Love you madly all over again

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I thought it would be fitting to let the end of the story be told by Davis. In his voice, so without further delay, Here is the stories end..

I don't know what happened. I thought we were all dead. I knew I was dying. Andie too. The vampires, were vamps, and not supposed to die. At least that is what I thought, but I was wrong they did die, all of them, all of us, even Catarina. But not before she whispered in my ear. Find the rainbows end, go home Davis, bring Andie home. I dreamed of a rainbow coming, smashing the whole scene, making it dust. Setting us free. The noise was so loud, the ground shaking, lights flashing over my head. And then it was quiet.

Next thing I knew I was in Andies Apartment, watching Catarina give her the potion and all that money. They didn't see me, to them I was not there. I got up in their faces and yelled, but there was no reaction. I watched Andie shove the potion in her purse, I watched her hide the money. And it all made sense to me what I had to do. I didn't wait for her to call me, instead I changed the way things went that day. Knowing what to except for the walk home after the cafe, like that night it all started.

'I hope we don't get caught in that Sissy." Lightning flashed over us and again a rumble.

'Oh as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive. I got all my life to live, I got all my love to give, I'll survive. I will survive, Hey Hey!! I sang as we walked.

"Let's race! she said. Smiling, cutting me off from my song."

"No running, these boots are made for walking. And girl with your two left feet, you bound to take a nose dive into the first puddle you step into. No running."

"No fun." As she said those words, a man stepped out from the alley ahead of us.

"Oh great." He looks like a pleasant little fellow." I said..

"Just walk, ignore him and walk." She said.

Arm in arm we approached the man, he blocked us. She nudged me to the side to go around him. The man grabbed her arm as she walked by, she tried to pull away.

''Raymond, that's enough, don't be grabbin her like that.'' I yelled..

''What? Who are you? How do you know my name?'' He asked me.

''Well, lets just say I have seen this all before, you really gotta get yourself together man, this is no life for you! Trust me you are better than this. I know what I am talking about.''

''Davis, who is this guy, and let go buddy, you are hurting my arm.'' She said.

''OK, joker, who cares, I don't know you, give me the bag and I let you both go unharmed.'' Raymond said.

''Oh cut the crap Ray, you know you are not gonna hurt us, let her go and I will give you her bag.'' I said to him.

Now Andie was fumbling for her mace, I knew the potion was in there too, so I grabbed her bag before she could go and start spraying everybody.

''Davis, are you nuts? Don't give him my bag!'' She said as she started to chase me around, and he chased her, we ran around a bit, I was laughing so hard it slowed me down and she grabbed me and then he grabbed her. As they got all twisted up. I managed to dig out a paper bag from my fanny pak. And yes! I am laughing at the words Fanny pak, cracks me up, I cant help it!

''Stop, stop, stop, both of you. Ray, look here, see this bag? It is full of cash. You want it?'' I asked him, I opened it and showed him all the money inside. He stopped moving, Andie stopped moving too.

''Where did you get that money? That's Catarina's money! Give that to me!'' She said, half out of her mind, her nostrils flaring, her hands in every direction trying to take the bag from me.

''You want it, come and get it, here.'' I tossed it to her like a football along with her purse. With that Ray was on her, wrestling with her over the bag with the cash.

''Cat will be furious, how could you do this!" She yelled at me as she tried to keep the paperbag from Ray, but he ripped it and left her holding the torn ends.

''No she wont, she would want him to have it, he needs it! Believe me she would want him to have it!" I said. I stood back and waited for the right time to start yelling. It was then I spotted the vampire on the roof of the building across the street about a block down from us. Knowing he could move super fast. I waited for Ray to run, but he didn't, he stood there staring at us both.

''Thank you, I know why you are doing this for me, I think. I do know you, don't I?'' He asked.

''Nevermind that now, go away, run!'' I yelled at him. And he ran just like he did that night.

''Help I yelled, oh lord help us, please lord help us!'' Almost cracking myself up.

''What is wrong with you! Andie was furious, yelling at me, about to chase down Ray, but I grabbed her arm, keeping her with me.

Lucas was there in a snap, all fangs and attitude, coming to the rescue for a second time. But I stopped him from chasing Ray. And I stopped Andie from grabbing the potion. I almost let her mace Lucas for fun, but then he would stink up the apartment. So I took the purse away from her again.

''Hold up Lucas, don't be chasing my friends.'' I said to him.

''What? Who are you? How do you know me?" He asked.

''You forgot me already? Really? Aww now, I thought we bonded.'' I smiled to him as he backed away from me.

''Now, listen up, before you go and fall in love or something. I turned Andie away from him and held her head against my chest so he could'nt see her face.

''Davis I am gonna kill you, whats wrong with you today!'' She said all muffled from being face planted into my leather jacket.

''You, big bad vampire, that's right vampire. I know all about you.''

He looked at me completely confused. I was supposed to be afraid, but of course I wasn't.

''Listen Lucas, your brother Marcus is helping the queen Catarina cross over, to Heidorn, some shit about covens and all kinds of other vampire bullshit. You gotta get there before he comes back. Your sister is on his tail and will escape into this world, got it motherfucker!'' I said to him.

''Do I know you? You seem so familiar to me, and your foul language, how is it I know you? How is it you know about Heidorn?''He asked.

