32: Doubts (pls comment at bottom)

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this is kinda just a filler chapter cause there's more to come I needed kinda a time jump

"I am going to be a horrible wife", Avery cried on the phone as Nolan wanted to grab the phone and talk to his sister. It had been a day since the last rehearsal of the rehearsal happened and the second she-devil made a concerning speech, at the rehearsal and now Avery spent the last moments before her real rehearsal freaking out.

"Tyler loves you because of who you are, because of your personality that he fell in love with", I tried calming her down as she just kept crying over the phone. Nolan still tried to fit for the phone from my hand as he chased me around the room.

"Tiffany said what was true I don't deserve him and I deserve to be single for the rest of eternity", she cried into the phone as I heard the words she had probably replayed in her head a million times.

"Tiffany is looking to get her ass kicked, huh?", I joked and she let out a laugh that I hadn't heard all morning as I tried to calm her down. Nolan looked at me with a concern for his sweet sweet Tiffany.

"You really think he won't regret marrying me", she asked me sincerely, and I could tell Tiffany's words had really gotten under her skin.

"He loves you, don't listen to what Tiffany says, okay? And besides in one day we'll be too drunk to think about it", I told her and she agreed, still doubts filled her mind. She hung up the phone and I sat there so confused what had been going through Tiffany's mind when she had said those things about Avery at her bachelorette party a couple days ago.

"Something happen?", Nolan asked as I didn't want to get started on the defense of Tiffany.

"No, no everything's fine", I went to the bathroom to wash out my eyes as I felt my words wash over me.

"What did Tiffany do?", he asked inciting what was about to happen.

"That speech she said last night has had Avery riled up for all of this morning and last night, how could Tiffany even say that?", I asked him.

"And people even clapped at the end", Nolan joined in after coming to his state of consciousness about just how bad Tiffany was to everyone, even Alec convinced him.

"I really wish she would stop before she causes damage that neither one of us can fix", I tell him and he nods his head as the door to our home rings and I run to open our elevator door.

I peeped through the hole and looked through as I saw Caroline. I swung the door open as she hugged me fast.

"I just came by to walk you through tomorrow, I'm so excited, but I have a cooking class in an hour so I will give you the speedy version", she squealed as she put up her easels and pulled out her books, and books of planning.

"How did you do all this?", I said in excitement as she pulled out books after books on the table. Caroline had quit the assistant job at Nolan's company, because she had no clue what she enjoyed. She didn't want to be at a job that she didn't love what she was doing, so she set out to find what she loved hence the cooking classes and pottery classes she took last week.

"Well this is what happens when you don't have a job", she said still annoyed, it flustered her that she couldn't find her passion, something she really enjoyed doing. Her last resort was to go back to working for Nolan, he promised her the job, she was the best at that job.

"Have you ever thought about writing?", I asked maybe thinking she could go over some of my writing and maybe she'd find an idea along the words.

"I love you, but doing anything with writing sounds like I'm repeating school", she said and she was very very true about that.

"I think we should get started before we spend all our time pondering over my career path", she said upset over the situation.

After thirty minutes of an in-depth walk through of tomorrow, I couldn't believe Caroline did all of this.

"This looks amazing, I can't believe you did all of this, you're like a machine", I said in astonishment as she thanked me for my praises.

"I ordered everything you told me to order, but thank you so much for really doing all of this I should've helped more", I told her and she looked at me as if she didn't agree with me at all.

"No, no it was actually better that I did it by myself it gave me a distraction from my poor career paths and my parents even suggested I should come home and work on the farm and besides you are helping, you're the reason we can afford all of this", she said and after seeing Caroline become a true city girl, I could never see her working in a farm.

"You're going to find what you love doing, I promise", I tried comforting her as she melted into my hug.

"I hope so", she said as she checked the time and quickly began to pick up her things, just as the door rang.

"The doors open", I yelled and Alison came inside just as Caroline was packing up.

"I heard about the bachelorette party, it sounds enticing", she said as she looked at the preparations made by Caroline.

"After what Caroline has done, it sounds amazing", I sat on the couch as she looked through her plans.

"Thank you, but really it was just some simple planning, I hope she likes it, I should get going", she said as she packed up her plans.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about tomorrow", Alison said as she made both of us sit down.

"Nova wants Tiffany invited, tomorrow", she said looking at both of our faces for a reaction.

"Avery's not going to be happy, if Avery says yes then just tell me to book another seat, bye", she said rushing out to her cooking class, leaving behind my small little book of the plans.

"Listen after what happened yesterday Avery would rather bash Tiffany's head in then invite her", I told her upfront and honestly. She looked surprised by my language.

"Are you sure that's how Avery feels, Tiffany and her were so close as
kids-", she said in speculation.

