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Isaac's Point of View

I think that it would be obvious to assume that I was a little bit disappointed that Scott has a girlfriend. She seems very lovely and kind, so I can't even rationally dislike her without coming off as an ass. Regardless, I know that I need to just focus on myself and not pay attention to their relationship because that will only lead me to heartbreak.

As 1 am approached all of the party guests had pretty much left (at varying levels of sobriety), to the point where the only people remaining were Scott, Derek and I. We were all sitting on an old-looking couch together, completely sober because none of us can physically get drunk.

"Thanks again for the party guys," I said for about the millionth time that night. I truly feel like I can't overstate how much this has meant to me. Seeing everyone I care about in one room has made me more warm and emotional than I'd like to admit.

"Of course Isaac, anything for a friend," Scott answered "I should probably head home though, it's pretty late,"

If you would ask me, I definitely did not want Scott to leave. But there was no way that I would actually say that to his face.

"You can just stay here if you want," Derek offered to Scott. He must be able to read my thoughts.

"Isaac I haven't set up your room yet, I was too busy with the party. So you can just crash anywhere" Derek added.

"We can just sleep on the couch, don't worry about us," Scott told Derek.

Wait what? There was no way that I wanted to share a sleeping apparatus with Scott. Okay, well obviously I wanted to, but I know that all things considered, I really shouldn't.

"Yeah, we'll be okay here," I found myself agreeing despite my better judgement. I'm just digging myself a deeper grave. Derek nodded and proceeded to walk away, leaving us alone.

"I can sleep on the floor," I offered right away, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"No way, there is totally enough space for both of us here," Scott concluded, although he was most definitely wrong.

The couch didn't look small, though it sure felt that way sharing the space with Scott. All the while trying my absolute best not to touch him in any way, shape or form. I was able to keep both our heads at different ends of the couch, and our legs leaking over the sides to maintain the divide at all times.

"Isaac I don't have the plague," Scott stated referring to my efforts regarding not touching him.

"I know," I replied lamely, though not moving a muscle.

"Aka, you can move closer to me, I won't bite,"

"I've seen you bite people before, you're a werewolf," I say with a smirk.

"Well, I won't bite you," Scott answered. "Not right now at least," he added in a lower voice, that was halfway between a chuckle and a whisper.

"I'm fine Scott, I'm comfy," I argue, although it was blatantly a lie. My limbs were contorted awkwardly all over the place just to avoid the boy next to me.

"But I'm not," he states and inches lower onto the couch, draping his legs over my legs and torso.

I rolled my eyes, to try and show that this had no effect on me because it really shouldn't. Despite my efforts to hide it, I think the shift in my mood was pretty obvious as Scott noticed it right away.

"Isaac, what's wrong, " Scott began, "did I make you uncomfortable?" He had a concerned look on his face.

"No, no, nothing's wrong don't worry," I replied, not really meaning it, but also not wanting him to move farther away.

"Come on tell me," he insisted with a goofy smile, which melted my heart just a little bit.

"It's fine, I'm just tired," I answered, which was partially the truth.

"Oh okay, in retrospect we probably should have had the party another night," Scott spoke. "One where you didn't spend your whole day travelling probably would've been better,"

"No I had a great time, it was so nice to see everyone again," I replied, completely honest this time.

"Yeah, it was nice to see you too," he said quietly, making my heart flutter a little bit. "I'm going to let you sleep now, you need it. Good night Isaac, sleep well."

"You too, Scott" I closed my eyes and let sleep whisk me away.

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