Epilogue: The Party Pt.2

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"Fuck, we've gotta go", he said running further into the woods, pulling me with him. His hand latched onto my forearm, pulling me whichever way he swayed.

"Where are we going?", I asked after he had slowed down, his hand still attached to mine.

"My mom's cabin is down here", he said, pushing branches that fell in our way, I had hoped he wasn't lost in the woods that would soon become pitch dark.

"You have a cabin here, I thought that was yours, where the party was?", I asked just out of curiosity.

"That's Liam's, my mom's cabin is right over the bend here", he said clearing the situation up, and I nodded my head still shocked with how I had even came to this party tonight.

"So we're laying low here, Liam grabbed my car when he left from the back entrance so the cops wouldn't run the plates, he'll drop it off tomorrow", the cabin soon approached in the middle of the clearing.

The cabin was more like a real life mansion, it was large and strikingly high. The front looked just as comfy as some of my foster homes, with a rocking chair right in front. Dallas's hand was still wrapped around mine as he took his other hand and inserted a key which unlocked the front door.

I stepped into the dusty atmosphere and all of a sudden it hit me, I don't know why I had come this far. I couldn't stay here, I just couldn't.

"I can't stay here", I said out loud as he pulled the curtains back opening the area and clearing away some of the dust. He looked at me unbelieving words were coming out of my mouth. I knew that this house would soon be filled with the smell of his ashy cigarettes, something I couldn't stand to be around. It reminded me of him, the damage he caused, the pain he cast onto me and how much he had hurt Natalie.

"Why? Your mom knows me, and she would probably rather have you stay here than call a cab in the middle of the night", he said, wanting me to stay, he couldn't possibly care about my safety, he was Dallas Grant. He didn't care, he used it as a game. It was all a game to him.

"She wouldn't if she knew how disgusting you are", I spat back at him, as he looked surprised by my sudden need to argue with him, to challenge him.

"Oh yeah, what else am I?", he asked, edging himself closer to me. His breath could be smelled, it smelled of tequila, another favorite smell of Daniel's. Every intoxicating thing Daniel did lingered around that smell.

"You're a pig, a sexist-", I began muttering out every hateful word I could think of. If he hadn't stopped me I knew I wouldn't be able to stop myself.

"How could I be a sexist, I love women all kinds, shapes, sizes, colors. I am a woman lover", he said smoothly, his voice reeked of cockiness.

"You treat women like objects", I told him, which I knew was true, maybe he hadn't heard anyone say that before to him. Maybe he hadn't realized it himself.

"I do not, I treat them with loving care like how if you were staying here I would've let you sleep in the bed", he said proudly, as if that made a big difference.

"If I was staying where else would I sleep?", I asked, hypothetically of course, just wondering where he was trying to land me.

"On the ground, see I'm being nice", he said as he opened the rest of the curtains that his the beautiful flooring and fixtures in the house.

"And now where are you going to sleep?", I asked him, hoping he wouldn't sleep with me. It would make it awfully uncomfortable, I could never sleep with someone else. It was a painful experience for me, all those times Natalie wanted to have sleepovers I would either be pretending the whole night or I would say no. I needed to be alone when the night came, I was embarrassed by the nightmares that came every night startling me awake. That's why every night I blasted music to sleep, that was the only thing that locked out the crying each night, the screams of terror.

"On the bed, where else?", he asked, watching my face for any hint of my overly aggressive annoyance for him.

"Why can't you sleep on the couch, or in the other rooms, there has to be other beds?", I said storming up the flight of stairs as he quickly followed.

"There aren't okay, stop looking", he said annoyed with my curiosity. So I stood in the corner silently hoping for something to change.

"How are there no other beds, there's a million rooms in this place", I said looking around at the area.

"We've never had it finished", he said explaining the lack of furniture and the dust that collected on the countertops and furniture.

I followed him, knowing he had gotten all defensive about me exploring the different supposedly empty doors.

