Ch. 17 - Baby...

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AS SOON AS I SAW Nick pacing back and forth in the waiting room, my mouth opened.

"Where is she? Is she okay? Is the baby okay?" I asked him, barging into the waiting room.

A relief washed over his face when he saw me then he scowled.

"Where the hell have you been, Campbell?!" He asked me.

"I..." I tried to explain but he cut me off.

"You had all of us worried sick about you. We thought you ran away!" Nick continued to fuss.

"I didn't run away. I was upset and I still am. How could you guys not tell me that my father died?" I asked him, giving him a glare.

"We couldn't!" Nick exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air.

"What do you mean?"

"David gave us clear instructions to keep things on the positive side with you because he was scared you could go into a mental shock if we focused on the negative things. We were protecting you for crying out loud! And here you are throwing a hissy fit because we kept something from you!" Nick said, taking a step forward making me take a step back.

"I understand that, but yes, I'm throwing a hissy fit as you call it because my father is dead! And it turns out that I actually was on good terms with him and actually speaking to him! The last thing I remember about him is him going to flipping jail! So of course I'm going to throw a hissy fit!" I shot back, angrily.

"And now because of you, Mom is in the hospital!" Nick replied, making my eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"What?" I asked, quietly.

"Mom was so worried and stressed that something happened to you. Because of stress, she fainted! She fell when she fainted, and now we don't know if the baby is okay! For all we know is that she could be dead!" Nick said as his voice broke. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Nick..." I said before I engulfed him into a hug. I wrapped my short arms around his upper stomach.

He sobbed into my shoulder, and I rubbed his back. After a few minutes, we broke apart, and Nick wiped away the rest of his stray tears.

"Everything is going to be okay. Where are other boys?" I asked him as he sat down in the chair.

"They went out looking for you. I stayed at home with Mom, and I went into the kitchen to grab her some water when I heard her fall. They should be here soon," Nick explained before taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry about all of this. I shouldn't have ran off with Alec," I apologized, sitting in the chair next to him.

His eyebrows furrowed together,"You were with Alec? Like as in Alec Daniels?"

I nodded,"Yeah. Why?"

"Campbell, you need to stay far away from him. He is just friends with you to get back at Brent and I," Nick warned me with a serious face.

"What happened between you guys?" I asked him, bringing my knees up to my chest.

"It happened in middle school. Alec was going to school with us, and we were friends; best friends actually. Then football season came around and there was limited spaces on the middle school team.

Brent and Alec were both trying out for the quarterback position, and Brent got it. Alec threw a hissy fit saying the only reason Brent got that spot was because his parents paid the coach off which wasn't true. Alec moved schools, and every since then everything to him is a game.

You are a pawn in his game, Campbell. He thinks if he can win you over he can finally beat Brent in something," Nick explained, running hand through his hair.

Am I really a pawn in Alec's game?

"So, Alec and Brent are enemies because Brent got the quarterback position in middle school?"

"Well, it's more than that. Every game we play against them, Alec tries to get Brent kicked off the team or at least benched. Like the last time we played them, Alec badmouthed yo–..." Nick said before his eyes looked past me.

I looked over to my left to see the rest of my brothers coming through the hospital doors.

"How are they?" Gaberial asked us, worriedly.

"We don't know. We haven't heard anything," I replied.

"Where have you been, Campbell? We were worried-..." Micheal started, but I cut him off.

"I know. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I wasn't thinking straight," I apologized to them.

"We forgive you, Cam. Just don't scare us like that again," Gavin told me, and I nodded.

"I promise I won't," I promised them as a doctor walked into the waiting room.

"Lisa Cade family?" She asked, looking at all of us.

We nodded and Nick asked,"Is she alright? Is the baby okay?"

The doctor smiled,"Yes. Lisa fainted because her blood pressure was through the roof. The baby was not hurt at all during the fell. She will be out shortly," the doctor informed us, making all of us take a breath of relief.

"Thank you," Gavin thanked her.

She left us, and the twins and Micheal sat down in the other chairs clearly exhausted. I found myself staring at the wall in front of me as another memory resurface.

"Campbell! Come on! The fair is open!" Micheal yelled, jumping on top of my bed.

"Five more minutes," I groaned, throwing a pillow over my head. I heard him sigh in annoyance, and I smiled.

"You have to get up so we can go. Brent will be here soon," Micheal said, making me shoot straight up.

