What happened ?

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Jk's pov

I looked in the mirror and my eyes widened in shock. My upper torso and neck were full of hickies.

I don't want to look at those anymore. I feel disgusted only.

"That fucker stole my first kiss and ruined my body too. Just die you pig." I mumbled rubbing my body harshly.

After I change I look at the watch and it was almost night. So I went to prepare a dinner. Yeah ramen, because there is only ramen in this house. Nothing else.

After that I ate my share while watching tv. Yeah I cooked for my beloved husband too, out of pity.

I heard something fall and I jumped out of couch wiping my eyes. I guess I fell asleep on the couch.

"What's that?" I switched off the television and headed towards the main door. My eyes widened when I saw my fucking husband lying on the floor, covered in blood.

"Hey V, are you dead... ?oh my god..!! I didn't talk seriously that time god. I don't want him dead. Please help me god. I promise I don't curse ever again" I begged  god.

V's pov.

"What's wrong with him? Is he going crazy?" I thought while looking at jeon kid.

"Shut the fuck up kid. I'm not dead." I groaned clutching my shoulder.

"Uh you aren't dead. Ah I thought..."

"Stop muttering nonsense. Just bring me the first aid kit from my room." I interrupted him.

"Uh okay.. wait." He said and ran towards the upstairs. After few minutes, he came back with the first aid box.

"Come sit here." He helps me to stand and sit on the couch.

"Take off your jacket and top." I took off them with his help.

"Go, I can manage the rest." I said cleaning my blood with water.

"I can help you arrogant monkey. Don't talk and stay still."  He stubbornly said and grabbed my hand examining my wound.

"There is a bullet. I need to take it out." I look at his face while he is talking. "Those pinky lips that I want to taste so bad." A thought came to my mind while looking at him.
"yeah what the hell do you think idiot?" I mentally slapped myself and took my eyes off of him.

He managed to treat my wound and gave me food.

"There is no ingredients in your house. So I cooked ramen."

"I 'll get some ingredients  tomorrow." I said.

"Uh thanks. Um..W..what happened to your shoulder?"

"A attack. You don't need to know." I said not wanting to tell.

After the dinner he helped me to go to the bed.

"Where are your things?"

"Ah I took them to the next room. I thought we don't need to sleep in same room because this is a fake marriage. So.. "

"Okay okay. Go.. just go and do whatever you want. Yeah this is a fake marriage only. So I'm glad to know that you are thinking same as me."
I snapped lying on the bed.

"Idiot. Didn't even thank me. Yaah, I will never fall for you, arrogant monkey." He snapped at me while sending eye daggers to me.

"Hey kid, don't talk back to me." I growled at him but he didn't even flinch.

"Mr.kim, first of all I'm not a kid and you're just old. Secondly, don't tell me what to do and not. There's no any special bond between us." He said and  slammed the door shut before heading out of my room.

Jk's pov

"What the hell is wrong with him? Shouting for nothing. Aragh, why is my fate so cruel to me?" I talk to myself while lying on the bed.

"He is as handsome as a greek god. But he has a dark heart. I like him but I don't like his arrogant behavior. Why can't we just be friends?"

"Life is too short. So we want to enjoy our life before our death. I want to be happy and free, atleast for just one day. Please god, give me strength to achieve my dreams." I prayed before I fell asleep.


~To be continued~


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