I sat amongst the couple chairs that surrounded the room, watching him clean the dust off the cabinets and countertops.

"Why'd you come to the party, it's not really your scene?", he asked me, which I could agree to. I had lied to Natalie to come here and still I had no clue why I had even showed up.

"How do you know what my scene is?", I asked, trying to steer the conversation away from something I couldn't even put into words myself.

I didn't even understand why I had gone with Lola's plan, I was frankly a big part of it. She had left me speechless and maybe I had wanted to come just for a little.

"Lola wanted to come", I said, as he nodded his head understanding why I wasn't at home right now.

"You know that girl's a bitch",he said exaggerating his choice of speech, and he smirked proudly.

"How friendly of you", I sarcastically spoke and he looked at me as if he wasn't joking.

"I'm serious, she's rude and I was there for a little that morning, I heard what she was saying", he said almost giving off the impression that he cared, relatively.

"Easy there it sounds like you care", I said backing away, as a confused look crossed his face.

The air was silent, not a word was spoken. We could just blame it on the wind or the dust, for our absent speech.

"Well she has a big crush on you", I spoke, and he looked at me as if he wasn't surprised.

"Is that really surprising that she likes me?", he asked, again seeing my stance on the situation.

"Surprising to me?", I asked him and he nodded his head, waiting for an answer.

"That every freshman and sophomore has a crush on me", he spoke cocking his head back and taking a seat on the stool that was next to mine. The intensity of our eyes filled up and we were far from leaving this site unaffected.

"Not everyone", I told him, as he looked oblivious to my response.

"And whose this rare person?", he asked me leaning in further. Leaning in closer.

"Me, I-I don't like you", my breath hitched, as I looked at the wall daw away from his eyes and back to them. The intensity in this moment was fueling us for whatever was to come.

"It's a shame—", he began saying as the doorbell rang from the front door and Dallas was in shock someone was there.

He whispered to be quiet, knowing he wasn't expecting anyone. But as soon as he saw the police car in the front he quickly opened the door without any hesitation, knowing the longer we stalled the more he would question us.

"Hello sir, we're looking for some teens that had caused a mess and we've gotten some noise violations from a cabin up north, there have been some break ins so I'm going to need to see an ID", the cop spoke firmly, tipping his hat to me. Dallas wasn't nervous, but I was a nervous wreck, I was worried we would be caught.

"Thank you for coming so quickly and serving the community, I heard there music it was so loud, and I was disappointed by these young kids, they really should be listening to music that's good for their soul, like holy music", Dallas mocked his very existence. Dallas's hand extended to the cop, as he shook it firmly, as a sign of confidence.

"So right sir, they were drinking too", he said as he grabbed his wallet from his back pocket. He gasped, loudly, and the cop nodded in agreement with such a surprise.

"Is that so?", he asked and the cop nodded his head with disappointment.

"Kids drinking these days, that's horrible", an accent now highlighted his voice and he sounded more proper, than anyone I had ever heard.

"Here's my ID", he handed his license over to the cop as he lightly glanced over it and looked at his clipboard at the names of the residents.

"It's my parent's cabin, just staying out here for the weekend", he said, assuring the cop.

"Anyone else in here with you", he asked, noticeably seeing I was there.

"Just my girlfriend and I", he said squashing me against his arm, and the surprised look on my face couldn't conceal itself.

He took his hat off and that's when I recognized him, I had seen him the many times I had gone to the station and as I stared at him more, he had recognized me, I could see it.

"I know you, have you been around the station?", he pointed to me and even Dallas looked confused for a moment.

"Did you volunteer at the station? No, you were that girl the one that was found-", he began rambling on as I interrupted him.

"I volunteered at the station, that's it. I just love helping the community", I said proudly, trying to push the cop out of the area. I didn't need someone else knowing the secrets that haunted me.

"It couldn't have been the station", he said, confused himself.

"It must be someone else that you're thinking of, there are so many people in the area", I said and Dallas was even confused with me trying to the shut the cop up.

