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Isaac's Point of View

Don't ask me how but right after Liam left to go train, I managed to fall asleep again. I guess it was understandable considering I just got in from a flight coming back from Paris and should be experiencing some serious jet lag. But in all honesty, it was probably time for me to get up now, I walked up to the window on the other side of the room only to see the sun was pretty much set. Darkness crept slowly into the place where the sun once stood, making me feel upset that I slept virtually my whole first day back in Beacon Hills. I was still pondering this when Liam walked back into the room.

"Did we wake you?" Liam asked, a reference to his training.

"No, but I wish you did, I slept the whole day," I whined a little to the other boy.

"I mean it's only 4 pm, you have time to do things," Liam offered.

"Other than getting dinner, not really," I countered.

"Did you wanna get dinner then?" Liam asked. I contemplated this for a second, then I realized that a very cute boy was asking me this question, and I was also very hungry.

"Sure, sounds good," I smiled, genuinely excited to get food in my stomach and spend time with this boy.

Liam disappeared down the hall to get changed out of his training clothes, and I decided that it was absolutely imperative for me to take a shower considering it had been over a day since my last one. We decided that we would meet at the door in half an hour, ready to leave. This meant I needed to get ready fast. Normally it takes me at least an hour to get ready for the day, especially because I like to take my time showering. But today it looks like I can't do my typical routine. I opted to go with a simple pair of jeans and a dark shirt, doubting that we were going anywhere fancy.

My hair was still wet by the time I made it to the door because I didn't have enough time to do it properly. Liam was waiting for me, and he looked completely adorable. He changed into grey sweatpants and a crisp white t-shirt, which suited him well. I am a very big fan of sweatpants on men, I think they are very flattering.

"You clean up nice, Lahey," Liam smiled.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I countered a little lazily.

We made our way out of the building and walked down the street until we approached a little taqueria that I had never seen before, and Liam gestured for me to go inside and held the door for me

"Is this new, I've never seen this place before?" I questioned. A look around revealed the interesting neon signage and intricately painted wall murals of hibiscus flowers. You would think that those two styling choices would clash, but miraculously the restaurant made it work.

We sat down at the bar, although we were not old enough to drink, and looked at a few menus. I was overwhelmed looking at it, there were so many choices and everything sounded good, so when the waitress approached us and asked for our order I let Liam take the lead, and he seemed happy to do so.

Liam rattled off some complicated order to the server, and I just said that I would have the same. Despite not exactly knowing what it would be. This made Liam smile.

"Look I hate to be forward, but you just never know," Liam started, "you like dudes right? I don't want to make you uncomfortable if you don't. I just want to be sure."

I almost spat out the water I was drinking. I was caught extremely off guard by that. I would never be able to look another guy in the face and have the boldness to ask them that. How could I even reply without the news getting back to everyone else?

"Technically yes, but I haven't told anyone here that, and I'd like to keep it that way," I confessed. 

Liam sheepishly smiled in return.

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