Bonus Chapter #2

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"CALM DOWN IN THERE," I said, rubbing my huge tummy.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Brent asked, worriedly, coming out of the kitchen in our house.

Brent built me a house last year in our hometown, Midville WV just like he promised me when we were teenagers. It's big and is my dream house.

"I'm okay. The twins are just moving like crazy," I replied, calming him down.

We are having twins; one boy, one girl.

When I found out that I was pregnant, I was extremely happy. I surprised Brent with breakfast the next morning. I told him that I got a new shirt for him, and he needed to look at it.

He did, not suspecting anything. In the gift bag was a baby onesie, and when he pulled it out of the bag, he was so confused.

Then it dawned on him that we were having a baby. He was more excited than I was if that was even possible.

When we found out we were having twins, Brent fainted. Not because of fear, but because of shock.

And that's how I ended up here on my lovely couch watching movies.

"Does that mean something? Do I need to call Dr. Berry?" Brent asked, sitting next to me on the couch.

I'm nine months pregnant, and if I blink the wrong way, Brent will come running in like I was dying.

I love him, but he overreacts over the littlest things.

I'm perfectly fine.

"No, Brent. They are just moving," I replied before taking a bite of my cookies and cream ice cream.

Brent ran a hand through his hair,"You sure?"

I nodded,"I promise. I'm fine."

"Okay. I'm going to go back to cooking," Brent replied before going back in the kitchen.

My phone started ringing, and I looked at it to see that Nick was calling me. I answered it, placing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked, digging into my ice cream.

"Hey, Cam, how are you?" Nick asked me as I took a bite of my ice cream.

"I'm doing okay. How are you?"

"I'm doing great other than the fact that Nichole's mood swings are about to kill me," Nick answered, honestly.

Nichole is also pregnant, but she is only for months along.

"Nicklaus! This stupid can won't open!" I heard Nichole yell in the background.

"See?" Nick asked, making me laugh.

Before I could answer, I felt a wave of a pain and a wet feeling between my legs.

"Oh no. No, no, no," I whispered, shaking my head.

"Cam, is everything okay?" Nick asked me.

I'm in labor.

I can't be in labor yet. The due date is two weeks away.

"Nick, my water just broke," I said, slowly.

"Oh shit!" Nick exclaimed.

"Brent!" I yelled before another wave of pain hit me.

Brent came running into the living room, and when he saw what was going on, his eyes widen.

"Brent!" I called out to him. "Hospital, Brent!"

His eyes blinked, and he quickly grabbed our hospital bag then he came back to me.

"We'll meet you at the hospital. I'll call everybody," Nick said before the phone ended.

I dropped my phone as Brent helped me up from the couch. We walked outside, and Brent locked the door behind us. He helped me over to the car, and he shut the door after I got in.

He threw his door opened, throwing the bag in the backseat. He started the engine, and he backed out of our driveway.

"Oh my gosh! We are going to have babies," Brent exclaimed, happily.

"Brent, I love you, but if you don't drive faster, I will kill you," I said before I groaned in pain.

"Got it," he replied before speeding up.

When we made it to the hospital, Brent yelled,"My wife is in labor! She needs a doctor!"

Nurses and doctors came all around us, and  they put me in a wheelchair. They rolled me to a room, and I changed into a hospital gown.

"Shit," I said, holding my stomach as another wave a pain hit.

Dr. Berry walked in the room, and he checked on me.

"Campbell, I got some good news," he said, looking at me and Brent. "You are going to have two beautiful babies here in he next hour."

My eyes widen,"What?"

"You are already ten meters dilated. We need to start pushing immediately," Dr. Berry said, nodding towards the few nurses in the room.

"I can't get an epidural?"

"By the time the epidural kicks in, the babies will born," Dr. Berry explained, making tears fill my eyes.

I'm not ready. I need more time. I'm not ready to become a mother.

"Baby, you need to calm down," Brent said, grabbing ahold of my hand.

I shook my head as tears slid down my cheeks,"I can't do it. I'm not ready. What if I'm a bad mother? What if they hate me?"

"Princess, they are not going to hurt you. You are going to be an awesome mom," Brent assured me, wiping away my tears.

"How do you know?"

"I see the way the you care for our nieces and nephews. You are going to be a freaking incredible parent. They are going to love you so much. I know that they are early, but we can do this. We have been through hell and back. We can take care of two little babies, I promise. I believe in us. I believe in you," Brent promised me, making me nod.

"Okay. Let's have our two babies," I replied, softly.

Brent nodded,"We are going to have our babies."

The nurses and the doctor got everything set up, and Dr. Berry said,"Alright. Campbell, I need you to push."

I gripped onto Brent's hand, and I started to push. I screamed in pain, and I fell back on the bed.

"That was good, Campbell. That was really good. I can see the head of the first baby. I need you to push again," Dr. Berry said as I took deep breaths.

I started pushing again, groaning in pain. But it was all worth it when I heard a baby cry. It was music to my ears.

"It's the boy," Dr. Berry said, handing the nurse my baby.

I smiled as tears slid down my cheeks. I looked at Brent to see him crying also.

"Okay. Campbell, we need to get the baby girl out. Can you push for me please?"

I nodded, and I started pushing once more. It was the worst pain in the world.

After ten minutes of pushing, another baby cry filled the room, and I laid back on the bed, exhausted.

Brent and I let the nurses and doctor clean them up before handing them to us. They laid our son on the left side of my chest and our daughter on my right.

I started sobbing. They were so beautiful. My babies.

"You did amazing, honey," Brent said before kissing my cheek. "They are beautiful."

Both have my nose, but they have Brent's lips. They both had some hair on them, and our sons eyes are a light blue while our daughters' was a dark blue.

"I'm your mommy," I said to them before saying,"This is your daddy. We love you two so much." Brent held their little fingers.

"Welcome to the world Ryan Chase and Kylie Jade Mason," Brent said, kissing their heads.

We are now parents of two beautiful babies.

I couldn't be happier.


Hey guys!


Brent and Campbell got their happy ending! Hooray!

I love the babies names! Also you will see them as teenagers in Saving Alexis which is the last spin off!

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