9. Get it, let it roll.

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Hey Sinners!

Well I'm a week late, but the song by my favorite boy band is a masterpiece. Check it out. ^^^^^

It's been more than a month since I didn't update. And I apologize for being irresponsible and unpunctual. I just had some important things going on in my personal life. 

So here's the chapter for y'all.


Ana's POV

Today was a strange day. Extremely. And trust me, I didn't expect it to be the way it was.

I don't know how to feel about the wholeass turn of the events in my life.

Until day before yesterday, my life was dull, but peaceful.

After he kissed me yesterday, I am flooded with these unfamiliar, bizarre feelings.

Even in the office today, I kept sulking and overthinking.

I have never been the one to brood or get distracted while working. Never.

Don't even get me started about what I felt after our little make-out mania in Andrew's office.

He asked me to head home and get ready for the dinner party.

I gotta focus on dinner party now.

No Andrew.

No overthinking.

No brooding.

No sulking.


My phone started ringing. Wow it's Andrew calling.

"Hello" my voice came out weird.

I cleared my throat. Ahem "Hello".



"I have to tell you something."

"Ok" I squeaked out.

"Umm....", I waited for him to continue, but he didn't.

He cleared his throat before speaking again.

"Nevermind we'll talk about this later."


"Also, Ana. I was thinking we could match. I am wearing black. You should too, if you are willing to match. Or do you wanna match some other color?"

"Black will do" i said with a little smile on my lips.

"Ok I'll see you."

"Well, I'll be heading to the party as soon as I get changed. Lisa wanted me to come there as soon as possible. At least one of us should be there since we are hosting it. The party starts in an hour."

"Ok sure. See you and the party"
And then he hung up.

Well time to get ready without getting distracted. We don't wanna disappoint Lisa, do we?

I walked into the closet to look for a dress to wear. I had a lot of black outfits. Yep I love black.

I decided to keep it simple since it's a family dinner party. I pull out a black dress. It consist of a black blouse and black slit skirt.

I think I looked fine. Yep this is it. I don't know why, but I'm nervous.

I am all ready. I just hope it goes well.


Skkskskskskssk. Next chapter hehe ;)

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