Ch. 40 - Supermarket Run-Ins 2.0

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I GOT SUSPENDED FROM SCHOOL FOR THREE DAYS. Mom and Dad weren't really mad since I told them what she said about my father, but I'm still grounded.

I can't any friends or Brent over. I can still have my phone though.

Dad actually gave me a high five when he realized I won which also made Mom mad.

"Campbell, can you come down here, please?!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

I slid off my bed, and I walked downstairs to see Mom writing on a piece of paper. Her dark brown hair was put up in a ponytail and she was in leggings and a pink blouse.

"What's up?" I asked her, stuffing my hands in my hoodie pockets.

"Would you like to go to the store with me?" Mom asked, looking up from the piece of paper.

"I thought I wasn't suppose to leave the house," I replied, making her shrug.

"I'll be there with you, and we are just going to the grocery store which is like ten minutes in town."

I smiled,"Okay. Let me go put on my shoes."

I have been stuck in this house for a little over a week, and I'm so happy to go out. Don't get me wrong, I would love to go outside, but it's too cold outside to do anything.

I put on my boots before grabbing my phone. I went back downstairs to see Mom putting her purse on her shoulder.

Her belly has has gotten bigger, but I guess that's normal for six months along.

Mom and I walked outside, and Mom handed me my car keys.

"Oh my gosh! Are we taking my car?" I asked her, making her nod.

"Well, you have only drove it like three times so why not," Mom replied as I unlocked the doors.

"Thank you," I thanked her as we got into the car. I buckled myself in, and I started the engine.

Mom put hers on, and I backed out of the driveway. Then I switched gears, and we were on our way to the store.

Mom stifled a yawn, and I asked her,"Are you tired?"

Mom nodded,"Amber has been kicking me the last two nights and I have only gotten maybe six hours of sleep in total."

"I'm not looking forward to that," I said with a shake of my head.

The thought of kids scares me. I love kids, but I'm scared that I won't be a great mother.

"It's not really that bad. So have you created a list of names for your children?" Mom asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I do not have a list," I replied, making her gasp.

"You have to have a list! Every girl has one."

"Well, I don't."

"So, you are telling me that you have no names?" Mom asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Kylie Brooke for a girl, and Everett Grayson for a boy," I listed off two names I was thinking about naming my kids.

"Those are beautiful names. I was talking to the twins yesterday about what they would name their kids and they came up with some horrid names," Mom said, scrunching up her nose. "Like as in, Nemo and Charleston."

I laughed which also made m Mom laugh and say,"That's exactly how I reacted."

"Madison and Hailey are not going to name their kids that so don't worry."

When we pulled into the grocery store parking lot, I parked the car before turning off. I actually parked in between the lines so that a win.

Mom and I got out, and we walked into the store which wasn't that busy.

"Can you grab a shopping cart please?" Mom asked me as she picked up the daily sales newspaper.

I nodded, grabbing the silver cart. Mom looked at her list, and she started putting things in the cart.

When we over at the meat section, Mom said,"Oh crap. I forgot canned corn."

All the cans were on the other side of the store, and I know Mom's feet were tired from walking.

"I'll go grab them," I offered, making her smile.

"Thank you, Campbell. We need two cans," she replied with a grateful smile.

I walked away from her, and I walked down until I hit the can goods. Scanning for the cans, my eyes landed on them.

But they were in the very top shelf where I can't reach. I stood on my tippy toes, and I still couldn't reach them.

Then a hand grabbed the two cans, and the person handed them to me.

I looked to my left with a smile about to thank the person.

That was until I saw who it was.

"Two cans, right?" Dean asked with a smirk as he handed me the cans.

He looked the same expect since the last time I saw him expect with no more bruises.

"Thanks," I said, quickly, ready to leave the aisle.

As I started walking away, his hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me back to him.

"Dean, let go now," I said as his grip got tighter.

"Look, I don't know what the hell you and Daniels are telling the cops, but you two need to keep my name out of it. I haven't done shit," Dean warned me, pushing me against the shelves.

"We haven't told the cops anything, Dean. Now let go of me," I replied, trying to keep the fear out of my voice.

"Is that so?" Dean asked, making me nod. "Then why the hell are they knocking on my door asking if I pushed you and poisoned Peyton? You do realize how crazy that is, right?"

"I don't know, probably because you are a suspect, Dean," I answered, sarcastically.

"Dean," Evie's voice said, making us both look to our right. "Let go of her, and come on. If you get caught anywhere near her, you will be arrested."

Dean nodded, and he looked over at me. He let off of my wrist, and I held it to my chest. He walked over to Evie, throwing an arm around her.

And that's when I saw that Evie had a busted lip and a splint on her left hand.

I furrowed my eyebrows as they walked off. I quickly made my way back to Mom. Once I found her, I put the cans in the cart before walking alongside her.

Could Dean be abusing Evie?

I mean I wouldn't put it past him.

"Alrighty, we are done. Let's go to the cash register," Mom said, marking off the last thing on her list.

Mom paid for the groceries, and I helped her put them in the car. We drove home, and I quickly unloaded the groceries before heading upstairs to my room.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I shut my door behind me. I dialed Alec's number, and I was hoping he would answer.

"Hello?" Alec's voice asked.

"Alec, would Dean put his hands on a girl?" I asked him, sitting on my bed.

"No. Dean would never abuse a girl because his Dad would do it all the time to Dean's mother. Why do you ask?" Alec explained.

"I ran into them at the store, and Evie had a busted lip and a splint on her left hand," I replied, playing with the ends of my hair.

"It sounds like she fell," Alec reminded me.

I shook my head even though he couldn't see me. "No. Something is telling me that she is in trouble, Alec. And Dean is our next suspect. Maybe she wanted to come forward, and he hurt her."

"Maybe, but Campbell, we have no evidence that she is being abused," Alec argued, and I heard a door shut in the background.

"We could always go to her. She's probably scared, Alec. If we can get her to tell us the truth, we can find out if Dean killed Peyton."

"Alright, fine. If you think there is something going on, we'll go over to her house Saturday night. Dean will be at work," Alec said, giving in to the idea.

"Okay. I'm going to have to sneak out, though. I'm grounded until my birthday," I told him before adding,"My window will do the trick."

"Sounds good to me. I got to go. My next class is about to start."

"Bye," we said to each other before the phone call ended.

Now the question is whether or not I tell Brent what I am going to do.

We are just going to talk to Evie nothing else.

It's not like I'm putting myself in danger since Dean won't be there.

I hope.


Hey guys!


I love Lisa & Campbell's relationship.

Also shit is going to go down in the next couple chapters so be prepared.

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