Micheal laughed at me and said,"Haha. Knew it will get you up."

I narrowed my eyes at him before playfully hitting him with a pillow. He grabbed a pillow, too, and before we knew it, we were having a pillow fight.

"Micheal, did you get Campbell up?" Gavin asked, walking into my room.

When he saw what was going on, he grabbed a pillow and joined us. Before long Gaberial and Nick joined, and we were all laughing.

"I don't want to ruin your fun, but it's 10:00," Ross said, standing at my doorway.

"Crap, I got to take a shower," I mutter, making the boys groan.

"Don't leave. We have to finish this. We can't let Nick and Micheal win," the twins said as I walked to my bathroom.

"I have to. Plus it's a tie," I said before shutting the door and locking it. I heard their protests, and I snickered to myself.

I started laughing as the memory replayed in my head. The boys all gave me a weird glance.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked me, putting his phone in his lap.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just had a memory of us having a pillow fight on my bed," I answered, smiling at the warm memory.

Nick grinned,"I remember that. The twins were sore losers."

The twins gasped dramatically and both said,"No we were not!"

"Yes, you guys are," Micheal argued with a grin of his own.

"Technically, it was a tie. There is no winning in a pillow fight," I pointed out, making them all look at me with horror.

"It's a pillow fight. Of course there is going to be a winning team," Gavin responded, making the boys nod in agreement.

Before we could get any more into the argument, Nick's phone rang. He grabbed from his pocket, and I saw it was Elliot trying to FaceTime him. Nick answered it, and within a few seconds, Elliot's face appeared on the screen.

"How's Mom doing? Did you guys find Campbell? Is the baby alright?" Elliott asked, worriedly.

"Of course, yes, and yes," Nick answered before yawning.

Elliot smiled,"That's great news. I was so worried. I hate being away from home."

Nick gasped,"Does that mean you actually love us?!"

Elliot chuckled,"Of course, I love you dorks."

"Did you guys hear that? Elliot loves us!" Nick declared to the boys who all laughed.

"Don't forget he called you guys dorks," I commented.

"That includes you, too, Cam," Elliot said, gaining my attention.

"I am not a dork," I protested, shaking my head.

"You kinda are. We are all dorks," Elliot replied, walking into a room.

"I can't wait for you to get here. I want to show you my new status on Halo," Micheal told Elliot.

"Only a few more days. I'll be there when you wake up Tuesday morning."

Ross walked into the waiting room with Lisa who was in a wheelchair.

"Hey, Elliot, Mom just came into the room, but I'll call you later. Love ya," Nick said before the phone call ended. We all rushed over to Lisa, and she gave us a tired smile.

"My babies. I'm okay, and baby Amber is okay," Lisa said, rubbing her stomach.

But it was the name that made all of us look at each other then her.

As far as I knew, Lisa and Ross haven't declared the name of the baby yet. Heck, Nick was trying to convince them to name her  Bluebell after the ice cream!

"Amber?" Gaberial asked, making Lisa and Ross' eyes widen.

"Shoot, we weren't planning on tell everybody until she's born," Ross informed us with a tight smile.

"Too late now. Yes, her name is going to be Amber Claire Cade," Lisa announced with jazz hands.

We all smiled, and I said,"That's a gorgeous name."

"And don't think for a second missy you aren't in trouble. Running off and not telling us where you are is not acceptable. You will be grounded until Friday," Lisa told me, making me nod in agreement.

"I'm sorry," I apologized to them.

"Don't do it again. Now, if you want answers to all of your questions then come ask us," Ross informed me with a tired look on his face.

"I will."

"Good. Now let's get home. I want some ice cream!" Lisa exclaimed with a bright smile.

"And you guys say Bluebell isn't a great name," Nick said, shaking his head.

"For the last time, we are not naming Amber after ice cream!" Micheal exclaimed as we walked out of the hospital.

Nick is right. Well not about naming Amber after ice cream, but about them protecting me. They love me, and they undoubtedly already had enough scares with me.

I need to start being more understanding.

And speaking of which I forgot I had a date with Brent tonight!

He's going to be so mad!

I'll just have to make it up to him.


Hey guys! So tomorrow I start my snow-cone job again! It closed due to winter, but now it's getting hot outside so we are opening back up Friday!

Thoughts on this chapter??

Do you guys like the baby's name???

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