"Oh I'm sorry, ma'am, you all have a nice night", he said, putting his hat back on and leaving the patio, looking one more time at me.

Dallas shut the door, looking confused at me, like I would fill in the details for him as soon as the cop had left.

"What was that all about?", he asked, locking each bolt. I could only imagine the drunk people that went running through these woods with their rifles. Guns scared me, they always had, I had never been scared of them but it's different when you have one shoved in your face or up against your temple.

"He just got me confused for someone else and was that all really necessary calling me your girlfriend?", I asked trying to change the conversation, I was glad that cop left when he did, I hoped Dallas would drop it.

"If I said this random girl who dragged me out of my own party we would've both been rather out", he said stating the obvious, which just made me flare up more.

"Are you serious right now? I didn't drag you out of your party you followed me I told you multiple times to go back inside", I yelled at him, the conversation and our fighting relationship had pushed us past the edge and after this there would be no chance of us becoming friends.

"That's what you wanted for me to go inside, sure...", he said rolling his eyes deliberately, his smirk covered his lips and his wisps of hair outlined his face.

"Yes you're finally understanding something, I just wanted air", I told him, begging for him to not make this about himself again.

"Air from what, from me. You couldn't stand the attraction to me is that it", he moved closer to me, invading the little wall he kept knocking down yet again.

His attraction made me want to hurl his way, he was the opposite of anything I could ever be seemingly attracted to.

"Afraid you'll cave", he spoke again, strong and confident, that maybe me caving into his intensity was true.

"You should be the one that's afraid", the words came from nowhere, yet he took it like a game, he played my words just like a game. That was all it was to him, just a game.

"Why is that, you couldn't hurt me if you tried", he leaned in further against the beam centered in the middle of the house. I couldn't hurt him, he didn't care. It was all a game, I could never say a word that would hurt him. He would never be hurt.

"And that's an accomplishment for you that you're so closed off from life, from feeling", I taunted him, knowing nothing I could say would hurt him, he didn't care about my thoughts about him. He was becoming antsy, madness roared through him.

"Why don't we talk about your accomplishments? Your friends hate you, your a sad wimp crying over your ex, and you hate every single person, you won't even let people help you", he angrily spoke, shooting daggers at me every chance he got. And after everything that sounded so true, I let the daggers ripple against my skin, breaking me down slowly. He was a sick man, he was sick and ruthless he didn't care who he would hurt, as long as he walked away the winning champion.

"Someone's done their homework", I coldly spoke leaning against the wall still, and his hand that had pushed me back had now been taken off and put by his side.

"I've seen you crying at school", he spoke softly, almost a whisper, just as loud as the wind rippling against the windows and the sound of the light rain trickling down.

He must be thinking I was crying over Zeke, but those few days I let myself run at school, was the moments I had felt so alone, it's one thing everyone else knowing your father hated you, but you actually witnessing your father wanting to kill you was something I still hadn't learnt to cope with. Natalie pushed it away, she didn't like to focus too much on it, she would push it away and never think about it again. But for me those moments were on a swift replay going over and over in my head. I couldn't push it away and just forget about it, I wish I could.

Those days was when I was still trying to process Daniel's death, how could he die after all he's done to us. He took the easy way out, avoiding the consequences, the conversations which were needed. Sometimes I wish I could take the easy way out, avoid the hurt, the feelings just like he did.

I wanted to leave, here, I wanted to leave, but as I heard the rain trickle, and my phone which was now dead. I was lost of places to run too. I just wanted to lie down, I just wanted to be alone.

"And what you watched me? You got off on me crying? You're sick", I wanted him to feel the disgust in my stomach the disgust he had caused.

"I didn't mean it like that", he tried saying as I made my way up the stairs and he followed.

"Sure you didn't", I shouted which made him stay in his spot as I walked up the stairs.

"I'm going to sleep", I said, and I could see him from the corner of my eye go back downstairs.

The master bedroom was large, larger than I had ever seen and the bed sheets were quite extravagant. I pulled the sheets back, and was just about to get in when a knock came to the door.