"I promise you she feels the same way, the girl told Avery she didn't deserve to be loved, and Avery hasn't even done anything to her, I'm sorry Alison", I told her and she looked surprised by the news of what Tiffany had said. She left early last night, before Tiffany's hated speech came.

"You should've told me that in the beginning, I knew that daughter of Nova's was a pain and so is Nova", she said laughing as she looked over to Nolan as he brought over two plates from the kitchen.

"Mom what are you doing here?", he asked coming over and kissing her cheek before he put the plates of breakfast on the table.

"Can a mother not drop in to see her family every once in a while?", she asked.

"You saw us yesterday mom", he said and she brushed it off as he handed the breakfast he had originally made for Caroline and I.

"I have to get going, I love you both", he said as he kissed my lips, lightly and he kissed his mother's cheek and slipped out of the door fast.

"Caroline did an amazing job with these plans all for a bachelorette party, I wish I had time, I miss planning parties just for fun", she said and I understood what she was saying.

"Everything just keeps piling up and I'm always busy with the business, the wedding, Leah", she said and I couldn't begin to understand just how stressful everyday was for her.

"Is she still looking for a job?", she asked with a sly smile on her face.

"She's trying to find something that she enjoys, but she is looking for a job, I think", I told her as it seemed an idea came to her mind.

"I could use some help running the company, she definitely has a knack for arranging parties and it's a good pay, and I'm currently looking for help and I mean in 5 or 10 years she'll be running the company by herself", she spoke confidently as she looked through the details.

"Have her call me", she said as she quickly rushed out the door, leaving me alone still getting ready for work.

Over the past couple days I had realized just how lenient and just how Mrs. Grant really just didn't care about me coming into work at all.

I rushed to a late lunch as Mrs. Grant ruled it unnecessary for me to really go into the office, and I could always come in whenever I wanted.

"Natalie dear", she said kissing my cheek as she spoke in her French heavy accent. Last week I had found out the vast secrecy of Mrs. Grant's work. She was secretly a large star in the journalism department under 2 names one for being her name she goes by now and another Jacque West, her mother's surname and her old last name she took on and was known for everything a women would never be able to publish in her husband's company.

She had let me scale the blog website and had allowed me to publish a couple of pieces under an alias I created.

"What does next week look like for us?", she asked as I looked through the department's email.

"We have a meeting on Monday going over the spacing and organizing the piece and then we need the next few pieces, you're taking off work?", I asked her browsing through the calendar as I saw it labeled as time off.

"I have a journalism retreat for women, it is my favorite time of the year and I'll be going which means you'll be taking over the issue and you'll have to deal with my husband, don't worry you'll only have to report to him no one else", she said and I could tell she got true joy from the retreat she spoke highly of.

I was frightened to run the issue by myself, I had never handled this much and I hoped they would like my techniques and styles.

"Are you happy at the magazine?", I asked her and she shook her head, I knew why she wasn't happy but I knew why she put up a front.

"What am I supposed to do, divorce the man and start my own company, it sounds impossible", she said and I knew she could do it.

Our late lunch finished quickly as Paris took off and I stayed behind to start brainstorming ideas.

Halfway into my paper my phone began ringing uncontrollably, I picked it up quickly seeing Avery's name flash.

"MY MOM JUST ASKED ME IF I WANTED THAT BITCH TO COME", she screamed into my ear, as people around me looked over in fear. I began packing up my stuff as most people were far too nosy.

"I specifically told her that you would rather bash her head than invite her", I told her after exiting the cafe and making my way towards my car.

"I am not inviting that bitch, it's my night", she said strongly and I agreed with her.

"You know what my moms probably booked that bitch a ticket already", she said and I wished I didn't believe it, but Alison always bought the 'I'm trying to be better' she forgives people too easily.

"If my stubborn brother can come to his senses so can she? I'll call you back", she said hanging up in an upset mood.

The rest of the day sped by as it started and ended with angry calls from Avery to Alison, who had reasoned with Tiffany. Tiffany had told her she was trying to correct her mistakes, yet she hadn't apologized to Avery, or Caroline or me.

I just hoped that tomorrow would be better.

IMPORTANT please if u could comment down below
so I have so many ideas for a next book but would u guys read it if it wasn't necessarily about billionaires it would be romance but not billionaire

just comment on the highlighted sections for ideas of the tropes

1) enemies to lovers set in modern world

2) a love story with football

3) a love story set in kinda old fashioned times

4) best friends to lovers (still in high school)

5) a love story with a science twist

6) a love story with a bad boy

7) a love story about 2 best friends falling in love and figuring life out

and others (you can just list any story ideas you want me to make or think about making) always open to ideas

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