Ch. 1 - Car Crash Aftermath

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I WOKE UP TO THE SOUND OF SIRENS in the distance. I groaned as I cracked my eyes opened. The car was laying on Campbell's side, and glass was littered everywhere. The airbags were deployed, and blood was everywhere.


I looked to my right to see Campbell unconscious with blood dripping from her head. She was barely breathing.

No. No. No.

"Campbell, baby, wake up!" I exclaimed as I checked her pulse. It was there, but it was faint.

I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt, but it was locked. I yelled in frustration as sirens grew louder.

"You're going to be okay. She's going to be okay," I said over and over and I tried to get out of my seat.

My vision started to go in and out, and I fought the urge of trying to sleep. But my body was weak and hurt, so it protested me. Everything became numb, and my eyelids became heavy.

Within a few seconds, blackness overtook me.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

What the hell was that annoying noise? I thought I turned my alarms off. I opened my eyes, ready to turn of my alarm clock when I saw my parents standing over me.

"Oh, thank God, you're okay! We were so scared," Mom said before kissing me on the forehead.

"Where am I? What happened?" I groaned as my body ache.

"You are at the hospital. You were in a car accident," Dad replied, holding my hand. My eyes widen as I looked around to see machines. I saw darkness out the windows so it still must be nighttime.

"Ross said you have two bruised ribs, a sprained wrist, and six stitches on your forehead. You're basically okay, but your car, on the other hand, is destroyed," Mom informed me, shaking her head at the last part.

"Where's Campbell?" I asked, suddenly, remembering she was in the car with me.

Mom kept her eyes trained on her hands as Dad had a concern look on his face. She can't be died. She had a pulse when I checked it. It was faint, but it was there.

"Where is she?" I asked once more, getting more terrified as the thoughts of her dead flashed in my mind.

"When the truck hit your side, it made you guys spin. Then another truck coming from the other way hit you guys once more, but this time it was on Campbell's side. It flipped you guys, and it landed on Campbell's side of the vehicle," Mom explained, making me shake my head.

"I don't understand," I said, trying my best not to get upset.

"Campbell's injuries were far more serious than yours. Not only did another truck hit her side, but the car flipped onto her side. Now the only thing that saved you was that the truck hit the end of your side, not your door. When they brought her in, she had blood all over her, and she coded," Dad sad as Mom sniffled.

I shook my head,"No. No. She's not dead."

"That's the thing, son. We don't know. We were pushed out of the room where you two were. She's in surgery right now, so I'm guessing they got a pulse. They found a large brain bleed, and that's what they are doing now. I'm not going to lie to you, it's a really high and risky surgery. David Perry is doing it since Ross can't," Dad finished, calmly.

A tear rolled down my face. "This is all my fault. I should I have looked before going."

Mom wiped away my tear,"Oh, sweetie, it wasn't your fault. The person driving the truck said he was going eighty, and you had a green light. None of this is your fault. Do you hear me?"

I,slowly, nodded,"I can't live without her, Mom."

She licked her lips,"I know."

There was a knock at the door, and Nick stepped into the room. You could tell he has been crying because around his eyes were a light pink.

He took a deep breath of relief,"I'm so glad you're awake."

He walked over to me, and he gently hugged me. I hugged him back, and I saw Mom and Dad quietly leave the room.

"Any news on Campbell?" I asked him as he sat down in the chair beside my bed.

He shook his head,"No. Everybody is in the waiting room even Elliot. He told his professors that he had a family emergency, and he had to leave. They are letting him do his class work online."

"I just got her back," I mumbled, softly.

Nick tapped his finger on the arm of the chair. "She's going to be okay. David has her, and I know he can fix it. It's the waiting that's so dreadful."

"We were having a great night. I took her to dinner then to the ice ring. Everything was amazing. Then this had to happen," I said, frustrated. Campbell has been through so much. She doesn't deserve this.

"Well, that's how most accidents happen. They are unexpected," Nick said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"How long has she been surgery?"

He shrugged,"About two hours."

Elliot burst through the door, out of breath. Nick and I quickly focused our attention on Elliot who had his eyes widen.

"Campbell...she's out of surgery," Elliot said, taking in deep breaths.

"Let's go see her," I said, throwing the thin blanket off of me.

Nick shook his head,"Nope. You are grounded to this bed until the doctor releases you."

My mouth dropped,"Nick, please. I just need to see if she's alright."

"Brent, I'm doing this because I love you. Plus she's going to be asleep for a little bit. We will come back in here when she wakes up," Nick said, standing up from his chair.

I sighed, annoyed,"Fine, but the second you guys know she will wake up, come get me or else I will be making my way there myself."

They nodded before leaving me in the room by myself. I laid back, and I tried to relax, but it was difficult since I know she's out of surgery.