"I have some clothes if you want", he said as I stood alert at his offering.

"Whose clothes are these?", I asked, and landed them on the bed.

"They're my sisters, and the pants are mine, we stay here sometimes", he said, as I looked at the tiny shirt he had given me, the size read 6T.

"I don't think this would fit me", I told him, putting the shirt against my body.

"Right, sorry, here you can have this one", he said, gesturing to his own shirt and I swear he took it off just to see me lose myself completely.

I turned around, instantly.

"Is the little virgin afraid of seeing something?", he asked and I turned around shocked by his word choice.

"I'm not a virgin", I spoke, and he looked at me as if he had just choked.

"You're not telling me that peanut Zeke was your first, he wouldn't even know how to use his", he said unspeakably, and I stared at him in utter disbelief.

"He wasn't my first, we didn't- why am I explaining this to you?", I asked him, well more for myself as he looked at me listening in on this story.

I began taking off my shirt to put the one he had offered to me, and he swiftly turned around.

"Is the little virgin afraid of seeing something?", I mocked him and he turned right peek to see if I was done changing.

"It's respectful", he said loudly, and kept his back turned till I announced I was done.

"Please you've never been respectful", I told him and he just ignored the comment as we both climbed into the warm plush bed.

He was soon asleep, I could tell by his leg it slightly twitched, when he was really asleep. And for me well I would be awake, for the next couple hours. If I stayed awake I wouldn't be able to have my nightmares, so that was my goal for the next couple hours.

The morning came slow, and luckily he woke up early along with the sound of his car's revving engine in the front of the house.

"Dallas", I shook my slowly, putting my hand on his back.

"Yeah", he said softly, as he woke up startled and looked to the side.

"Someone's here", he said running to the window that opened to a view of the lake, and the front.

"It's Liam", he said and ran down stairs, I couldn't tell if he was more excited to see Liam untouched or his car untouched.

I made my way downstairs, as I noticed the group of boys heading inside. I ducked back up the stairs hoping he wouldn't forget that I was abandoned upstairs.

But I stayed at the top ridge waiting for his voice to re-enter the living area.

"I have to go drop off someone, I'll be back", he told his friends as the chatter erupted into conversations about Dallas's girl of the night.

I rushed to the room as I heard the stairs creaking. I slipped into the room scanning the books on the grand bookcase.

"Whose books are these?", I asked him and he made his way over to the bookcase.

"My father's, he used to publish books", he said and I looked at him not surprised by just how much his family is into writing.

"I should change out of these clothes", I said as I moved to the bathroom, and he stopped me.

"You can give those back to me later", he said, implying there was a later.

"Right, right, we should get going then", I said and he nodded his head, taking me downstairs.

"I'll be back, later", Dallas said as he grabbed his keys and I felt a million eyes on me, as he pushed me out of the house quickly.

"Nice to meet you", someone said, and I wanted to spark up a conversation, make this not so awkward. But Dallas was urgent on getting me out of here.

"You couldn't have pushed me faster out of there", I said looking at him and the car as we sat next to each other.

"Trust me I tried", he said, and I looked at him annoyed.

"I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea, look what it did to you last time", he said, pointing the obvious, but anyways this summer in my books Lola was a bitch, and she didn't need to be apart of my life nor my summer.

"Where's your place?", he asked, and I pulled up the address.

"I hate my home, and at least I know the address what did those poor people do to you?", he asked teasing.

"I moved around a lot, so I never really memorized addresses", I told him and he listened carefully, as I typed it into the gps system. I guess that would all change now, this was my forever home as Natalie called it.

"Did you sleep good last night?" He asked, maybe he had noticed my still persistent yawns or my baggy eyes.

"I slept okay, you?", I fibbed and spat out another lie, I hadn't slept a single bit. In the middle of the night, I had turned a lamp on and read two books from that large book shelf. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't let the nightmares take over.

"I slept just perfect", he said as he turned

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