Ch. 7 - Alec Daniels

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"SO WHAT DO YOU THINK?" Madison asked me as I opened my locker.

"A slumber party sounds fun. Plus it might help me remember things about you guys," I answered, putting my books in the locker.

"Yay! Saturday night can't come fast enough!" Madison exclaimed with a tiny clap.

"Are you still volunteering at the hospital this afternoon?" Nichole asked me, leaning against the row of lockers.

I nodded,"Yeah. Lisa said I used to love it, and I love kids."

"I hope you have fun," Jordan told me.

"Thanks," I thanked her as my phone chimed. I looked at the device to see Lisa texted me.

Outside waiting. -Mom

"I gotta go. My ride is out front, but I'll see you guys tomorrow," I said, sliding my phone back into my pocket.

"Bye, Campbell," they said as I shut my locker.

I walked out of the double doors, and I recognized Lisa's car parked at the curb. I walked over to the vehicle, and I opened the door.

Throwing my bag in the floorboard, I climbed into the car, shutting the door behind me. Lisa gave me a smile when she saw me.

"How was school?" She asked me as I buckled my seatbelt.

"It was good."

My day was fine, but every since lunch yesterday I haven't spoken to Brent. He is hidden something from me, but he won't tell me. I think they are all hiding something from me.

"Ross will be at the hospital if you need anything, and you will ride home with him around 5:30. At the time, the boys should be arriving home, too," Lisa informed me as she drove away from the school.

"The girls are wanting a slumber party Saturday night. Can they come?" I asked her, keeping my eyes on my hands.

"Of course. The girls are always welcomed at the house," Lisa responded, surprising me.

I thought for sure she would say no. I was never allowed to have slumber parties or have friends over at Malcom's house.

"Awesome," I said, looking out the window. I wasn't feeling talkative right now.

Thirty minutes later, Lisa parked into the hospital parking lot. She stopped the engine, and I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"I'll see you later, I guess," I said, opening my car door.

"See ya later. Have fun. Love you," Lisa said as I stepped out in the cold air.

I gave her a tight smile before shutting the door. I put my hands in my jacket to keep them from freezing to death as I made my way to the hospital's entrance.

"Thank you," I thanked a man who opened the door for me.

He gave me a nod, and I walked into the lobby of the hospital. It was warm and low chattering in the lobby. I walked up to the desk lady, and she smiled when she saw me.

"Hi, dear, how can I help you?" She asked, kindly, shutting the file she was working on.

"I'm suppose to be volunteering today," I told her, making her nod.

"Oh, yes, your father told me you would stopping by today. Come with me, and I'll walk you to Mrs. Melinda," the woman said, getting up from her chair.

She walked around the large desk, and she led me to the elevator. She pressed the level four button, and as the elevator doors shut, a hand pushed them back.

"Wait!" The guy exclaimed as he stepped into the elevator.

His light blonde hair was brushed to the side, and his dark brown eyes looked surprised when he saw me standing in the elevator.

"Ah, Alec Daniels. Come on, hurry up and get in," the woman said, gesturing him to come over.

He walked into the elevator, and he stood a foot away from me. Soft elevator music played, and the guy kept staring at me.

"Is there a reason why you are staring at me?" I whispered to him as the elevator went up. I have never been a fan of elevators.

"Uhm, sorry, I'm Alec. We volunteered together for the last month," he introduced himself.

"I'm sorry. I–..." I started but he cut me off.

"It's no problem. I understand your...situation," he said as he leaned against the wall.

"Oh," I replied shortly before it went silent in the elevator.

The elevator dinged, opening its doors to the fourth floor.

"Crap, I'm getting paged. Alec, please show Campbell where Mrs. Melinda is," the lady said as we exited the elevator.

Alec nodded as he shoved his hands in his letterman jacket. We walked in silence to the volunteering center.

"Ah, there you two are," a female voice said, meeting us around the corner.

"Mrs. Melinda, how are you this evening?" Alec asked her with a charming smile.

"Tired, but I'll make it. This is for your parents," she replied, handing him a file filled with paperwork.

"Today, you guys will be visiting the kids in their own room. The playroom is getting deep clean and sanitized. It's policy," Mrs. Melinda informed us, putting her hands on her pockets.

"Let's go, Campbell," Alec said, but he wasn't smiling no more. Instead he had a small frown.

He walked away from Mrs. Melinda, and I gave her a small smile before following Alec down a hallway.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as we rounded a corner.