''Later man, when you get back, come by, you know where we are. I will be having a fashion show, and bring your brother Marcus too, but not tonight, someday.'' I smiled, maybe I would spray that asshole for fun.

''But before you go anywhere, you have to meet Andie. Lucas this is Andie.'' She was still pressed against my chest, I turned her around and fixed her hair as she yelled at me. My back to Lucas.

''What on earth is going on, who are these people? Are you and Cat playing a joke on me?''

''Be quiet sissy, let me fix your hair, it looked great after the salon today, but this light rain is messing it up. And no glasses, yeah you sexy now bitch, you are truly a beauty. Lets see if Love potion #8 was really necessary.

''What? How did you know?'' She was saying and then her eyes met Lucas's eyes. She was speechless and he was a wreck.

''My lady.'' He said all dazed and confused. Right there I knew, he was in love with her for real, love at first sight, no potion needed, my heart was at ease. She stared at him in awe, he was a handsome motherfucker. No potion, no nonsense, for real.

"Now don't just stand there, tell her your name, snap out of it man!'' I yelled at him.

''Of course, how rude of me. I am Lucas Barrington. I am a friend of Catraina's, she has asked me to watch over you, while she attends to her, her.'' He stuttered, still staring at her, mumbling now like a Fool.

''She got a kingdom to run, that's what he means.'' I jumped in.

''Kingdom to run, Catarina, Kingdoms,'' Andie was in full idiot mode like he was, just lost in each other.

''Do I know you? I feel as if my heart just sailed into the heavens at the sight of you.'' He said.

Now that was too sweet. I had to keep myself from tearing up at the sight of them falling in love again, but time was wasting and he had to move it if he was going to stop his sister, if she was there. I wasn't sure who knew what or who remembered. So far no one but me, but they were in Heidorn things could be different. So I got in between them.

''Later, come back after you take care of the shit that's going down. Hey man look at me!'' I had to yank him away from her.

''Yes, I am sorry I don't know what came over me, well I do know, but then again I am not sure. I will be back, I promise. I will be back.'' He said to her. All stupid and love struck.

''Get it together man! You cant be all wishy washy when it comes to Sloane!'' I yelled in his face.

This seemed to snap him out of it and he was back to angry vamp man at the mention of Sloanes name.

''Before you go, hold up. I pulled a nice long blonde haired wig from my jacket inseam. I had it in there waiting to give it to Lucas, with a card and a special message for a friend.

''This is very important! This is for Julian, and this is for Lighting the trader, make sure Julian knows this is a trade, he will do it. Give him the wig, even help him put it on if you have to and make damn sure he knows this card goes to the trader Lighting.'' I said as I handed them over to Lucas.

''Right, a wig and a card for the trader, got it.'' He turned to Andie again, started to turn to mush as he said Goodbye to her.

''My lady I shall see you soon." He said Taking her hand and kissing it.

''When?'' She asked.

''As soon as I return, I shall find you.'' He said, again with the goofy face and glazed over eyes.

''Bye Lucas! And use the door, no windows!" I shoved him hard off her and this time he moved, within a second he was gone.

''Who is he? Where did he go? Am I dreaming?'' She asked me.

''No sissy this aint a dream, he will be back, now lets move it, we gotta get dressed for the party.

We made it back to her apartment, I wasted no time, I lit some nice candles and dressed Andie in the sexy black gown we had gotten from the thrift shop, But I opted out, I set myself up nice and cozy in the spare bedroom, lying to her that I had a sudden headache, I locked Sam and Dean in there, turned on the tv then went back out and waited for the knock at the door.

I answered it and there he was all handsome, holding a bouquet of roses. The living walking fantasy, Lucas. The vampire knight and he was in love with my best friend. And I was in love with them and the story they didn't remember.

''Hello Lucas, are those for me?" I teased, as I grabbed the flowers away from him. Leaving him stifled. I knew the flowers were for Andie.

''Did you catch the bitch?'' I asked.

''Yes, it is done, she is now in the custody of the queen."

''Oh man that is a relief, you have no idea!'' I let out a huge sigh and hugged him.

''Come in, please.'' Andie said. She was standing behind me.

''You are simply stunning my lady.'' He said to her, and she was, I did her hair and makeup and she looked even more beautiful when she looked at Lucas. I nearly cried. I let them alone and went back to fake headache mode. I could hear them in the other room laughing together. This time there was no potion, no doubts, no sisters. No brothers, not yet, I was gonna have some fun with idiot Marcus, yeah this was how it should have been all along!

Sam and Dean and I watched TV. I was falling asleep, I knew Andie and Lucas were probably lip locked and she was safe with him. We were all safe now as long as Sloane was caught, that told me they didn't remember anything. And then I saw the pretty face, glaring at me. Hands on the window. It was Benjamin.

Was I dreaming? I looked at the clock and and saw it was almost four am. I got up I opened the door and it was quiet. I snuck into the living room, Andie was asleep on the couch. Lucas must have left since dawn was coming. I heard a noise at the window, so I walked over and looked and up on the roof of the other building, I saw him, crouched down and watching me. The man I never wanted to see again. Benjamin. Oh hell no! Now this shit gonna start all over again!

The motherfuckin end!!!

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