19. Valentine's day

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Pamela's POV

I tried to unlock my locker but then I realised it was already opened making me remember that Mackenna asked me to keep it open but take out my valuable items.

I frowned when tons of cars fell out of it, reminding me it was Valentine's day. I read about three and all of them which were wishing me Valentine's days and also informing me as the secret admirer. A particular one stated it loved me for my intelligence and that was kind of heart warming and smile worthy.

I gathered them all into my backpack and rearranged my locker. I shut the locker and gasped when I saw Nathaniel almost an arm's length away.

He held and bunch of red roses neatly wrapped and a box of chocolates and I assumed they were for Belinda. But, his face was emotionaless, as he walked towards me and gave me the items.

Did he just.. buy me a gift?!

"Don't feel too good about yourself. My mum told me to give these to you. They're from her." He said but nonetheless, I showed appreciation. I smiled a little because the roses were real and I saw his cheeks redden a little.

I blushed too and nodded my head.

"Thank you," I whispered and opened my locker to put in the chocolates since the roses couldn't fit. I made a mental note to stop by Mrs Demen's.

Nathaniel was still standing there and it seemed he was blocking my way.

"Um..any..anything else?" I asked looking anywhere but him.

"She also said you should escort me to the party." He said. I had no clue about any part or whatsoever and it was something I hadn't planned for.

Besides, Mrs Demen said I 'should' she didn't say I have to. And going somewhere with Nathaniel was going to be really awkward because I was sure Belinda too was going to be there.

No way!

"Um..I'm not coming to the party. Sorry." I murmured and passed his side to go to class. On my way I saw posters and flyers and a whole lot of red and white.

With the flower in my hand, I went to class sat and took out some cards from my bag to read. Some messages were just sweet and heartwarming and a few were obnoxious. I discarded the latter one and drew out my notebook too study.

I learned the roses next to my table and smiled again,

Students came in one my one and Mackenna too was among them. She slid next to me with a wide grin

"Has anyone asked you to the party?"

"What party?"

"The Valentine's party tonight." She sighed.

"I might not go.." I trailed off and she rolled her eyes and I giggled

"How many cards did you get?" I changed the topic.

"A lot but the one that mattered was from Angelo." She pouted,"To make it more sweeter, he gave me roses and a box of chocolates." She sighed,

"Nathaniel too..but he said it's from his mom." I said,

"Mom?" She asked. "What colour were they?"


"And he told you his mom gave it to you through him?" She asked.


"And you believe him?" She giggled.

"Yes.." I drawled a little.

"Pam, the dude is lying." She chuckled.

"What do you mean. He even told me not to feel too good about myself, since it's not something from him.." and she gently poked a side of my head,

"For someone with a 5.0 GPA, you could be really dumb. She smiled

"Hey!" I whined swatting her hand away. We didn't get to talk much because the teacher came in.


"He's a coward." Angela concluded when Mackenna tod her.

"I know right." Mackenna concluded.

"Guys, let's end this..it's just a gift." I begged.

"Fine then..I think you should find his house and thank his parents," she suggested.

"Good, Meanwhile..we have to get our outfits for the party."

"Yes yes, Pam you coming right?" Angela askee.

"No." I groaned.

"Please!" They begged.

"Ugh okay, but-" I paused and they all scoffed. "Only if I get a date."I said knowing perfectly well that no one was going to ask me out.

"Sure." Mackenna smirked

"I mean a genuine date, not someone you guy picked." I warned and they groaned aloud.

About ten minutes later, Aldrick walked over to our table with a single rose in his hand.

"Hey ladies."He greeted,

"Welll hello." Mackenna chirped.

"Hey Al." I murmed.

"What brings you here?" Angela asked.

"Well.." he slid next to me. "I wouldn't take much if your time..so Imma just go straight to the dot." He sighed looking at me.

"Pamela I was hoping if you could be my date this Valentine's party. Please don't reject me, I had been planning for months." He begged and Mackenna giggled.

Blush filled my cheeks and an unstoppable smile followed.

Without thinking over, I nodded.

"Sure." I grinned and he handed me a rose. He winked got up and left.

"Since when did you and him hit off?" Angela asked looking at Aldrick's retreating figure.

"Well, once in a while sometimes." I shrugged.

"Aww, cute." Mackenna concluded and stared at her with my lips in a thin line.

"What?" She muffled.


I cleared my locker of cards and locked it this time before I left the school premises to Nathaniel's house. When I slipped into my car to drive, it took me about thirty minutes beofeย  pulled up at the house.

Getting down from the car, I walked towards the door and clicked the doorbell. After a couple of rings, the door opened revealing Mrs Demen.

"Oh hey Pamela." She smiled brightly.

"Come in, come in." She opened the door widely. I thanksed her and went inside. She offered me a seat,

"Would you like water? Or a drink?" She asked.

"No no, I am fine. Thanks." I politely refused.

"Alright then," she smiled leaving the hall. She came back with a glass of water and I face palmed mentally.

She insisted I drank it and I thanked her once again while I gently chugged the water, realising how badly I needed it,

"Thought you were fine." She chuckled and I skiled shyly

"So..darling, what brings you here?" She asked.

"Right,." I mutered firmly holding the glass."Um this morning.." I started and she gave me a serious look while I interlocked my fingers around the glass.

"I was going through my locker when Nathaniel approached me with some roses and chocolates,ย  and he said they were from you. So I decided to stop by and say thanks a lot I really lo-"

"Me?" She laughed. "I don't recall that." She smiled. "Maybe Nathaniel was shy you know he has this rare shy side." She winked and my cheeks started flaming.

Nathaniel bought me a gift on Vals day? Weird..

"You know, I suggest you thank him personally." She nudged. "He's upstairs." She informed.

I chuckled nervously getting up,"Oh Mrs..I don't now is a good time because I'm running late...and I-"

"I totally understand." She nodded.

"But I will, in the near future," i promised,

"Oh sure," she chuckled,


The outfit was beautiful.

It consisted of a white blouse with a skirt which had sheer attachments. Along with it was a necklace, earrings and matching shoes. My hair too was in a neat Dutch braid and my lips were cherry red.

I looked different, in a likable way. I heard the screeches of tyres and I hurriedly cleared my vanity table and Eugene came into my room.

"You look like a stroke giver." He praised,

"What a preferable way to put it," I shook my head.

"By the way, your date has arrived." He informed.

"Tell me something I don't know."ย  I murmured.

"Be back my seven," he said calmly,

"Eugene, its 7.15." I showed him my lock screen.

"Then eight." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.


"9 o'clock"

"9.30." I pouted.


"9 and half thirty" I begged,

"Is that even real?!" He face pamled, "fine, 9.15." he sighed.

"Yes, thank you." I grinned. "I'll come back tomorrow!" I giggled quickly leaving.

Aldrick was waiting at my porch and when he saw me, his eyes widened.

"You look.. dazzling," he breathed.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Can I call you babe? Just for tonight? Please?" He begged nd my heart melted.

Imagine if this was Nathaniel!

I nodeed.

"Sweet." He grinned and held my hands in his before we both left to his car.


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