"It's none of your concern," Alec said, bitterly, before knocking on one of the doors.

Why was he being like this? I don't know him, but he still doesn't have to be mad at me.

I followed him into the room to see a young, maybe nine or ten, boy watching a movie on the tv. He looked over at us with a smile on his face as he paused the movie.

"Alec! I thought you weren't coming to see me!" The boy exclaimed with a cheerful smile.

"What made you think that? I come see you everyday," Alec said with a returning grin. He set the file on the counter, not worrying about it no longer.

"Who is she?" The boy asked, looking over at me.

"Tim, meet Campbell. Campbell meet Tim. Tim is my young friend," Alec introduced us to each other.

"Hi," Tim said with a small wave.

"Hey. It's nice to meet you," I said, softly.

"Is this your girlfriend, Alec?" Tim asked with excitement.

"No. We aren't together," Alec and I said at the same time, making us look at each other.

"Oh, well, you two would be cute together. Just saying," Tim said with a smirk, making me blush.

"Okay, now that you made things awkward, can we please move on to the next topic?" Alec said, and just like me, he was blushing.

"Fine. You are no fun, Alec," Tim groaned, but I knew he was just messing with him. "Why don't you guys watch the rest of this movie with me?"

"That's cool with me," Alec replied, sitting on the chair next to Tim's bed.

"Campbell?" Tim asked me, making Alec look over at me too.

I nodded,"Sure. Why not?" I sat in the other chair on the other side of Tim as he unpaused the movie.

The movie only had an hour left, but I knew what it was about. I watched it in class at my old school.

After the movie ended, Tim was fast asleep, snoring lightly. Alec grabbed the remote, and he turned the tv off so it wouldn't wake him.

He nodded his head to the door, and I stood up from my seat. I, quietly, walked around the bed and out the door. Alec followed behind me with the file in his hands.

"He's a sweet boy," I said after he shut the door.

He nodded in agreement,"He is. I met him when Peyton went into a c–..." Alec started, but he stopped when he was halfway through his sentence. He tore his eyes away from mine, and he cleared his throat. "Never mind."

Who was Peyton?

Not wanting to make him mad, I changed the topic,"I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah," Alec agreed, clenching his jaw.

"Campbell, there you are," Nick's voice said, making me turn around to see him walking towards me.

Except he wasn't alone. Brent was with him.

Brent wasn't looking at me. He was looking at Alec with narrowed eyes.

"What are you guys doing here? I thought Ross was taking me home," I asked once they stopped walking.

"He had to do an emergency surgery so he won't be heading home for a couple hours. Mom was making dinner so she sent me, and Brent tagged along," Nick explained, glancing over at Brent who stayed silent.

"Guys, this is Alec," I introduced them to Alec. "Alec, this is Nick and Brent."

"We know each other. Isn't that right, guys?" Alec said with a smirk.

"How are you doing today, Alec?" Nick asked him and I could feel the tension between them.

"Perfectly fine. Just volunteering with Campbell. How's that arm healing, Brent?"Alec replied, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Let's go, Campbell, you must be exhausted," Brent said, not replying to Alec.

I pursed my lips at him as I remembered that he is keeping secrets from me.

"Okay. Goodbye, Alec," I said as I walked over to Nick and Brent.

"Bye, Campbell," he replied before saying,"Brent. Nick." Then he walked passed us to the elevator.

"Do you guys hate him or something?" I asked them once Alec was out of ear shot.

"It's nothing. Alec is on the rival school's football team. Brent and I can't stand the guy. He's cocky, rude, and he thinks he can do whatever he wants," Nick answered as Brent stood silently.

Alec didn't act cocky or rude today. Well, besides what he said at the door.

"Let's go. I have homework to do," I said, and I started walking towards the elevator. I heard their footsteps behind me.

I pressed the elevator button, and the doors opened. I stepped inside with Nick and Brent behind me. Nick pressed the first floor, and the doors shut once more.

"Are you still mad at me?" Brent whispered to me as we leaned against the wall.

"Are you still keeping secrets from me?" I asked him, glancing over at him.

"Believe me, Campbell, you don't want to know those secrets. You are gonna have to remember those on your own," he replied.

"I don't like secrets. They destroy everything," I told him, truthfully.

"I know."

The elevator doors opened, and we stepped out of the elevator.

What does he mean I know?

Gosh, I wish I remembered everything.


Hey guys!!

Thoughts on this chapter??

I'm going to try and update later this weekend!

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