was going think of my plan. I was going straighten my head out and focus on the things that were important.

Now first of all it's giving me a headache knowing that Albelino knows how to mess up with my brain and now I'm not sure if where ever he was taking my mother is the place he is going to stay or not and whether he is going to be in the house and keep my mother there later on. It was confusing and was something that I wand t even looking forward to thinking about it was actually thrilled but it was a force of habit to think about the things that gave me headache.

Secrets were unveiled and so many of them were unveiled. Never in my wild dreams did I ever think that my mother would be alive yet I was here in the Italian Mafia house in New York finding out my mother was actually alive after thinking she was dead for the last 15 years. It was shocking when you put it to words wasn't it? You keep on re-reading it hoping that the shock would go away but it never does because it was that unbelievable. Time and fate were testing my patience of literally everything and I felt like an amateur dealing with them that even an average women would be dealing with them better than me.

It's amusing how events unroll right in front of your eyes in such short time, in the mean of seconds and you're just standing there astonished how it happened, everything changed so fast like how emotions like love turned into hate in a span of mere seconds.

All these thoughts running in my head led me into Marco's and mine room in which there was a bed that I couldn't resist falling on and closing my eyes to just relax. My hair were soaking wet and I decided to just let them air dry since I had no intentions of using a blow drier.

A loud sigh escaped my mouth as my eyes shut close when the cool breeze from the open window of the balcony entered the room blowing the thin layers of the curtains at the same time. People always said that time was money and if we're wasting time we are wasting money. This wasn't what was happening. Time was not money. Time was something far more precious, it kept on going on and of course it would always be correct when a person says that time and tide waits for no man and it is far more precious then gold and silver.

I dropped myself on the bed be closed my eyes as images of what happened in the last month came running back into my mind. Everything played itself in order like flashbacks coming after waking up with a hangover.

Images of how I woke up in the morning and it was very oddly quiet in the house and I creeped up to the meeting room, how I heard them talking shit about me and wanting to kill me. It was totally staggering to know that a man whom I knew longer than my very own biological father betrayed me then called me a traitor and betrayer.

From this it went on to how I went to Rome for the exclusive dinner where I met the one and only Giovanni Marco Enzo, the first man ever to have me trapped under their spell, the first man that respected me and treated me the way I should have been, the first man that I actually trusted in a span of a few weeks. It was amazing how time passed by and I was here now thinking about all this how fast it happened.

I the last there would be so many things that I would have like to change about myself and the things that I would like to undo and maybe makes things better for myself, make my life better but that was impossible now. The things that I had done where done and the outcome that had to come already came and I have to pay the price for that forever.

If I ever had kids and those were with Marco I would not make these type of decisions for them. I wasn't given a choice but they would be given a choice. They would have a choice if they wanted to be the killer or the normal person. They would be born in the mafia, being born in the mafia means never having a normal life or ever being safe everywhere you went. You had to be cautious at all time since anything could happen at any time of the day or night.

My son if I ever have one would know the place he was born in and he himself make the decision of being the good person or taking Control of the Italian Mafia.

My daughter if I ever have one I will never ever let her become into the monster that I was or do the things that I did, make the mistakes I did and then later on suffer from them. It was her decision but she would obviously have to know the consequences.

Look at me my head is so jumbled up and I'm so frustrated already that I'm already thinking about the kids and there future with Marco like as if I want to marry someone right now and give birth to children.

I groaned out loud and got up from the bed going over to the balcony and standing in front of it. I gripped onto the rail and slightly leaned on it face front but not much to make me fall and break my lovely bones.

I looked out on the view of New York that you could see from here and it was true when they said that it was a city that never slept. It was dark by now almost 8:00. Because of my thinking time passed by so fast that I didn't even realized it. Hearing my stomach grumble told me that it was time for me to go and get something to eat and then sleep since I was getting tired and I needed to ready myself for the future.

Things were changing and they were changing fast and I had to be prepared for things that were to come later on whether they were good or they were bad. I know deep down inside that there were more and more secrets waiting for me and waiting for the right time to open up and divulge into the active environment.


"Woah. What's wrong!?" I asked jumping from surprise by the sudden loud call from Antonio.

"We found where your mom is you dumbshit!"

Okay I know you guys are mad. Hell I would be too and I really didn't want this update to be this short and this late but I couldn't help it since I lived having the interest of you guys and these cliffhangers actually helped in maintaining that so sorry about that.

I hope you guys liked the chapter and I know that the update was really late and I hope you guys can forgive me for that but happy news is that no school tomorrow for the next 2 days for a reason that I don't really care about it or actually know because I didn't care.

So guys after a long time I started watching pretty little liars because it awesome and I'm literally obsessed with it. I'm just hoping to end this book soon and then ending my other book legend too and of course after that starting and ending my book Abducted too and I really didn't like the fact that I had to start another book when updating one was hard enough.

So legend is on hold but don't forget to add it in your library or reading lists.

I think that was enough so I'll talk to you guys in the next update or in the comments because I love doing that. So ttyl.

Please comment and let me know what you think!


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