"Breny!" Vanessa's voice exclaimed as she opened the door.

I cracked a smile as she climbed onto my bed. Xavier followed behind her, shutting the door behind him.

"Nessa, easy," Xavier warned as she hugged me.

"It's fine," I told him as Vanessa let me go.

"I made you a get well card! It has a bunch of glitter, look!" She exclaimed, showing me a handmade card.

"It's so pretty," I told her as I opened it. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. Do you know if Campbell is awake? I have a card for her too," Vanessa asked me, making my smile faltered.

"She still sleeping," Xavier told her, making eye contact with me.

"Man, she is like Sleeping Beauty! She has been sleeping for hours!" Vanessa exclaimed with a pout.

"Nessa, why don't you go get Brent some candy out of the vending machine? Mom can help you," Xavier asked her, handing her a five dollar bill.

She took the money, eagerly, and she turned to me. "What kind of candy would you like?"

"Skittles," I replied as she got off the bed.

"Gotcha you," she said before leaving the room.

Xavier sat in the chair, clearing his throat. "How do you feel?"

"Like physically or mentally?" I asked him, laying against my pillows.


"My arm hurts. I feel like crap for what happened," I said, truthfully.

"Don't beat yourself up with what happened. It could happen to anybody. Car accidents happen everyday," Xavier replied, kicking his feet up on my bed.

I stayed silent, and he sighed,"I know it may not be the right time, but I have some news that is going to cheer you up."

"What?" I asked him, curiously.

"I'm going to ask Riley to move in with me," Xavier said with a small smile.

Riley and Xavier have been dating for ten months now. In January, Xavier got a job and moved into his own apartment. It's small, but it made it look awesome. I have only met Riley twice, but she's a nice girl.

"That's great, man," I told him with a smile.

"Thank you. I'm asking her in a few days," Xavier said, playing with his fingers.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Xavier asked me after a few minutes of silence.

"Sure," I said as he grabbed the remote.

Vanessa brought me my candy, and she laid on my good arm, watching the movie with us.

One hour into the movie, Vanessa fell asleep and Xavier was almost asleep. I was the only one wide awake. I can't stop worrying about Campbell.

Then the door opened revealing Nick with a wheelchair.

"Brent, she's stirring," Nick informed me with a smile.

"I'll take Nessa," Xavier said before groaning.

I nodded, and I threw the blanket off of me. When I tried to stand up, my ribs ached. I took a deep breath as Nick brought the wheelchair over to me. I slowly sat down, and he rolled me out of the room.

The hospital was quiet, and the only people in the halls were nurses and doctors. Nick took me inside an elevator, and he pressed level nine as the doors shut.

I couldn't wait to see her. I'm going to stay by her side the whole time we are in the hospital.

The elevator doors opened, and Nick pushed me down a hallway. He turned into a room where all of the Cades were either sitting or standing.

Then laying in the bed was Campbell. She had bruises on her face, and she a bandaged wrapped around her head. Her chest was rising, and I felt relived that she was okay.

"It's good to see you awake, Brent," Lisa said as she noticed me in the room.

"I'm sorry about all of this," I told her.

She shook her head,"Don't dare feel guilty about this Brent Mason. This wasn't your fault. It was an accident."

I nodded as Nick pushed me close to the bed. I gently grabbed Campbell's hand, and I made small circles with my thumb.

Ten minutes later, her eyelids slowly opened. Her blue eyes were exhausted, but I was so happy to see them again. I gave her a squeeze of reassuring. She looked at me with confusion in her face.

"Hi, princess," I said with a small smile which she didn't return.

"Where am I?" She asked with a groan.

"The hospital. You had a car accident," Ross answered, standing beside her.

Her eyes widen in complete fear, and she shook her head. "Oh no, I c-can't be in the hospital. He's going to k-kill me."

My eyebrows furrowed together,"Campbell, what are you talking about?"

"My foster father. He's not a big fan of hospitals. I have to go," she said, trying to get out of the bed.

Why is she thinking about Malcom?

"Campbell, Malcom is in prison. He has been for a while now," Micheal said, stepping forward with a worried look on his face.

She shook her head,"Look, thank you guys for checking on me, but I have to go. We can work out the accident details later."

She tried to get up, but I went to push her back lightly when she flinched. Everybody stopped breathing at that point.

"Campbell, do you know who we are?" I asked her, terrified of the answer.

She shrugged,"The people who hit me."

I looked at all of the Cades' faces, and their colored drained form their faces. I even felt myself stunned by her answer.

Do know the saying, when one door closes another opens? Well here is my version; when one problem is solved, another is starting.

And this is a big problem...


Hey guys! I'm so excited to start this book!

Thoughts on the first chapter???

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